What are you smoking/drinking/otherwise ingesting tonight /b?

what are you smoking/drinking/otherwise ingesting tonight /b?

I just got weed, wish i had some benzos
pic related

Your weed looks like trash and your dick looks like Earthworm Jim. KYS.

the weed is good and why are u even looking at my dick faggot, and i probably will kill myself i have really bad depression

I'm rocking some Bloody Mary's at the airport bar. Flight is already delayed so I have a heft amount of time to tie one on.

Mushrooms would of been perfect

nice, i have a big jar of mushrooms in my freezer i picked last year, cbf tripping for 6 hours these day, want some DMT short and to the point

lmfao that shit looks horrible

>how to spot someone from a flyover state
>weed in aluminum foil

you really aren't as intuitive as you think. not from usa, and the weed is really quite good.

Very nice,
I've never taken DMT and I can not risk missing a flight. The boomers and I have flown together before so the risk is nil.

I wish I had some DMT

No. The weed is trash. Please stop. Your dick is ugly as fuck. Dont kill yourself.

> i probably will kill myself i have really bad depression

theres a probably in there fagget aka you wont do it cause you dont have the BAAAAAAALLLLS

>implying yurop is better than a flyover state

>quite good
you paid for it, of course you'd think that retard lmao

then go buy some. or rather order it on the darknet and have it delivered to your house.

it's compact because it's probably been driven ten hours in a vacuum bag, it's illegal where i live, but it's good, i've been smoking a lot of weed for a long time

Just letting you know...
You're dick is hanging out

not from europe, no i know because i am literally never not high and i can tell when it's good or bad.
>implying america is better than anywhere else

doing LSD tomorrow 100 micrograms dubble purified

>you paid for it, of course you'd think that retard lmao

>his brain can't figure it out

>>implying america is better than anywhere else
exaclty what a third worlder would say

I've thought about it but then i don't feel like messing with the DW. I end up just making some kitchen mescaline instead.

I should have taken some mescaline

i'm a first worlder idiot, figure it out ffs.
you have got nothing right here so far

I've made it plenty of times, easily made free drugs that tastes like demon cum

>not a third worlder

Listen shithead. Just because its "good" compared to what you can get doesnt make it good compared to whats out there. Please stop defending this trash. It looks like it was grown in a ditch on the side of a road. Just do a simple google search for good weed. Compare and then shut the fuck up and smoke it quietly.

....chicago, detroit, new orleans, baltimore

>google search 'good weed'
>compare pictures
>know what is good

here i was smoking it like an idiot. it's good weed, smoked every day for ten years, what are you 15? and from some US weed state so you think you know everything about weed, fuckhead. you (personally) are bad at guessing the quality of marijuana via jpeg, that is the reality of the situation

It's just plain awful. I've had peyote but finding that out in the NE is almost impossible.

peyote is just plain rare i'm pretty sure, san pedro cactus grow in peoples yards where i live, not sure about NE

Seems like small penis humiliation is your thing, huh OP?

is this faggot still defendint that garbage?
fucking street shitters..

You know you're Australian when
>alfoil wrapped weed

how do you find benzos op?

ive only ever had valium from a doctor and I miss it


I would smack my dealer for trying to sell me some shit like that
That's a great way to never be taken seriously as a drug dealer lmao
WhT the fuck!? How much did you pay for that basura?

People have it in pots as decoration thinking it's a simple cactus. Nothing in the yards.

I've got an old head with a old timer SP out west who sends some every now and then.

Yea, the button is pretty much a unicorn. Shame

Coming down off dxm, a bit of xanax and some whippets. Good shit.

got lucky, some dude i knew through friends starting selling them. don't know where he got em, but he just dried up for now and i miss em

too much probably, hey how much does a quarter ounce cost in america btw?

You can get legal benzos off the internet. Check rcsources.

Im not going to argue with you anymore. Smoke your bomb fucking herbs brosef. Its soooo good. Cannabis cup winner for sure. Good job. Btw, ive been smoking longer than youve been alive. But yeh, you got this.

why were you arguing with me, my dick is out?