Do you believe in god? Why or why not?

Do you believe in god? Why or why not?
>I do not. There is no evidence to support a god or gods is controlling the universe.

What do you think death will be like? Oblivion? Your spirit floating up to cloud city or being tortured In hell?
>I think there will be nothing tbh. >Like what it was before I was born.

And if you are a Sup Forumseliever, have you had any personal supernatural/religious moments in your life you can't explain?

I've been dead. Twice. There's nothing on the otherside


you fool.

all religions, even your anti-religion stance can never be proven.

wanna know what can be proven? you are the "god" of your own life

scriptures of Jesus, Mohammad and even Buddha are nothing more than stories and a ideology that looks to influence society. whether it be spirituality, honor, or even what happens after death.

By following said scriptures you are more less just allowing yourself to submit to something you can neither prove nor disprove. The same applies to your concrete belief that there is no god, and your viewpoint is rather flawed as you seek the answer of what happens after death, in a rather negative fashion.

from all the scriptures i have read, from the bible, the koran, teachings of buddha, the writings of plato to aristotle I can only assume that I(we) are our own gods.

that voice between your head? that emotional reaction you feel whenever you do something good or bad? that's your god. YOU have the power to choose what you say and do. YOU have the power to choose how you die. YOU can put idea into matter therefore you can CREATE

>protip: when you die your brain releases DMT to make you see "Heaven/Hell"

it all depends on your subconscious buddy.

keep it happy


No because god doesn't exist

Death better be absolute nothing.

I crave silence.

Me too, man. I'm pretty certain we'll get what we want.

Let's hope so.

I used to be so god damn afraid of death. Lost sleep over it, got used to it eating away at me.

Then one day I woke up and came to realize that nothing I do will change the outcome of my life. The end is inevitable.

Therefor, I enjoy what life I have.

It is taxing, though. Day to day activities seem trivial and I just want to hit that eternal slumber.

I don't believe in a god that exists in a modern religion, if that counts. I only start to consider the existence of a god after thinking about the infinite of space, and origin of all matter, because there must be some starting point, right?

The existence of a game this good is proof enough for me.

I believe in some form of God or a higher power existing.
Despite all that modern advancements have taught us there's still too much weird stuff in the world that goes on unexplained.

It's a comforting idea too, I feel that having a healthy sense of spirituality can help with keeping yourself balanced.

Do you believe in god? Why or why not?
>Yes I do, mainly because I see too much intent in actions that occur in the world, i.e. to me many things seem planned and are not just a coincidence or a sequence of life. To me, justice seems to prevail most of the time and there are too may anecdotal and actual (historical records of Romans that do say there was a Jesus, All three of the main monotheistic religions have the name Jesus in it) pieces of evidence to deny the existence of one.

What do you think death will be like? Oblivion? Your spirit floating up to cloud city or being tortured In hell?
>I think there will be heaven and hell, I just don't know to the extent the bible is seen as a judge. For example, many gay people are great individuals who promote the basic tenets of the bible (good samartin, do the right thing, etc) but according to the bible because they are gay they will be in hell. TLDR: heaven and hell do exist, but the people in it may be different from what we thought/

And if you are a Sup Forumseliever, have you had any personal supernatural/religious moments in your life you can't explain?
>none really besides odd coincidences, prayers being answered in different ways (i.e my original prayer would have led me in the wrong direction, or something bad creating something good), and karma related events. I used to have this weird feeling when I prayed and it worked out, like this burning feeling inside and the feeling of myself lifting. Kinda like holding my breath and my body wanting to breathe, but now its not so much maybe because I have been sinning more and have not repented

I've heard it put this way.

If God is real, and you believe in God, how does that hurt you or anyone else. When you die you , you go to heaven and spend eternity with all those you love.

But if you don't, and God is real, you risk so much. Who would want to spend the rest of eternity in agony. All because of "religion is stupid" attitude.

Most Christians would argue that you would still go to hell for that mindset because you're just believing in God because why not. You're seeing him as a plan B or whatever. You have complete faith that he's real right? If you say no to that, you'd go to hell. (from a Christian Baptist perspective)

you can force someone to believe something, user

for all we know jesus may have been a real person, but instead of "virgin mary" it was a cheating wife claiming that it was a sign of god

jesus may have been crazy, hearing voices in his head

maybe our idea of a god doesnt exist, and instead god created the infinite universe and the concept of evolution and that was it

maybe there is no god, and everything can be explained, but we know so little that we cant explain it

people are unique, beliefs are unique, and those who try to control people and beliefs are dictators

that first line meant to say "can't" instead of can, sorry

dunno if there is or isn't a god. but i do know that i have complete control of my life. i believe in myself. i trust myself. i'd rather focus on myself more than some god that i have never seen and my not even be there.

>Be me
>Grow up Christian
>Fuck that noise
>Still believe in God
>Zoroastrianism seems pretty cool
>They don't accept converts
>Remain without religion

Maybe you didn't see anything, because you were never meant to stay dead.

The universe is fine-tuned in that it the forces are delicately balanced within one another to produce a working order that creates life. If the values are altered too much then you do not have a universe capable of supporting life. The universes that support life are always a fulfillment of the same pattern, relative to one another.
To make an inference from this curious data, we must form a rational analysis in the form of a comprehensive inductive argument.

First we must assign an abritrary value as an integer with which to measure our calculation. We can select 10x10^(-60) power of gravity, as it is what we run into in the evidence.
There could be an infinite variance of the values. First we alter one of the values one at a time while keeping the remaining values the same, moving incrementally towards infinity. Next, we try to produce a working order by increasing the values towards infinity at the same time, and we find that the forces actually do not sustain life if we continue to increase them even if they are relative to one another. There are infinitely many potential universes which are incapable of supporting life, while only a finite amount actually do.

But is an infinite range of values physically possible? (Do remember that the universe began as a singularity of infinite density and heat.)
It depends on how you define the idea of existence. If existence is merely the order of substance then a logical existence is a possible existence. Substance could take any form we can conceive of as long as it is logical. If you consider the actuality of substance, as to what truly exists, then sure some other universe is not real. If you measure existence as possessing malleability(it is the form underlying transient forms), which it does as far as we can comprehend, then anything is possible. If you define substance as being limited by a mechanism, then Reality is not the underlying absolute order(when in fact it is.) By being able to change the abstract order of substance, you could rewrite the laws of existence and could be creating existence out of nothing which is impossible.

Ultimately, even if you don't follow my line of reasoning exactly, you must admit that God is existentially possible, and therefore so are universes with different values. What we are discussing is the actually imprint of the laws of nature upon Reality. Perhaps, they would "break down" (or behave differently from what we would expect) if they were altered.
What if the laws of physics can not be altered without breaking down? If the laws of physics broke down at the slightest of alterations, then this would further support the intelligent design case, as the universe is internally designed for life.
What if the laws of physics break down at a further range? Even if we used the strong force as the limit for the strength of the forces, we would find that out of the illuminated values, only a minute fraction would support life in comparison to those that do not.

There is pattern recognition. The fine-tuning of the universe appears rational. There is a purpose behind everything. There are no unnecessary parts. There are by-products, like lifeless planets, but that's just because they are part of a greater system. The universe is teeming with potential life. There are 3 billion out of 100 billion planets with life in our galaxy alone. If we consider this cosmological process the most efficient for producing life, then we should expect the most amount of mass possible before gravity overtakes it. This is exactly what we find, a flat universe. There is also just the right amount of energy, as the Big Bang began in a low entropy state, one which would most likely engender order.
One begins to notice that a pattern emerges, one which confers not only intelligence, but perfect intelligence.

read this even if you do not believe in God

I don't believe in any god but I think people used to believe in gods because they explained natural forces light wind and lightning before science figured it out.

Do you believe in god? Why or why not?
>If there was a God, then which God would it be?
>All the religions have so far given the same amount of evidence for their God, so logically I can't choose one.
>Also there is no reason to believe that there is a God. So ... I don't have a use for that hypothesis.

What do you think death will be like? Oblivion? Your spirit floating up to cloud city or being tortured In hell?
>The neurons stop firing. The material stuff that used to create my "me" stops working. I cease.

>What do you think death will be like? Oblivion? Your spirit floating up to cloud city or being tortured In hell?
yknow when you sleep, but dont remember dreaming, so the last thing you remember is going to bed? imagine that, but never waking up

Two things you need to look up.
"god of the gaps" and "argument from ignorance"

Just because you personally like a particular explanation of something, it has absolutely no bearing on whether of not it's actually true. You can believe what you want, but if you want me to believe it too, you'll have to do a lot better than that.

Claiming my argument is a God of the Gaps argument is a false equivalency.
What if there was a God? What is the rationale behind the argument? Just because people were wrong in the past does not make all future arguments incorrect by default.

My arguments are not true due to virtue of being disproven by science, but by appear to be true due to the strength of the inductive and abductive reasoning process.