Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

I think I discovered a great way to get laid, but we'll have to help each other.

I stumbled upon my own religion which I think would fit in nicely with society.

Creating a new religion with followers would be a great way to meet spiritual women.

My religion combines Christianity with Mysticism, while removing the Jewish parts.

It reveals the purpose of mankind. It is apocalyptic and very fashionable.

This just makes you look delusional, trust me... write a book about it too, watch how much you get laid.

There must be tons of open-minded and like-minded women out there.

I think mysticism is the truth.
Mystics believe you can have a direct, unitive experience of God, so that you would see that You are God.
Jesus Christ was born an ordinary person who achieved a permanent state of Divine Realization.
By making his will at one with the will of God, he was a mystic who had gained access to God's Thoughts.

The Holy Ghost, has been misinterpreted. The Spirit of Truth is the second Christ of this system, who will bring divine judgement upon mankind.

The purpose of mankind is to travel the mystical path and become a Christ.

The problem is having a mystical experience of the Godhead, which I think I have discovered the pathway to.

And what exactly does this pathway entail?

You see, God is creating the most glorious creation possible.
The idea starts with the mystic soul, a very glorious creation.
But more glorious than that, is if you increased the virtue of the mystic soul. If it did it's work on its own, by fullfilling its potential by raising its awareness(meditating).
Greater than this is if it power's its own awareness.
The entire system of the universe is so that the soul can power itself, in a self-reliant system, through the brain.

This means that you are suppose to do all of your work on your own, with your own man-power.

Using technology is a sin and prevents one from seeing God, even if they are meditating properly.

The problem is everyone lives off of technology, and we need to create a microsociety which uses only uses tools from Jesus' time.

Interesting points. Why exactly is the use of technology a sin, and why does it prevent the seeing of God? I can understand that in many ways a lot of technology use is the antithesis of Meditation given the information overload and such, but are there other reasons at work here?

I tried to explain it earlier.
The plan is for the mystic to power it's own self. It does this through feeding the body which empowers the brain which empowers the soul. Doing so, you are doing all of your own work on your own.
When you use advanced technology, you are having something else do your work for you.
You must rely solely upon your own man-power for your own survival.

The meditation itself is easy, you just have to try to take the first commandment literally. Loving God as much as you can constantly.

>Thinks this
>Uses computer

I can't trust you, user.

I'm strapped up to technology.
If I try to live without all of it it, I'd die.
I could try to join an Amish community, but that's risky.

I might as well use technology in the mean time so I can try to fulfill my mission.

Or you could do this logically and not sound like a pleb.

Just follow the law guiding the universe literally in your life. Every action has an equal or opposite reaction. So do the opposite of what you normally do literally (because you can) until you realise how dumb and useless everything you do is and focus on something good.

Accept that singularity is illogical (god isn't real) and logically there are infinite answers to everything. The only true singularity you actually have is your own existence which is meaningless until you give it meaning.

I'd also recommend learning what "material reductionism" is.

I don't feel like arguing about God, but I feel there is strong evidence if you examine the beauty and harmony of the universe.

Life is purposeless without God.
If I am wrong, in the end I have gained nothing(being dead).
But if I am right, then I am doing the right thing.

There is evidence for and against god in everything. That's literally just every action having an equal or opposite reaction. Like I said the only true singularity in life is your own personal existence, therefore proving that each person is there own god (as in consciousness).

Begin removing singularities in your life until you're left with just your thought as it's the only thing that can't be removed and you will look at the world in absolute duality (a higher state of consciousness)

Warning this is a detachment from reality. Return to it by adding old or new and improved singularities.

Singularities could include partners, religions, friends, jobs, addictions, even down to language and communication methods

Not much else is going on. Might as well start a religion.

Sorry but I think if we assume there is a God that my ideas make more sense.

youre an idiot, creating a cult to stick your dick in crazy is just that, crazy

you sound like Trump on weed

Sounds like fun to me.
and what if I'm right?
The End.

Just look within.
Believe in your Self.

People are retarded.

my analytic abilities are certainly lacking. :-o