This lady killed herself today lol

This lady killed herself today lol


Bunch of bullshit if you ask me. Fuck Netflix.

nice profile pic

killed herself on facebook live earlier this morning.

liveleak link: /view?i=e40_1493069063

seriously. in the video she's talking about how she's a piece of shit and no one cares about her.

What a fucking train wreck of a woman.

Seriously who gives a shit. Her kid is probably better in care or with the father anyway.

I checked out her facebook. The father is dead lol, I'm not sure when he died. Less than 6 months I think. His facebook is set as a memorial.

Yeah, I saw that, too. Must have OD'd or something.

How did she kill herself and was it all caught on camera?

Her parents clearly fucked up with her, maybe her father can do it right the second time with her kid/s.

This was the most selfish, cunty thing she could possibly do to her kids.

They are better without such a piece of shit.

She even says in the vid that her kid hates her.

If her kid sees that, it'll think that is one of the reason it's parent killed itself.

fucking human trash man.

>liveleak link: /view?i=e40_1493069063
she shoots herself in the head as the police are trying to talk her down

its weird hearing the cops joking around after shes dead.

The cops are calm as shit after it happens.

This must be common for them. hard to sympathies with selfish shitheads i guess.

suicidal people are good for the gene pool.

What is it with people killing themselves on livestreams lately anyways.

Always women too. even in death, they desire attention, lul.

This is sad

No it isn't

Only your point is made completely void by the fact that she already has a kid.

The event of taking her life will directly harm the gene pool even more than that of her remaining living would have.

Fuck ups create more fuck ups.

Two kids, right?

>This lady killed herself today lol


Killing yourself is the most self centered thing you can possibly do.

Maybe in japan where suicide is covered by life insurance you could do it for your family (which is still fucked up but not as selfish) it isn't so bad.

It means you don't give a single fuck about anyone but yourself. How anyone can maintain respect for anyone that commits suicide with her dependent child upstairs is beyond me.

The child is the victim. The mother is the human trash.