Who got the most poon?

Who got the most poon?

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Mick, but only because Jim died

According to Lou Reed (or John Cale, I don't remember), Jim would take his dick out to piss at bars and girls would come up and blow him. What a legend.


Like... did they wait for him to finish or what? This is an odd notion to me.


all has been said

My guess is Plant but it's probably Mick.

Why would he stop, they're into it.

Yeah, I'm sure Mick got tons of "POON"


Sucking dick is the straightest thing you can do.
Prove me wrong, protip you can't

FUCK that's a good point

lemma: suck my dick, user

you first famzord

My aunt used to be a hippie and she went to see the Doors a few times in the late 60s. When I asked her about it she just kept going on about how hot Jim was.

Jim was fucking everything, Jagger was writing sappy love songs about women he loved. Jim had a girlfriend, it's probably Plant.

probably, I don't remember it fully. It was in some history of punk book

Given: sucking dick is the straightest thing you can do
Given: you wont suck my dick
Thus: you are a faggot

I will, I just want mine sucked before yours. Is that too much to ask?

Jimmy boy boned my grandma and I think a lot of people my age can say the same.

lol tu es mas macho!

Keep talking dirty to me and you can have yours sucked first.

im the crawling kingsnake
and i rule my den

Plant was married and had a kid, don't think he was into groupies too much. Page though...

It's easily Mick, no question about it. Although I suspect Keith got even more.

The ones making Plant out to be some sex god is mostly men. Also Led Zeppelin were and are far less popular among chicks than Stones or Doors.

u c thows buhds ovah thehh?

Jimmy Page


Also, somethig tells me that Page got most "poon" than Plant.

He was fat and ugly as well.
