What do Sup Forumstards think of Trump?

What do Sup Forumstards think of Trump?

He's a time-travelling God. Now get rid of this thread and get back to traps.

He's a dipshit

Why do you want to know? I hope you're not going to make some cringe worthy news article on 4chin.

He's not perfect.

But he's the best President we've had for decades.

This is going to be a great 8 years.

>at some point you'd think the butthurt, Hillary-loving libs would accept that they lost

so far? Worst president ever. I seriously wish I had voted for the bitch instead. At least that way I would have voted to get fucked, instead of being betrayed and then fucked.

>Why do you want to know?

You will never get Sup Forums's actual opinion here, you'll just get shills part of a psyops saying how fucking awful that nazi communist is

He's a crook just like all politicians, minus the whole 'understanding politics' thing, but this shit belongs on the Sup Forums containment board.

Just waiting for the tastefully dressed cute young asian women bot now...

They know but autism keeps them going.

A clown, and idiot, like my stupid, rich neighbor who is getting sued by the EPA decied to run for president. trump and spicer are a dog and pony show to distract the public from the assault against the American people being undertaken by the Paul Ryan wing of the Republican Party.
I agree with him on trade due to ecological concerns, but do not agree with his domestic-IR policy out of ecological concerns
Pic related, this is from Noam Chomsky back in 2010

It's mostly Trump shills left now tbh.

>at some point you'd think the butthurt, Hillary-loving libs would accept that they lost

yeah, just like the right-wingers accepted that they lost in 2008 and 2012, right? No, wait, they cried and whined for 8 years like the faggot snowflakes they are.

They rarely venture outside of their threads on Sup Forums, meanwhile Trump hate threads are fairly common on Sup Forums

Stop stealing our maymays . come up with your own faggot.

It's really too soon to tell, but so far he hasn't been that bad.

The media and the left, need to BTFO and give him some time.

The left had their time, and apparently didn't do as well as they would like to have thought, because the voters said otherwise and wanted something different. Not that we had the best choices given to us this time around.

Yeah lel it's leftypol shills

We didn't riot and cause violence. You lefties are all the same doing the same shit in Paris. You're spoiled children.

they are not your maymays, they are the maymays of the glorious god-emperor, therefore, they are the people's maymays, you faggot snowflake.

Worthless piece of shit.

I have never seen a faggier picture in my life

Trump is perfect. Best politician I've ever seen. He's actually doing everything he promised, and the left is jelly that our guy was indeed the right guy.

the tide does seem to have shifted against trump here on Sup Forums. Pre and post election this was basically just Sup Forums with slightly less rabid frothing.

He is a fucking joke

>the voters said otherwise
numerous intelligence agencies say that you're full of shit or delusional. russian influence is the reason that the orange man is in the white house.

Love him

first meme president. And pretty much meeting expectations as a meme trying to run a country.

>russian influence

when will this meme die? It's literally as ridiculous as the whole Obama birther bullshit

That's because Sup Forums is apolitical and contrarian. Anything that generates butt torment is quickly adopted, and just as quickly discarded.

Russian influence my ass. Liberals before Nov 8:


Libtards after the election:


>the voters said otherwise and wanted something different
the man essentially won by a mere 80k votes across 4 shit-tier states. You guys have got to stop believing your own lies about his supposed mandate, because it just isn't there.

He's an endless source of laughs because he can't get anything done without an executive order.

He's kind of a bizzaro Obama

He makes me hate the republican party even more.

B/ is infested with losers who are dependant on either their parents or the government and beat off to tranny porn......what do you think

Lol still denying Trump has supporters. You faggots never learn

What are you 19?

It's called the FSB, and they didn't hack anything. The "web brigade" did do a good job disseminating bullshit "news" and got us to distrust our government and media. I'd say they were effective.
It's like they dropped an autism bomb on this whole country.

It always comes down to being jelly of the rich, god how much of a pathetic loser are you?

yes, that is exactly why you should kill yourself, white cis scum

>Lol still denying Trump has supporters
Still struggling with reading comprehension, eh?

If the election were held again today, and done on paper (hack-proof) ballots, Hillary would be president.

They were right to. They led us on to be suspicion and everything we began to suspect proved true from Hillary cheating in the debate to the media lying

what are you, retarded?

No. Just no. Wikileaks as of this past couple years has gone off the rails and has been widely discredited. Pizzagate and spirit cooking are two such examples of outright fabrications posted there.

Since 2015 faggots of the mainstream have been denying there is support for Trump. Funnily it continues even after he wins.

But you don't realize the deeper implications. They've basically set off a charge at the foundation of our country. There are people wanting to just blow up government now. That's playing right into Putin's hands. He's the real 99-D chess champion. We are just gullible idiots who wave a flag for a country we don't believe in anymore.
Divide and conquer. It's genius.

Another kike lover

LMAO Trump would win again and by a wider margin. His actions prove he was lying about nothing and his actually fulfilling his promises.

It's obvious that most of you are children and are too young to remember previous presidents. Everyone acts like Trump will be the end of the entire world even though there were 44 other presidents before him. That reaction is that of a toddler

I saw something similar on Nov 7. Pathetic

You keep telling yourself that libtard. That poll looks alot like every poll before the election from all the lame stream media.

>they were right to set off an autism bomb

That's bull. The important and most newsworthy emails were verified and Hilldawg and crew never even tried denying them.

Probably got caught sucking Ted Cruise off ffor a few crack rocks. Bad publicity ya know. So, Ted Cruise did the only logical thing and framed you for rape. Which wasn't hard considering the location, a truck stop in downtown Metro Detroit. Well hopefully you got real used to bouncing on my boys d for hours in jail. (_)_)=======D~~~~

People in this country have had a deep distrust for the government since Kennedy. We all openly shit talk our politicians because we know they're are all corrupt. Furthermore, the left wants blow up our current government. Shit has always been like this.

>denying conspiracy bullshit
Yeah. Why didn't she go on the performance autist's show to refute it?


once one item is found to be falsified, nothing else can be taken seriously or as credible.

Adults are freaking out too at the same rate you have to admit. Lots of dumbass sheep around

he just made his "hail satans holy light" speech.
i am so fucking disappointed in myself.

>Adults are freaking out too
Chronologically adults yes, mentally not so much.

>the left wants blow up our current government

No, it's faggots like this that want to end government and set up a complete oligarchy.

Donna Brazille for example, never denied giving Hillary the debate questions. The left NEVER questioned the integrity of the leaks.


I don't even like Trump that much to be honest but I at least have a small amount of common sense. When his term or terms are up the country will either be slightly shittier or slightly better than it was before


Nothing was found to be falsified anyways what are you referring to??






She didn't have to deny it because it is so ludicrous that even a child would know that it never happened.

Even 50 years olds are whining user. Age isn't the unifying factor stupidity is.



I dont care about the US























45 here, and have seen good and bad presidents.

>Carter - good heart, too good for politics. Shit president
>Reagan - smiling grandpa figure. Nearly fucked us completely with supply side economics bullshit. Corruption scandals, Alzheimer's.
>Bush - read my lips. Nuff said
>Clinton - best republican president. Business friendly, able to bullshit libs with folksy speeches
>Bush 2: inept though well meaning. Buttraped politically by Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc
>Obama: tried to reach across aisle, GOP said no to everything (or pulled its teeth), made our country look like a grown up on the world stage
>Trump: hand puppet of the Mercers, Kochs, and countless other corporate interests. Speaks like a 12 year old. No concept of running a country.
