I just fucked this slut. AMA

I just fucked this slut. AMA.

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in -> mallandrinhas.net

Is she alergic to you?

why no timestamp



how do they get the cheese in cheezits?

did you eat some cheez its afterwards

In my amateur medical opinion, no.

What are the numbers written on your credit card?

Naw she allergic to cheez-its

Have you tried the new "extra toasty" cheeze-its yet? They rock.

Damn, that's a good question. I have no answer.


did you use a condor

Does she have a feminine penis?
Did it spray loving juice for you?

can she bend over for us

I have not, but Alexa just put them on my shopping list.

pubes or no?

I used a Heron.

Did you slap her during the sexual act?

I've never used used one of those


I like the Cheezit Snack Mix.


Did she know you was there?

Is that watch yours? how much for it?


Why are you orange? is it because all the cheez it?

you feel good? ... are u white? u cum inside her? she know your name or any info to track you down? was she on birth controL?

Was it strange knowing she loves negro cum?

Just her ass

when are you planning to cut your nails the next time?

Yes to all of these



You want to buy them? I want to bid also, two dollars per nail!

Not really. She loves all flavors

dick in her mouth?

Hey, gang, I just had intercourse with this lady of ill repute. Ask me anything.


That's just gross

Does she insert her femenine penish in your mouth? Does it taste good for you?


Kek, in this pic I see a semi bald man sucking your dick.

What did you see in this one?

If you really did you would be on TMZ. not Sup Forums.

put a sheet on that fucking mattress. God damn savages

A semi bald men in heroine with a natural wig.



Is she married? is she married with you?
She has same nails you have, kinda dirty and long, is that a fashion thing in your country?


no, op is just a poorfag


wow, it's a fucking genie

blush action, good job mayne

We fucked the sheets right off. Happens sometimes to people who have sex. You should try it.

One question at a time


What's in there?