Dubs decides senior quote thnx

Dubs decides senior quote thnx

‘In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.’"

Don't come to school on May 14. I warned you.

"I've always felt like a girl on the inside, and this is where I'll make my stand."


Donald Trump grabbed me by the pussy.


Beer, Boobs, & Blowjobs.


What's poppin' Jimo

Trump did nothing right.


Hitler did nothing wrong

Sup Forums.org is my favorite website, you guys should check it out

Bleach is my favorite flavor!

Harder, Daddy! Harder!

Disrespect females, acquire currency

Too bad bailey jay got fat :(

I got this quote from Sup Forums. I am not creative or original in any way.

I jerk off to frame data.


Traps aren't gay.

dick in pussy propagates humanity

So wait, I'm the only one that drinks skin lotion here?

White lives matter

I want bbc in my boipussi :3

the bacon narwhals at midnight

Kek winrar


Not sure if he can do that, but WINRAR

y'all suck!

>more dubs

this is the worst trade deal ever. Sad.

add a comma

Check 'em boi's

The person that made this quote got dubs in a Sup Forums thread.

"I want to thank my mom and dad for accepting me as a massive faggot"



He could use that if he wanted to

"If retards could fly this place would be an airport"

I love my dad

'Oh I'm just a one eyed bloody monster its killing me (drunken gibberish)'

Get off my board normies. REEEEE

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