shadbase thread.

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kek, that faggot had it coming

He's being sued by both LtCorbis's family and Keemstar'

Yeah, I noticed that.

for what?

shadbase is trash


Oh shit, why?

bump for visibility i guess

Heil Shadman, pray his site comes out the other end okay

Keemstar? Really?

God why can't somebody fucking take a shotgun round to his face?

Sup tommy




don'te tell me he drew porn of her? wtf dude. That guy lives in the same country as me what a disgrace.

What happend? Is shadbase down?


Shad did GREAT non-porn stuff; why the hell does he waste it with simple fap material?

he dis not draw porn of her no

found this?

Well he did draw porn of keemstar's daughter tho

this video was posted on the subreddit. It's probably unlisted because he wants to get to the fans more than the majority.

*insert shadman is bad artist meme*

Maybe its just down for maintenance.

This should clear up all the confusion, it was pulled from a Youtube stream.

funny that he's hiding behind his mask. A lot of fucking people know his real identity.

you don't get account suspended in that case

"This account has been suspended"
Host most likely took the website down

Even if that's true, I think it's cool that he's maintaining the alias

no he didnt

He kind of did.

he kinda didnt. at all. do you know what porn is?

>hurr durr, it didn't show vag so it's not porn
I guess her hotdogging a dildo in her panties isn't porn these days

that was corbis not keemstars daughter you autist

Damn. I knew I should have finished downloading the rest of the images on the site.

All I got was everything before June 2014 (2014-05-31-league-of-lesbians-police-brutality.jpg) and everything after August 2016 (2016-08-14-pokemon-no.jpg).

Anyone have fills?

Still fucked up and illegal.

Is it illegal? It's art, you cuck, not literal photographs

i never said it wasnt. that wasnt the argument we were having. fucking mongoloid

>Still fucked up
Says you
No it isn't.


Anyone have ciri from Witcher?

So is anyone gonna post this shit or are we wasting time here

the guy who said he had savd alot of shadbase work, could you upload it?

this plz

It'd be better to get all of it together in one place and then torrent it

Give me a sec.



That was my plan. but fuck...

I hope to fuck that someone has archived all his stuff.



I do enjoy his persona in how it reflects his art.

Does anyone know if he is in real life an edge faggot as much as he tries to portray himself to be? Just curious.

Muh thought crimes!

No victims asshole.


Shad himself is trying to take it back up, and already has recovered part of his database. All is ok. Plus, most of his works have been posted and reposted on a shit ton of other sites.

I never could see the appeal of anus-sniffing.

Just know his name and that he's Swiss and did his mandatory service not too long ago.

Name - Shaddai Prejean

His Service Rifle -

People only hate Shad because he is popular and a edgelord

Just made it so give me a break. I'll keep seeding until either Shadbase comes back online or someone can provide fills to complete the backup.

>muslim name
Sounds about right

Are they not giving him the code and databases on the server, or what's up with that? It'd be a bitch to lose it


Go to his YouTube channel and see for yourself

who the fuck is this keemstar and the other nigger you keep mentioning?

I didn't have a say in him immigrating. Although just from seeing his persona now I'd say he was born Swiss.


>hasn't gotten wind of keemstar

Swissfag here, those are indeed the sig550 that are used in the army, with see-through magazine and such

Did you ever hear about those radio stations made by the governernment to flush out extremists? Shadbase is no different. Just made to flush out pedophiles. Here is his story... Shaddai Prejean was turned into the cops when he was in college. When they saw he was into extreme art Switzerland agreed to send him to the FBI to combat cyber crime as a plea bargain. Switzerland's obscenity laws are pretty strict. They moved him to a station we have in Canada to start business. Over the years he was artificially boosted in popularity. This was years before this bust. actually got more popular than they expected, and he was joined with a recent program to combat child pornography. Anyone whose visited shadbase in the last year is now on a watchlist. I first heard about this through my peers when working cyber security at Ramstein AFB. Information from higher ups sometimes works its way down the chain. At first I thought it was a rumor. After all he's had a lot of trouble with his hosting company. They aren't in on this obviously. It's a legal grey area, so they're not thrilled to host him. Have you ever noticed how he sounds calm on Sleepycast? He's a bad actor. The Sleepycast crew did the natural thing and responded to his popularity. They probably just thought he was a chill guy. There's a lot of lolicon that gets published online. So much in fact that it's impossible to enforce. That's why they do this. That's why you can't fap today.

No, I heard he's pretty friendly and chill as fuck.

Yeah, I'd say the same. Seems like a cool guy who I share a lot of opinions with

NASFage here, I'll keep it up for, I don't know, a few years? Just seed already

Swissfag as well. I would know, I made the post.

This. I only ever hear about this dude in passing. Mostly as an asshole or troll.


its French mega faggot

>Ramstein AFB
fucking try hard nut case

Not saying it's wrong, saying it's illegal. Which it is.

Pffft, even if the tens of thousands of people that visit shadbase are on a watchlist, drawn loli is illegal or bad. And if some pedos also enjoy this, good on the gov to catch them. Idgaf. Btw, there is way worse shit on youtube. An actual autopsy on a raped kid.

Not in america, where he is based, and not in most other countries. It's just a drawing.

>dat tinfoil hat

Besides. If I'm not already on a half-dozen alphabet soup agencies watchlist then they aren't doing their fucking jobs.

Uh, OK?

unless he starts posting more of his own stuff and not that other fags art, i hope it stays down.

>actually believes that lolicon consumers are actively offending pedophiles

great disguise there faggot

Was this in the game?


Its not a complete archive so I don't plan on keeping it up forever. Neither should you. But turning up the dial for now.

its a mod

Not as "graphic" as it looks here,though.
The perk was called "animal friend" and you could get the creatures you pacify to fuck you,but there were limitations.

How i unlock it?

any moar?

You don't remember the mission 'I don't hurt any more?'

It was about dealing with the mental after math of rape.

Not here in California which is where he lives. So go fuck yourself.

bleach, ammonia and a coin should work

So this has everything so far?

>its a mod
>The perk was called "animal friend"
kids these days just don't know how to use google

Really? Because the courts would disagree.

>Because I said so
Kek'd. Fuck off.


Fuck he has improved a lot in the three years since that trailer came out.

RIP shad. A weird motherfuker, But his loli game was on point.

Pour one out for a homie