Pls help out a poorfag

Pls help out a poorfag...

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I had sent you a copy of Conan Exiles. Check out your inventory.

When i was 10 my dad left the country and doesnt pay child support, my mom works 5 hours a day and keeps all the money to herself, i only get 20 dollars about a month from my uncle who is an asshole and only does it to look like he is rich. i have no friends and no one loves me.
here you go, buddy


? i don t see anything

lol im only 12


pls halp me

I have sent out another copy, just in case. Also, many games are banned in Cuba, so do not expect so much, amigo.

Sent you CSGO and a trade offer for a Karambit Night. Enjoy friend :)

I can send you a couple of humble bundle codes if you tell your email

I will send you $1000. I just need your Credit Card details.

Am i being trolled or is my steam just retarded? cuz im xtreamly happy this is happening but my steam says nothing

I could send you some physical copies if you tell your street address

[email protected]

cant get mail stuff cuz my mom will either sell it or destroy it and me if i claim it :(

sent you karambit DL :)

sent ;)

I could donate some dank ass pepes, if you want...

Op, how long have you had the account without any games? answer and I'll send ya a game :)

for as long as ive had the steam, just 9 months

you made your account in August of 2016?

nice user

well tecnically my old acount was 6 months old but i made a new one cuz my mom knows the old one and shell ask me where i got a game and ill say a stranger and shell get mad

yea, bullshit. just as i thought. Kill yourself you underage b8 and get a job.

tell me your old account and I'll send you a game.


lol u got niggered

tell me your computer spec

Why would use a disposable email account?
Did you not wanna use a real email in-case we found out about your bullshit lie?

trash computer thats wat

lul dicked

Tell me your old steam account name. Only then will I give you a game of your choice.

This is your only chance.


pending for my ddos lelelelelelelelellelelelelelel thanks ;)

little do you know this isnt my pooter exs de

Start with some free games you beggar

fuck u i dont want free games


>I dont want free games
>asks for free games from anons