What the fuck is this hairstyle??? I've been up for hours scouring the internet, and I've found nothing. Help pls

What the fuck is this hairstyle??? I've been up for hours scouring the internet, and I've found nothing. Help pls

monk manchu

I captured Sanjer that fucker

Sanjar Khan is such a little bitch, he's my nemesis.

And it's kind of like a cossack cut.


That better be floris you fucker

idk but its stylish. if only my bread connected to my mustache. [the struggle of not being able to grow a goatee.] can't even live up to my redneck roots.

It's a video game. Shut the fuck up, fucking nerd.

Dude I just wanna know the haircut name, because unless proven wrong I'm 99% certain it doesn't exist

It's a video game. Wondering if it exists makes you a splerg Lord of the highest caliber you fucking jizz sucking nerd.

Ok dad :(

Don't know but bump for the high quality of the game choosen to make this pointless thread.

it's called the "sanjar khan" haircut because nobody else has ever worn it

>bread connected to my mustache
Jesus Christ why did I imagine a loaf of bread fusing with your stache, and why am I laughing so hard

Funny, I was just playing warband.

If you are still in your 20s don't worry, I couldn't grow a full beard until my late 20s

banner lord 2017. Lets hope it has that easy tweak system, or just gets rid of cattle missions 100%

also that hair cut is made up, but based on that Ukrainian topknot that is square and long.

hard to see, but it is square.

ect ect.

A skullet with bangs bruh look up skullet

>It's called the forehead stache also colloquially referred to as the "bitches will think I'm not bald if I am wearing a hat" look