This is my beautiful waifu Ashi. She was brutally abused physically, mentally...

This is my beautiful waifu Ashi. She was brutally abused physically, mentally, and possibly sexually by her cult leader cunt of a mother to be a highly skilled assasin until she learned her mother was wrong. Say something nice about her.

Dubs gives her a much needed hug
Trips gives her a kiss
Quads gets one night with her and you MUST use a condom. OP has sole breeding rights.

imma pee in her cereal


wow. just... wow.

i literally didn't think it was possible that /b could slide this deeply in to autism but you have just proved me wrong. i'm speechless.

Not as deep as Sup Forums though

You's a faggot Sup Forums

And you're a victim of weaponized autism Sup Forumsack

that may be, but you agree with me then about how retarded this OP is, right?

i'm trying to picture the poor fucker sitting at his computer, hugging his anime character pillow thing and thinking to himself "i'm gonna start this awesome thread on /b. it's gonna be so dank!"

good thing he'll be a virgin forever, because his genes need to end with him.

wow. just... wow.

i literally didn't think it was possible that newfriends on Sup Forums could be this easily trolled but you have just proved me wrong.
i'm speechless


Jokes on you, i only started this meme Saturday night. And I'm no virgin. Last time i got laid with a real woman was 2 years ago. So next time THINK before you come up with an overexaggerated generalization.

Join us in Sup Forums

Goddammit im not coming back. You fuckers banned me for spoilers. SPOILERS FUCKING HAPPEN EVERY DAY. GET USED TO IT

rolling for dubs :3

Nice try. 1) i don't own a fedora. Baseball hat ftw. 2) i don't own a sword. I prefer knives i ACTUALLY use. 3) i don't own a trenchcoat. My hoodie is more comfy

It's basically a trolling performance art at this point. Not that we don't have a lot of honest autists, but they never quite spell themselves out so eloquently as this. Get over it.

Like because you were posting lewd but with spoilers?

You are worse that an overly clingy ex girlfriend.

your waifu a shit

Stay triggered faggot

I do try.

Its over Sup Forums

Keep trying


I'm an user with proper grammar and spelling, OH LAWD STOP THA PRESSES! I DON'T FIT THE STEREOTYPE! See how stupid you make yourself look when someone does something right?

Don't give up user, aim for trips or quads

OP you should feel deep shame at your level of autism. KYS for the good of humanity.
>in the mean time keep jerking off to this cartoon
pic very related

Here's a challenge for you: go to EVERY THREAD on Sup Forums and post this as copypasta. Use it as a reply for every post since you think you're high and mighty when you clearly do the same thing.

Oh wait, you won't because you'll eventually be labeled as the very thing you judge everyone else for being in your feeble mind. Because deep down you're just insecure about your personal tastes so you judge others for not living up to your ridiculously deluded standards. That is called hypocrisy my insecure user and hypocrisy is a very toxic mindset.


ITT: Cringe

Look every one i triggered a Brony.

>cry harder the tears sustain me

The ride never ends.

ITT: intolerant anons can't handle depravity

protip: this is Sup Forums not Sup Forums or /mlp/ we are not the safe space you are looking for

I'm not going back. It was just a one night stand.

No, Sup Forums is meant to be a haven of depravity.

op how does it feel to be a virgin at your age

Again, not a virgin. Learn to read nignog

Those fucked up eyes. You can keep her OP

Asian hater