Welcome to Microsoft tech support, how may i help you?

Welcome to Microsoft tech support, how may i help you?

i want faster computer

My 7inch dick is stuck in the usb port

Transfer me to someone who can speak english

I can't stop getting dubs.
>check em

He can't stop getting singles

My computer is buzzing and there is a van parked in front of my house. Someone is looking through binoculars right at my window.
Should I restart my computer or is this the newest windows 10 feature?

then you need to download more RAM obviously

Does your dick support USB 3.0?

A girl? On tech support? Is this some kind of prank?

Restarting your device commonly removes this issue, but if not, make sure Windows is updated to the newest version

How do i get my windows xp os onto a 64 bit compatible boot disk?

somebody smeared shit all over my windows, what should I do? the last tech lady said she licked all the shit off her windows and it worked, I'm not into that though.

More importantly, is there a directx 11 compatibility patch for windows xp?

just use windows xp with the windows 10 compatibility patch

I payed 50$ for this
did I got ripped off?

>using windows 10
>at all

Yeah, I recently got windows 3.0 but I got windows 10 instead.
Could you please cure this cancer?

>white person
>tech support

What is this ruse? That woman has never even seen a designated shitting street in her life.

thank you for calling me!
can you help me get rid of my wirus?
i have my credit card ready.
yes of course I will download that file and allow you to remote into my computer.