No feels thread?

no feels thread?
lets fix that




should I dump

hits abit too close to home





This happened to me recently.
Just started working out even if it's just a little, feels better than vydia...



Not sure if this is feels but, relateable?

Was going through some old pics. Found some of me and this girl I was in love with and once best friends with. One in particular stood out the most, it was one with her standing next to me and looking at me with the biggest smile on her face. She looked so happy to be with me, I even looked happy too. I miss her.


I hate myself and I want to die


Jake#4186 on discord ;)

What exactly do you wanna hear? I have a lot of stories about her

tell them all



I've got plenty of time, share as much as you can.

This is no shit.




plz just all of them

>she used to live about 3 hours away from me
>that didn't stop us from seeing each other
>over the summer she came and saw me almost every other week and begged me to come see her when she couldn't make it out here
>also drove up there a few times to see her and to bring her back here
>the only girl I've ever been close with
>spent the whole summer together just traveling and sight seeing
>getting drunk as fuck, smoking tons of weed, laughing, kissing, cuddling, etc
>I eventually started pushing her away and distancing myself
>she was a wreck from this, sending me 10+ texts at a time while I ignored her
>cut all contact a few months back and felt terrible doing it
>she still tries to contact me from time to time
>friends of mine tell me that she's a wreck lately, Cutting herself and shit like that
>hear that she always talks about me and says that she misses me
>I want her back and she wants me back but after a certain point I felt like I became her bitch and she would screw around with other dudes, once I put the pieces together I dropped her.


Just talk with her. Tell her how you felt and try to understand her. If she really loves you she'd change

Yes please continue fellow Sup Forumsro. I would like to hear more.

if she cheated on you then you did the right thing user

We weren't together like that. But it hurt seeing her giving herself to others when I put so much time effort into her.

It maybe painful but it would have hurt worse if you didn't dump her.

Not the same user, but i would also like to hear moar.

I've been considering that but don't know what to do or say. I don't want to be the one to initiate it either. The last time I saw her before dropping her we had a talk about us and where we stand. It was much shorter than I anticipated because she had to go to "his" house... I thought long and hard about that and made me feel angry and shitty

Why the hell did you reply to me faggot? Reply to OP of that story for more you newfag.


If she makes you feel like shit then don't get back together with her.

Even in a feels thread we can throw shade at dumb ass people

I replied to op and was agreeing with you on more about the story, nigger

Come at me then, newfag.

Oh sorry. I am dumbass.

>I've seen her a few times since dropping her
>we share the same friends
>every time I see her she always gives me attention and kinda flirts with me
>last time she kept saying my name before or after every sentence
>like "oh user don't do something stupid like that again" or "anons gonna get us lost"
>she was saying it in this soft kinda voice
>after seeing her that time, she called and texted me a few times the days after that
>I answered one call because she said it was important, it was bs and ended up hanging up on her

I miss the fuck out of her and still care for her I guess but I still feel the urge to avoid her at all costs. Maybe its for the best, literally some of the greatest and craziest times of my life were spent with her.

I miss her and all the good times but sometimes its for the best.

Yes. It is for the best. Women are like busses. Wait for the next one to come by. Don't worry user.

in a couple weeks, all my ties to her will be forever severed.

i'll finally just be fucking FREE.

Kys you sad pussy