Who are some YouTubers Sup Forums watch? I'm curious to know

Who are some YouTubers Sup Forums watch? I'm curious to know.

Idubbbz, Sniped Nub

A gamer by the name of GaLm

Game Grumps, Oshi, Carl Sagan 42, Grand Poo Bear

super Mario maker is my jam

MTV Decoded.

Nerdcubed, Hutts and Vinesauce.

Tonksi, wispy, original delta , h8mex , zA1PHA , I69Supersonic69

Comment etiquette
Jt sexkik
Douchebag chocolat

Not OP, but this thread would be more quality if the posters would include short descriptions for the channels they post.

Lindybeige: Autistic British man talks about various subjects, such as (ancient) warfare, movies and breasts

SexuaLobster: Cartoons about the depraved, lustful and weird

JediMocro: Dutch shitpost channel

Idubbbz is okay.
I like CrashCourse too, their chemistry and psychology course is pretty interesting.

School of Life for philosophy,
GreatScott for electronics DIY stuff,
Simone Gertz for "comedy" and an odd boner,
Linus Tech Tips for PC info,
FilthyFrank or idubbbz when I'm high

Some Ordinary Gamers. He is goat

He browses the deep web and plays retro games.

Just some.


Matthias Wandel

mumkey jones

Projared, commentiquette, gqsmoos, pbg, cgp, whatculture wwe, zemalf.

I think that's it. Other than ASMR videos, obviously.


boxxie catie

I watch the school of life too.
Anyway these are the ones I'm most proud of
KaptainKristian- misc. opinions about everything, good taste
Kurzgesagt- misc information about everything
Mark Brown- vidyagame design/gameplay insights

Idubbbz, paraus, h3h3, cbr,
