I don't understand why you hate him. He's only doing what needs to be done

I don't understand why you hate him. He's only doing what needs to be done.

Other urls found in this thread:


he isn't doing shit, except play golf and tweet

We love him, in fact.


Good goy


If you looked at why he golfs all the time is because he talks to administrators and politicians. He believes being outside in a fun environment is more inviting than inside an office.


But this though?

Reagan tripled the national debt when he was in office. what's your point?

Wait but it went down alot during his reelection.

It was bad after the resession but he dropped it by 2/3rd before the end of this second term.

>he isn't doing shit, except play golf and tweet

Only retarded cucks hate him

You'll figure it out when you reach puberty and your brain begins to develop.

But all of those were turned down. Nearly every executive order he's signed has been overturned.


>trump is literally hitler!
>trump loves jews!
>trump is a russian agent!
>trump is trying to start a war with russia!

you faggot shareblue shills look like goddamn fools, do know understand that?

Wasn't Obama the one that pulled out too quick in the Middle East which gave rise to radicals taking over the countries? Or the 221 million dollars to Palestine Authority. Or the 116 metric tons of uranium to the state sponsored terrorist country of Iran?

Keep on with the lies shariablue, it's worked out so great for you and the MSM so far :)

sure kid




>hey fellow white guyz... come join the intelligent side! don't you want to feel smart and stuffz?


Why do you think so many scientists were compelled to march against him?

I find it frightening that scientists, who try to be a-political when in public, were compelled to organize such a huge event as the science march.

Get real, if you support Trump you are either pretty fucking stupid or a shill.

LOL that was fucking awesome

All subversive commies should die

Trumpets think being a Communist is worse than being a white nationalist or a Nazi. This is why the world hates you and Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.





you leftist fuckers are a legit cult


takes a brave man to punch a girl. He got an "other than honorable" discharge from the Marines. Sounds like a real tough guy.

>being a Communist is worse than being a white nationalist or a Nazi
110% correct.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Why has Trump's presidency been such a failure?

You really can't deny that. But you'll find some bs rational to dismiss it. Whatever...


because republicanpoliticians are failures who only care about making themselves richer and fuck everyone else

yeah, it was pretty fucking sweet



what a d dirty disgusting commie twat

>a legit cult
No, we're just not scientifically illiterate. Having a president to literally bows to every wim of his retarded cohorts will not end well for anyone.


at least antifa suckerpunch guys....guys bigger than themselves. I do admit I enjoyed watching Richard Spencer cry like a little girl

How old are you?


It's going to be a long 8 years for you, degenerate trash :)

Hey leftist's. you lost. There is a flash for you.
The whole world understands, when the left loses, the winner is illegitimate. We all remember Bush the Lesser. Illegitimate, right?
Reagan was a piece of crap, right? You zero's couldn't call him illegitimate, he won 49 states. Even if you can count 57 states, 49= parting the Red Sea.
The left puppet masters will keep on with this propaganda. Their target audience isn't um--complex.

You should get more hateful. More shrill. Much more name calling, etc.

Nearly the whole world understands.

Try not to think of '018. At least don't hurt yourself over it.

Why do rich old men like golf so much?

what the fuck is the appeal?

They still don't understand...

>implying Trump will serve for 8 years
>implying letting a person like Trump be president isn't degenerate

He needs to fuck everything up he tries?

It's a curve. look at it. It had so much momentum, but Obama started turning it the other way, now with Trump in office, he'll curve it back UP.

lol trump's got 8 months at best. Of course we'll then be stuck with gay boi pence for 3 years...

I have no idea. I guess it's relaxing in a way.

>he fucks everything up
>democrats try their hardest to make him fail
Choose one faggot


Agreement to pull out of Middle East was not made by OBama. Iraqi government and Bush administration agreed for US troops to leave. Ourmama just fulfilled the agreement to leave. Troops would have stayed under Bush (and Obama) if Status of Forces Agreement would have given jurisdiction over the fate of US troops that violated Iraqi laws (like murder and rape). Bush administration would not allow Iraqi government to have this power. So, we got Isis and civil with in Syria.

>Choose one faggot

>trump is literally hitler!
>trump loves jews!
>trump is a russian agent!
>trump is trying to start a war with russia!

the left is in their death throes... they don't know what the fuck to do and it's glorious :)

>the popular vote
almost as much of a meme as:
>the current year

>No, we're just not scientifically illiterate.
ok then user.
Tell me what quantum entaglement is (without consulting google)

Sure I know what to do. I'm going to sit this one out. Not be retarded about it.


Thank god for this crazy son of a bitch.


Unrelated. If you can't hold a topic throughout a conversation, please sit at the kiddie table while the adults talk.

>believes the earth is 6000 years old
>believes climate change is a hoax
>denies evolution in the face of hard evidence

whether or not he makes the right decisions he's still an asshole.

plus, like, it's questionable if he'll make the right decisions as well, dude is old as fuck and has been surrounded by "yes men" all his life

>Posts nothing but Executive Orders as solutions.


You wouldn't be doing this shit if it were Obama doing the exact same thing and accomplishing nothing.

He is a great guy. He doesn't like criticism from the media because they don't understand him. He want the best for his country, limit damages of the Obamacare, reopen coal mines, restart research for new petrol sources in artic ocean, ban all muslim foreigners from entry and limit taxes to rich people. MAGA.

>mfw retards still think bill nye is a legit scientist
He is a physicist, the fact he is attempting to be a scientist in fields he is not a part of shows just how much of a shill he has become.

>comparing during depression stats to non depression stats
>muh Obama

you cant be this retarded, those stats are natural after a great depression, and are similar in almost every developed country

I feel like I got Cancer just by reading this cancer infested aids paper.

He's done the shittiest job on pretty much everything.

Executive Orders mean absolutely nothing if they are overturned or can't be enforced.

Trump somehow thinks we're a dictatorship and we all need to do what he says.

Go on, Trump. Hold up more executive orders to the camera and tell us what a good job you're doing; you god damn baby.

If I were leftist scum I'd be nervous too...

Nice Ad hominem you piece of shit.
I believe none of those things, i'm just testing your supposed claim for scientific literacy.

Now answer the question and show me how scientifically literate you are.

same for you shill.

>He is a physicist, the fact he is attempting to be a scientist
he's not a physicist, you retarded mongoloid, he's a MECHANICAL ENGINEER. Engineers bring a different skillset to the game than physicists or other scientists.
If--according to your argument--he's "TRYING" to be a scientist, that's a good thing. Students in college studying physics, chemistry, and biology are all TRYING to be scientists... and they try by relying on the principle of METHODOLOGICAL NATURALISM... in other words, they employ the scientific method to learn shit. More than that, they employ FALSIFICATION to reduce the chance their biases might lead to false conclusions.
I'd be surprised if an ignorant troglodyte like you made it past the first sentence and tldr'd the rest...

>Go on, Trump, change the face of the supreme court for the next 40 years :)



haha i love shylittlebitch

How? It's already a neocon-dominated shithole.

so then he is even less qualified.

My point was that someone who is not an expert in a field should not speak as though they are. Bill is not an envirnmentalist, so he holds no authority on global warming; Bill is not an evolutionary biologist, so he holds no authority in evolutionary biology; Bill is not a psychologist, so he holds no authority in Sexual Identity disorder and other shit like that.

>nice ad hominem
I'm not qualified to answer questions based on quantum mechanics, because I have not studied it. However, I am not outright denying things based on personal beliefs
when there is an objective truth. People seem to get hung up on whether or not for instance climate change is real or not, or whether or not vaccines cause autism. What they then do is make up their own opinions about them, not looking at any form of evidence, and when they do, they always settle with a piece of "evidence" that suits their preconception.
I do not expect people to have deeper understandings of things like nuclear physics, quantum mechanics and well, physics in general, only that they are equipped with enough knowledge to not be retarded about things that affect every person on the planet. Like climate change, which people who somehow got into positions of power love to deny.

If Trump places 4 SCOTUS, I will make 4 chin my home page.
The collective squall of the left would probably be ecstatic.

jaja but is he the POTUS

he only has a bachelor's, yet this is who braindead commies rely on for their "science"


>If Trump places 4 SCOTUS, I will make 4 chin my home page.
>The collective squall of the left would probably be ecstatic.

#2 is on it's way :)



Except he won't, if his brain develops properly.

>My point was that someone who is not an expert in a field should not speak as though they are...

this is nothing more than the appeal to authority in reverse: Let me remind you what the A2A fallacy is about. it's about arguing a point and only offering your "authority" as proof. But in reverse, it means that you dismiss someone's statement because they don't have a degree or other certifications of being an "authority".


if your grandmother talks about transcription errors in maize and explains the mechanisms of proposed movements, she could be a high school dropout, but if her claims are backed up by evidence, she's offered information of value.

If Bill Nye lacks a high school diploma but talks about climate science and the claims are adequately backed by disciplined and well-balanced research, he's offered information of value.

that faggots try to dismiss his arguments because "HURR DURR, HE'S NOT QUALIFIED"
shows how much of a FALLACY-USING MORON you are and how you do not understand why logical fallacies exist.

and here's further proof of trying to dismiss on the basis of lack of authority rather than pointing to actual claims and refuting the evidence instead.

I lol'd.

>implying supporting a president who acts like a horny 14 year-old isn't a sign of mental illness


It hasn't.


That's not a complement user. You suddenly now preach about skepticism and objectivity yet moments before you just threw a slew of ape-shit in my direction with assumed though of how i think or operate.

>I'm not qualified to answer questions based on quantum mechanics
and many of the "scientists" in the media are not qualified to make claims about transexuality not being a mental disorder (as the DSM-5 does claim it to be a sexual identity disorder). These supposed "scientists" are not experts in the fields they talk for, which pisses me off when people treat their opinion as a fact.

>However, I am not outright denying things based on personal beliefs.
then please provide the proof that global warming is real. Please don't appeal to the "the majority of scientists agree" bullshit. Prescribing to an appeal to authority does not provide an objective proof.

>inb4 you are an anti-science bigot meme
I believe global warming is happening when you account for the average change of climate globally. However, i am a skeptic and willing to be proven wrong (because no science is fact, only best guess).

On an unrelated note i don't like the solutions the U.N is pushing for: preventing 3rd world countries from having an industrial revolution by insisting that they cut their carbon tax while 1st world countries don't. Bloody disgusting having that bill passed.

>implying he will impeached
Pence is the best meat shield Donnie could have ever gotten.

Can you?

>implying you yourself know shit about it

>A2A fallacy
never heard of it before but i will entertain you proposition.

You said that bill nye still holds some authority on the claims he makes because his claims are backed by evidence right? When since you make that claim could you provide some evidence (burden of proof) other than his consistent claim that "scientists agree on..." as that itself requires proof that is rarely shown.

Haha he's a little boy and acts like a 5 year old child.

tfw faggots on Sup Forums care about logical fallacies

He says this, then goes sticking the United States' nose back in the middle east's business.

Guy is a fucking idiot.

Quantum entaglement is this phenomena wherein 2 subatomic particles existing in a quantum superposition have their outcomes rely on one another. If one quantum particle has an up spin, the other may have a down spin if they are negatively entangled, and vice versa if positively entangled.

Happy now?

Well, you're missing out on this antifa commie goddess!

What a joke.
Just a reminder, this discussion is moot. Your side lost. They lost popular support many yrs ago. I suggest to grow a beard, wear a sandwich board.
You will be able to impress street people with your 'logical fallacies'. Then you could emphasize your superior intellect with name calling.

Simpler terms faggot.

Anyone can seem smart using big words.

>what needs to be done
Like bombing every country that bugs him? Or listening to fake news and believing it's real?