What do couples do when they don't have sex?

What do couples do when they don't have sex?

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Play board games, drink wine, smoke cigarettes and talk, go on roadtrips, do random shit like throwing eggs at pedestrians while being in a car, binge netflix, work, etc but this is just us

Get married

>Throwing eggs at pedestrians
You're aware that's assault right? Better hope someone doesn't catch your plate

Play shitty MMORPGs together because the one good one we used to play is a shell of the game it used to be.

Inevitably quit because modern MMOs are no skill garbage without any character investment

>throwing an egg

Your entire generation should've been aborted


Are you gay ?


>Implying drinking wine is gay

>implying wine's gay
>trying to pretend not being gay while drinking sparkling horsepiss



Curious... what game are you talking about?

My girlfriend usually draws or watches her Netflix. I'm usually on the console playing something.

these fags dont understand what implying means
probably because they drink wine

Sounds like someone has never been pelted with eggs before

Argue and just fall asleep next to each other.

In my experience anyway.

Butt stuff. Op is fag as usual.

Don't know if you're trolling, but had someone try and pull the egg pelting shit while I was out for a run. Not only did they miss, they really didn't expect me to catch up with them when they hit a red light about a third of a mile away.

Fucking hell I've never heard such a snivelly apology. They handed me £20 "for damages" and I laughed my ass off.

I feel you bro

Are you two us? She is arting in the other room and I'm here on my PS4.

They were stupid enough not doing it on a broadway without red lights or during the night when they always blink yellow. Sometimes we miss, but most of the time they're so close that it's hard to miss

Argue, then argue some more, then more sex. Anyone have different experience?

UK fag, we don't get the yellow blinking lights.

But yeah, they were a fraction more retarded than you. They did it in broad daylight in the middle of the city, next to a police station. Although our police do fuck all about anything.

They stop being couples.


talk about shit
go eat
date sometimes
share time and shit

we exchange memes

They start with sexy and adventurous shit and then they get boring and end up going to movies and dinner for every date, until one of them gets resentful and waits for a big argument to air their dirty laundry. That's when all of the shit starts flying, so instead of talking through shit or having ended the relationship years ago they waited or said nothing cause one or the other was afraid they would never find love again, or some shit like that.

My best friend started dating my other best friend. They started out all lovey-dovey, fucking every other day, going out and doing shit together, and enjoying each other's company. Lol they also started ignoring all their mutual and separate friends, and it got to the point where he got commanding and controlling and started forcing her to let go of her friends, including me. I just laughed and told them both, "enjoy your shared misery, cause that's where you're both headed if you don't fix your broken, shattered windshield of a relationship."

Long story short, he ended up being a mentally abusive prick, and she still wanted to patch things up.

So, what do couples do when they don't have sex? They get boring and stale and most don't know how to fix this.

lots of eating kek and they get fat together then just lose interest and argue

>throwing eggs at people
I think you're the bigger degenerate though.

>still drink deer piss to call themselves manly

Anyone who chooses to drink that piss beer is retarded.

It's all about weed beer

They throw eggs at you because you're the type of Nancy to call it assault, you idiot. They never threw them at me because they knew I would've actually done something instead of running home to my mom and having her call the cops.

Me and my brothers used to have egg fights just about every Halloween. My oldest brother had a 90mph fast ball and his still only stung

>I didn't say I throw eggs at people.

At least this degenerate has a basic grasp of reading comprehension. But hey, at least you don't throw eggs.

I completely agree with you, however Belgian ones can be ridiculously good
pic related

My wife and I are best friends so we talk, go for walks, go out to eat, movies, shows and concerts. we exercise together. deal with the kids together. Basically we pretty much just hang out together all the time because we like being together. Sex is just another great perk of our relationship.


You mean when not having sex? Mostly fight and watch tv

>throwing eggs at pedestrians
autism is that you


Special beers and IPA's can be tasty so now and then, other beer i'd just consider giant filling calorie bombs with low effect and low taste.

Wine can be horrible too but that varies.
I always pick up Alpaca wine Carmenere. It's pretty good.

Belgian beers ftw.

pick fights
much like Sup Forums they argue about anything
I once had an argument that lasted three hours because i had hung the garden hose over the rail rather than putting it in the garage right away

Depends on the couple. Wife and I like to:
>Eat out at cafes
>Go 4WDing
>Play vidya
>Watch movies
among other things

Can confirm. She'll complain about never seeing him even though he's at her place 6 nights a week and then piss and moan about being bored or hungry with no actual input as to how she wants to remedy either of those things.

I had a fight once that lasted three days because I wouldn't apologize in real life for something I did in a dream she had one night.

my gf and i:

play games,
drink with friends, go see movie, just read and chill on couch, go shopping, go to spa, take hikes


girl watch tv. her dramad. i play video games do shit online.
go out to movies. roadtrips. dates. go to the store. talk, cuddle. clean the apartment. do shore. Go to school,work.

They talk to each other, share their lives.

You picked the wrong women

get in arguments

They might've actually found their perfect match and just be shitty people.




That's a nice meme. Is she really 14 in those videos?

Who the fuck cares degenerate? It's retarded anyway

Yeah, it's only assault if the eggs were hard boiled.

You're beta bithes if you didn't dump her

Work kids chores decompress

they have sex with other ppl

Watch shit online, travel, eat, cook/bake together, search for new sex gadgets online, talk, take separate time when needed (i.e. one reads, one plays games), go to a pub, whatever. Shit ton of things to do, almost 20 years together, not bored once.

If I caught up to someone throwing eggs at me, you better be prepared to lose

Stab each other with knives till one is dead, the winner moves on to the next level.

they compliment on each other cocks


What LvL you on ?

I'm stuck on 5th, cause the game keeps on getting exponentially harder.

Now it's hard to date a decent girl after she finds out my last 5 gf's were murdered by some nigger during a house robbery.

Nice. What car do you offroad in?

Yeah, not people, just pedestrians. I wasn't aware there was a difference, but hey, I'm sure you know more about the subject than me.

my girl and i are personally partial to getting shitty drunk and watching shitty netflix horror movies. That and we gym together. Other than that we have our own lives. We don't spend every waking second together, we both have jobs and responsibilities. She practically lives with me but even so we kinda do our own things during the day and come home to each other at night. And yes, copious amounts of sex but it's not a requirement. We just enjoy being in each others company.