Ehi Sup Forums, what's your favourite book of thr King?

ehi Sup Forums, what's your favourite book of thr King?

pet cemetery

either tommyknockers or the running man

here's op, if i have to say three name i say 11-22-63, the dark tower series and salem's lot

Stephen King is so overrated.

How to write a Stephen King book:

1. 80's nostalgia

2. Describe the KIND OF CAR the character is driving because that's relevant to the story

3. Children, with one special child who's retarded

4. Pointless descriptions that don't add anything to the plot

5. "Spookiness"

Wizard and Glass.

Holy shit that was so close

Dark Tower series

>ehi Sup Forums, what's your favourite book of thr King?

Never read anything by him. We share a birthday which I find odd.

It, the childhood parts were... comfy i guess is the word. Adulthood parts were unnecessary but i still liked it very much.

If he leaned how to write an ending to a story he would be the best ever.

Instead there's 1k pages and then all of a sudden, "it was a giant spider" THE END

Full Dark, No Stars

Ignore the second story.

The skeleton crew.

I'm more of a James Herbert fan.

op here, when i read it i really enjoy it, not the end, but who likes that part? but in this book there's a scene who left me completely astonished, when they're lost in the sewers, making a real gang bang to rise up new hope to find the exit... how fucked up this was??? pure nonsense

op here, after 25+ books i found satisfiyng only the ending of 11/22/63

I'm guessing that scene probably won't be in the movie.

the talisman

that was a good fucking book.

i knew i was reading a stephen king chapter when he took like a page to describe the types of junk, busted condoms and trash caught in the scrubby bushes off the side of a freeway.

King loves describing things with no relevancy whatsoever.

this, and oh god how it all "ended" ...

i really love some of his books and short stories but sometimes i can't finish them. like the stand, i tried reading twice and each time i got fucking bored as shit reading his introduction of the autistic guitar playing kid.

my favorite post-apocalypse style book is probably Robert McCammon's "Swan Song" which is about as long as The Stand.

I can read his short stories just fine because his long descriptions over the make and model of a character's car (why even mention that?) or just pointless shit are kept to a minimum. But his novels just trudge on and on.

One of his books, I can't remember the title, but it was about this girl who gets lost in the woods and he would NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP about how she liked baseball and her Walkman. Like I get it, man, the eighties/nineties were cool, just tell the fucking story.

op here, i also start three times the stand, but when king present the the black woman (big mama in italy) i stopped, every time, i fucking hate thhese charachter, it's sad, cause till this point i enjoy the story, but her ruin everything

yeah thats excatly how i feel too, the story is really great but it just has a few really dull-as-fuck spots that i can't get through.

i had to settle for watching the movie, and i know how lousy those are compared to his books.