Is this bad? I took a massive shit and felt a little stream trickle out of my ass. I looked down and it was blood...

Is this bad? I took a massive shit and felt a little stream trickle out of my ass. I looked down and it was blood. What do?

You have cancer OP, go see a doctor.

Really? If I don't take your advice will I die?

Is that a french fry in your shit?

Nah, you just got your first period. This is an important time in a young man's life. Go buy some tampons, and welcome to adulthood.

no it just means the female hormone pills are working

See a fucking doctor retard.

Don't strain so hard lol

Blood is suppose to stay inside your body not come out of ur asshole. Go to a doctor rather than asking Sup Forums. This is serious user.

I'd recommend you visiting the Doctor after something like that.

I'm not trying to get you to worry about what's going on here.

But, it could be a lot of things.

For example, you probably strained yourself while doing the bathroom (Pushing it) and as a result that would happen.

But the thing is, that blood looks like very noticeable.

What i recommend you doing is, put a mirror on the floor and squat over it.

Check and see if you've got hemorrhoids (busted veins around your Anus.)

Perhaps, you just popped one after pushing out that, and that's the result.

How often has this happened to you?

If this is the first time it's happened to you, or it happens pretty much frequently a doctor visit would be needed.

But if it's the first time, then keep watch on it for the next few days and see if anything has changed.

I just can't get over the fact, that Tissue paper looks like it has a LOT of Blood.

how hard where you pushing it out?

ass itchy? may be internal roids

Maybe, the poop was to much for your hole. Or you eat to spicy. 3rd: You have some kind of infection. And the last one: You play to hard with your anal- toys. Roll for a reason.

Not a huge deal. You just ripped your anus most likely.

Clean up and walk it off. It will be fine tomorrow.

If your shit was black, you'd have something to worry about

nah you'll live forever, enjoy being immortal

Bright red blood is superficial.. Hemorrhoids. If it were dark, foul, occult blood, then you would have more cause for concern.

Bright red fresh blood is almost never an issue unless it continues for a few weeks.

It's something normal for OP because OP is faggot. Don't waste our time and kys.

Even a little blood can be pretty bad if you dont know the cause (infection, sticking the wrong things up your ass etc), but that's more than enough blood to see a doctor it could actually be cancer no lie.


Instructions unclear, tampon stuck in dick hole.

Pretty hard. The turd got stuck half way and I had to fight it with all of my strength.

I think the poo was just too big for my asshole.

I think I'll do this. My anus stopped bleeding so it's all good.

I don't stick things up my ass.

>I don't stick things up my ass.
No need to lie to strangers, op.

TBH, this is fairly common in men. If you don't have a hemmoroid on the outside of your anus, then you have one inside and when you strain even just a little it will rupture and bleed. I freaked out the first time it happened to me too. As long as the blood is a bright red, similar to a cut, you're fine. However, if the blood was much darker you'd have a problem signaling the blood would be coming from your lower intestines.

look at those fat healthy stools. he doesn't have bowel cancer.

if it just happens once, and after a massive shit, you probably tore yourself up. but don't worry, you'll be fine so long as your immune system isn't fucked up by HIV. remember, fags fuck eachother in the ass with baseball bats all the time and they're breeding like flies

What to do: Flush and ignore it.
Result: Death, fucking death.


I was wondering when it would get to that :)

Definitely has ass cancer. Sorry OP

It's probably just the shit that tore you a little bit. Just go easy for a few days and should be ok.

If you start getting a lot of pain or irritation, you might have something worse.


Have had the same problem. Freaked me out the first times. Looked like something had been slaughtered in the toilet bowl sometimes. But I called a doctor and like user says; if it's "fresh blood" and not brown/black then it's no biggie (as long as it stops within reasonable time). An yes, probably a hemorrhoid or small wound inside your ass.


You must be confused.

Someone set the bomb. You have no chance to survive make you ry time

Nigga eat some fiber

I get bloody ass blisters all the time. After they get bad they burst go away then i get new ones

probably busted a haemorrhoid or some shit. Sometimes you just bleed because you pop a vessle in your ass, man the fuck up and plugg your ass with a lightbulb till it stops bleeding.

it's a joke you autist. kill yourself

(that part wasn't a joke, actually do it)

Yeah its fine. I used to shove a smooth toothbrush handle up their now i dont cause it caused hemorrhoids

Dude i have like 5 times that come out of my ass when a roid pops

LMAO dude those shits look so dry I think you ripped your anus open just a little

I find this post offensive and tasteless. Somebody else's shit and blood is not what I want to see when I'm on the internet. How do I downvote this?

you have been sticking thing in your ass haven't you? Now your doctor will always know what you have done.

it just means your arse is too fucking dry. Drink more water and lube up your arse with lotion to keep it moist. LOTION LOTION LOTION.

Make sure your arse is clean as a whistle, you don't want your arse healing up with caked shit.

Please bitch you probably sneeze and think its bird
You cough and think its lung cancer
You get a pimple and think its a tumor
You get a headache and think its a brain aneurysm
Your dick gets tingly and you think its the clap
You stub your toe and think its the jews

it's hemorroids. If it was something in your guts, the blood would be already black.

No anal sex for you OP, you fag.

It's just internal hemorrhoids. Not a big deal. Shit bleeds sometimes. Old fag here, it started when I was about 40.

Damn. A whole bunch of faggots there. You have hemorhoids, that's the reason. It's not a problem at all, cool your ass if necessary. If You would have cancer, the blood would be black. It's extremely unlikely in your age, dude, fuck the other faggots, I'm medfag

Where I get FLohshamen shcostickin for my asshole?

it's just constipation blood. When you take a massive shit that's too big for you you can bleed from it


This is what anal sex do to you !
Stop being Gay and everything is gonna be okay ! Go fuck some pussy

If you ever poop "coffee grounds" that's digested blood, n that you need to see a md for.


hemorrhoids are a common problem. caused from excessive dehydration and substance abuse.

You'll be fine. Just tell your boyfriend to be a little more gentle next time

You can get dysentery if you get shit in your bloodstream. If you did rip your ass; clean it up and go to a doctor if you feel weird. This could be urgent.

This happened to me once, OP.

Anal fissure.

They're not fun, but you can rid of them, you just have to be more careful.

- eat more grains (softens the logs)
- poop more often (not as much build up means smaller poops)
- drink lots of water (this should be obvious)
- be delicate when wiping
- stop taking it up the ass


Andy Sixx?