So there's this kid at my school who only talks to me about the Columbine or something along the line of a school...

So there's this kid at my school who only talks to me about the Columbine or something along the line of a school shooting. It's a girl, and we're not friends. The only thing she has ever talked to me about was her talking about shooting up the school or that she'd love to meet one of the columbine shooters. I laugh and joke about it with her as well, but something tells me that she's serious and that maybe she may shoot up the school. She's a girly girl but listens to Korn and Slipknot. Hopefully I'm on this girls side and shell give me a heads up is she does so.
>pic related, talking about fem so here's your tits

Other urls found in this thread:

your only chance is to bone her so she wont kill you. Better hope she's hot user

A solid 4


well she's a psycho so probably a great lay. That'll make up for it. bite the bullet and lay her m80

No jokes, send a tip to the FBI, if she does decide to shoot up the school she may have records of talking to you, or shit like that, its better you send an anonymous tip. Theres a difference between being a snitch and having someone shoot up your school.

gf is obsessed with the columbine shit too, has a tumblr page about it and stuff. I don't really care because I know she'd never do anything and she's just into "true crime" and all that. just be nice and try to talk to her about it, chances are she's just saying shit to say it.

Dont take this fag's advice OP.
Stick it in her pooper

I'd let it happen. I hate everyone at my school.

nice trips tho

like I said, I don't talk to the cunt outside of school and teachers have gotten so used to kids joking about school shooting they don't give a shit anymore

She asked where the columbine shooters were and after I said either dead or in jail she said she would die to go visit them and tell them they're her biggest hero

Tell her you're going to help her, get all the pussy you can, day before shooting is planned, tip cops. Plea full testimony for no time served. Get more pussy for fucking crazy shooter chick while your 15 minutes of fame lasts.

Sorry Sup Forumsro, don't care that much about my life to fuck her

Befriend her as much and as fast as you


I'm sure I'd be drowning in pussy boning a psycho cunt

this is the best timeline. (although I'm not sure pussy would be the result of fucking the crazy chick..)

Maybe shes just into you and is using this to talk to you.

What a unique way to express herself if so

she sounds like a dramatic faggot. have the school counselor being her in and have a talk. with the way you're wording it it sounds like she's trying to be edgy to avoid what's troubling her.

if she has to use an excuse like that to talk to a guy she's not worth boning or even near talking to anyways. if she's already made up her mind like she said she has it's already rip




Don't get involved with the Columbine, don't get to involved. It's fucking disgusting and childish. Those fags took the easy way out and were a bunch of pussies.

Actually, with this Sup Forums post, you're already signing your one-way trip to prison. If cops find out that you knew the entire time, they will treat you as an accomplice and will take out the anger of the families on you. Beware OP.

Mate with her and maybe date. Sounds like she wants to have a reason to talk to you; she's opening up about this partially because she likeyou and partially because she feels she can relate to you and not many others on this. Fuck her. Lover her. If she's serious abotu this shit, seek help, but there's a good chance she's being edgy in order to get your affections. Might as well give em to her and see what happens.

Loyal user

Spot on.

Sup Forums is NOT anonymous, why do you think they don't allow VPN's and shit, I can guarantee the FBI goes on here, Sup Forums has a history of shit like that.

"yes hello FBI there is a thread on Sup Forums talking about a edgy teenage girl that may shoot up a school, plz help"

Is this a real girl or loli?

Your IP and shit if held by Sup Forums for this kind of stuff, in your state or city has a school shooting AND someone reported this thread with your IP being here..... Also these threads are archived



oh gee lol guess op is fugged for posting about edge girl making edge claims xD ecksdee!1!!
the fbi does not have time for this kind of faggotry. do you really think they care about incriminating random ass dude for posting this?
shut the fuck up.

You'd be surprised how far we look into school shooting cases.

Yeah not really feeling threatened by the FBI, besides I'm not the only one that hears her shit (she's basically yelling to me across the room most of the time) and I doubt anything's gonna happen, just thought this would make an interesting thread topic

you'd be surprised how far my cock goes in your ass

Lizard people are you there

You have the chance to save a whole school full of people with your dick dude.
That's the kind of shit you tell your children about when they're old enough and they tell their children and so on.
Don't fuck this up OP. Don't be an asshole.

Fact: OP is a cunt

sounds like 4/10 uglirl is just having a tough time accepting she's unfuggable.

all jokes aside, just talk to her once op and ask about her hobbies. chances are she won't say anything along those lines and you'll have made someone's day better.

Second this. You could change someones life, even if in a small way. Plus sounds like she wants the D to me

>Ugly Duckling Syndrome
how old is she OP?
>Inb4 underage b&

Couldn't see that hurting anything, but I know some of her hobbies. She swims competitively, is religious, and plays volleyball

Ask her to worship your fat cock instead, OP.

>She swims competitively, is religious, and plays volleyball

marry this crazy bitch before she gets nigger dicked! Do you know what nigger dicks do to women??

Between 14-16

>A lone girl being a school shooter
That's a new one. My guess is she likes you and thinks your that type of person or is autistic. But you never know. All I could be sure of is she wouldn't get very far alone if she even bothered to try that.

Ask about them, man. What got her into it. What she'd like to do if she had the money/resources to do it. How deep that throat go. etc

Just show interest in her as a person and not her as a hypothetical killer and there's a good chance she'll react positively.

autistic Sup Forums tier faggotry right there. She's definitely trying to be edgelord right there.

>active and involved
I guess you can be all of those things and still be a fucking idiot, but goddammit if it isn't kek. sounds to me like a girl who hasn't quite found a spot yet. give her a home on yer dong op

Congratulations You're an idiot.

Seriously, has there ever been a female school shooter in the history of school shooters? If not, then that's history in the making right there, might even set the precedent. I hate to sound like that guy, but I wouldn't imagine a girl could be a successful school shooter. She could probably try, but would probably get screwed before she even started.

This is what bullying does to people.
She sounds like a pretty cool guy, hang out with her outside of school and buy her ice cream. ask her subtlely about her home life and life in general.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


>wanting to kill tens of hundreds of people
>"sounds like a pretty cool guy"

Talk about a fucking movement, first female school shooter! This is the shit that could bring Trench Coat Mafia back.

Name one example if there has been.

>wow kool copypasta brofist xD

And don't be a bad lay or you die first

Its not summer yet faggot

There was one girl who, from an apartment window or something went JFK style on a bunch of students at her school. I can't find the sauce on this but I'm 100% certain that it happened.

She clearly thinks you are a degenerate school shooter and is just trying to befriend you so she doesn't get shot when you snap

I'm not your faggot, pal. And for some of us, it is summer.

It was Brenda Spencer

I'm not your pal, guy. And that makes you the summerfag then.

Are you implying that bullying doesn't lead to school shootings?

A fucked childhood leads to school shootings

You learn something new everyday... Although security was a lot more lax back then in the 70's. At least for schools.