Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

all my friends have girlfriends, and they make out with them and go out to the movies and shit, and I just stay inside playing on my Gamecube and posting here.

i am tired of being a lonely Sup Forums. how do i gf?

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Go to a doctor and get a prescription for medication, take care of your skin.

Hopefully this will increase your confidence which in turn means you'll have greater success with the females. God speed user.

wear a mask

wash your face with a harsh soap
NO "I'm tired, I'll do it in the morning"

jesus christ dude make an appointment with a dermatologist

r o a c c u t a n e nigger


You got a pretty severe case my friend. I had acne almost as bad but I got prescribed a capsule I took everyday after about 3 months it was mostly clear. Other than that. Drink lots of water. Wash your face twice a day with warm water rinse with cold. Change your pillowcase everyday. And quit playing GameCube. Just like you I gamed a lot. Quit that shit

put sum pepperoni on dat pizza ngga

+1 for roaccutane. It will fuck your skin for like a month then after that you'll look suave as fuck. Just get a chapstick for your lips

that doesn't work
i used to have really bad acne (albeit not as severe as OP) and tried everything before eventually going to the doctor and getting roaccutane prescribed. Completely got rid of it in less than 8 months, stopped using then and never had a problem since

I wish I had that skin, I'd love picking at it. I'm unfortunately cursed with clear skin.

this lmao

This. Time for the big guns. Also change your shitty diet and your nasty ass pillowcase every night

go to the doctor.

what fucked me up the most were my lips, they were dry as fuck and it was almost painful

but its a small price to pay for straight up not looking gross, plus it less than a year

Fuck trying to shave with acne like that.

I just bought some Nivea lip balm shit, tried a few and found the best. My lips were pristine as long as I applied that shit once every few hours. You look like a faggot applying it but not as much as OP does with his skin.

Oh hey I saw the same post yesterday, weird. Sage in all fields


I thought it was No Man's Sky earlier today OP? Why does this shit keep popping up?

I did the same, but only when i was at home lmao

I did this too at age of 16, all was gone in half a year, i was not allowed to drink alcohol but did anyway probably fucked something up

I'd suggest hanging around dermatologists offices. Sooner or later some chick with that acne problem should come in. My advice would be to initiate foreplay by licking her face.

every fucking day with this thread
how many times do you need to ask the same questions and get the same answers?
>b8 or retard you decide

i was 16 too
didnt know about the alcohol thing
no stroke or anything tho lmao

Not talking about OP, but the the rest of you fag fags are on mommys and daddys insurance so going to a doctor is not optional for some

paper bag


I basically broke my father trying a dermatologist they suck and dont work. Ever had an acid peel, ive had em and they dont do shit

Man, my face was similar and when i went to doctor was the most useful i did

If op can afford an internet op can afford an insurance

I feel for op cause mine used to look like that but no doctor or proactive worked best to not to be bothered cause stress makes it worse

>I wish I had that skin, I'd love picking at it. I'm unfortunately cursed with clear skin.

I hear that Sup Forumsro. I have to get my fix watching Dr. Pimple Popper vids on Youtube.

Cheese grater

Who saying hes paying retard ive used mcdonald's wifi for job apps for a minute

So says a libtard. U mad obamacare?

holy fuck can't you just squeeze them

buy a ps4

This comment is the most autistic shit i've heard all night

Locate the nearest school for the deaf and blind.

Hit the campus up one day and find the sexiest blind bitch on campus.

Proceed to woo this blind whore with maximum confidence, knowing that she can't see how hideous your face looks.

Don't let her touch your face unless it's her lips, or you're gonna have to deal with being too ugly for a blind bitch to even date you.

>great suggestion

do tHiS

See a dermatologist, Jesus think he prefer a xbox one?

the gamecube is causing your acne

Just fuck off with this bullahit cancer
>inb4 OP is not a faggot

Become vegan.

You can use stuff like benzoyl peroxide, just go to a doctor and let him recommend something for you.

There is no good solution for you
You can only kill yourself.

OP I had acne in my face when I was your age (I am 28 years old now).. I was able to get laid and have girlfriends. The best advice I can give anyone ever is: Fake confidence, at some point you start to believe in your own fake confidence and voila: you have real confidence.

Everyone is always insecure, the trick is to not be that.

Right now the acne in my face has cleared out but my back is still a mess. Honestly I don't give a fuck and because I don't give a fuck no-one else gives a fuck.

Don't give a fuck OP. It sucks, I know.

Btw, acne has nothing to do with eating red meat or hygiene. The problem with your skin is that your skin produces too much oil. You can try all the druggs in the world but nothing helps except one:
It's called Roacutane. It will stop the oil production in your skin it will seriously dry out your skin for 6 months (you have to take it every day if I remember correctly). It's heavy medication and some rumors say that it can cause depression (actual clinical studies show that it does not but an American politician's son killed himself while on this drug and people started to freak out).


Tldr: don't bitch. Does it hurt? Take roacutane

stop shaving and grow a hipster beard

Dude try to get a prescription of doxycycline and take it regularly. It got rid of my acne and changed my life.

Try washing your face.


stop using pizza boxes as a pillow you greasy motherfucker.

