Some Sup Forumsro recorded his tinder pickups on camera...

Some Sup Forumsro recorded his tinder pickups on camera. He apparently uploaded a lot of these videos but the only I can find is this GIF and a few pictures

Other urls found in this thread:

bumping for interest

shitty tinder commercial
just some dude who paid whores for sex

Whats the proof for that, im genuinly interested?

>now this is podracing

So post what ya got. Or is this it?

This and a reddit with a lot more info
This is the reddit thread good luck autists

Where Reddit. I need moar

We have gotta find this goys!

The problem with finding these is that the places that host the download the files containing these videos ALWAYS quickly delete them. So doing a little Google-Fu to find something isn't going to yeild shit.

The only way we're going to get a hold of them is if some kindly God-user who has them packs them together, hosts them in a download site, and posts the link directly here in this thread for us.

god damn I need more of the girl on the right

Don't know why you're telling us. We're here after the same thing as you for the same reasons as you. Because we want it and because we can't find it anywhere.



I need the full vid of this

Don't we all?

OMG amazing where did you find this?

I think I have it, need to do a research

I thought it was a webm id saved on Sup Forums but turns out its .mp4. Prob a pornbb megathread.


thx user

The version I have is 2.37mins so I'm hoping there's an even longer version than this, where he finishes etc. I didn't know till now it was part of a tinder series.

Yep its sadly not the full version i was wrong but its a start :/

That's the longest version ;.)

Dammit i could only find this :(
hopefully some other user will find the full version

can you please upload it somewhere.
i feel rather suspicious about the file size