Just caught this little nigga he still alive what do

just caught this little nigga he still alive what do

Fry in oil

kill it with fire

release it, we need more bees in the world since everyone is killing them and accelerating global warming

let him go dammit we need all the bees we can get to pollinate those flowers

Insert into urethra

Found the tree hugger.

it's a wasp you fag

Put him in your freezer and tie a string on him. Go walk him around the neighborhood afterwards

Trips, but you don't realize it's a wasp not a bee, so trips negated

This is why liberals can't be trusted

Turn your electric cooker on and burn it alive. reply with video



Eat it


op, deliver something

no timestamp... Sup Forums is dogshit

what up dogg

Butt funnel it

eww nigga hat some kinda juice in him, still wont die tho

and thread has been ruined already lol

put it under your foreskin

Lick his butt hole


Drown it in honey, tasteless irony


Don't worry... OP could still put it up the pooper for maximum profit


the stinging end is required faggot

still not quite sure this fag is dead so im scared


That's not a bee, that's a hornet.

it was a wasp and wasps are the jews of the flying niggas