Give me your best swastikas

Give me your best swastikas





here's a good 1

oh and another

i love seeing my fellow natsoc's embracing the last implicit characteristic of white identity

this one always gets me fully torqued and fashy

it's cool that us nazis are accepting of the furfags

Why are they always bald?



here's some more of our movement's intellectuals

Prison nazis aren't real nazis
and these dicks don't count, they're born-again Christian retards.

Hey, wanna jerk your friends and yourself to sexy images of Hitler? Click here! (NO BAIT AND FOR FREE)


denial is the first stage of grief
nazi's embrace social justice ideology heavily now, we need to accept gays, fats, and furries

here's one of our soldiers from Sup Forums

They not prison nazis but slav nazis


Is this a cringe thread?