Hey Sup Forumsros, My friend dumped his girlfriend about a week ago...

Hey Sup Forumsros, My friend dumped his girlfriend about a week ago. She hasn't gotten over him and is being really obnoxious. She recently wrote my friend a letter, here is the letter. Also if someone gets trips ill green text the relationship

This is a total nonfuckin' story. Just tell us and move the fuck on and quit being and edgelord.

Also, underage b&

tell us anyway OP

just post it faggot. a photo of the letter is also okay, fuck greentext

post it








Everyone please dont spam the number holy shit


too late




ez moni








this note is classic psychotic, jealous internal rage...danger stuff. run from this person fast.


Sorry phone file saving system is stupid had to cut the pictures up weird. All done now


Is the phone # bait?

user you should call it. Pretty curious now.

Oh fucking shit I meant to cover that

holy shit this person can write a book without saying anything. fuck

And say what? I don't want to talk to some 14 year old psycho completely incapable of admitting her own emotions in a forty-page paper on her emotions.

Ring the number user army!

I'd say pretty dick move to copy pasta it here, that
letter was pretty personal. Girls get like that when you bust all kinda nuts.

I didn't even think they was very good at writing letters TBH...

"I don't why"


(412)-8(maybe 7)08-8211
You know what to do, Sup Forums.

OP's fuck up: including the girl's number.

Op here, its an 8

Kek, OP is either going with us or accepting their fate.

green text it you faggot

I'll call the number later with a friend.

Accepting fate

So true… sooo. True zzzzzzzzzz

>Friend pity dated her because of peer pressure.
>She started saying "I love you" like 2 weeks in.
>He said it back just to keep the relationship going.
>He then fucked around with her a bit but didn't want to fuck because his first time would be with a fat black chick.
>She has been emotionally fucked up for weeks since

Why can't chicks just get over it?

Its the second x chromosome.

so he just blew off his girl friend for some other chick for no reason

being this much jew.

2.5 months ? bitch is cray

"don't open in school"

what are you, 12? christ, can someone get the children to bed?


Found her @facebook

She's the black one

OP Confirmed underage.

ew wtf she's too ugly to be all jealous and shit

tell her you want a real woman with big ol titties and a fat ass

If address is posted within a reasonable distance of me (in NE Murica) I will go there.

now now now no need to get carried away boys

We don't have to go to their place of residence or anything

It's raping time.

Seeing a therapist for being dumped after 2.5 months. Run OP!

Found her Facebook has address and everything else
Antronice Wilson she was stupid enough to answer me when I asked her who she was through text


she's just a child

Did anyone call her?

Who the fuck gives a shit?

It's literally children.

Fucking OP is a child too.

Since when do we let these on this website? Fucking hell. I'm out

Thats why you should stay of easy fucks on tinder, you are going to get scared for life from these bitches.

>implying you didn't go to places your mom told you not to go when you were this age
>Implying that you weren't like this when you were this age

fucking lol

Pittsburg, Pennsylvania-fags. DO IT. SHE THERE. Facebook- Antronice-Wilson/100008358075340

Bump for interest. Gtg.