I have pretty much run out of options, since my last resort is asking Sup Forums what to do. Here is my situation

I have pretty much run out of options, since my last resort is asking Sup Forums what to do. Here is my situation

>16 years old, decide to drop out of school
>hang around dropkicks and permafry my brain on various psychoactive drugs
>just turned 18, family is ashamed of me
>kicked out of home, pretty much have nowhere to go, no job, no career, no path in life

What does one do in this situation? What is the best path for me to take?

>inb4 an hero, am considering it though

get a job, go to school besides and cut these "friends" and drugs.

Go get a job and be happy with it? What the fuck else do you think.

>16 drops out

ausfag detected

Selling drugs can be pretty risky but most of the time garantees money. Get close with a cool dealer and sell weed to kids who have no idea what good prices are

>cut those friends out
>get a shitty job
>go to school
>after 2 or 3 months, go back to your family and seriously talk about what you are doing to get back on track

Second part:
>get accepted back into family
>see drug-adict friends again
>destroy your brain with drugs
>get kicked out again

Rinse and repeat

Glad the Aussies I meet aren't like that.

Only military or monetary will separate you from cancerous friends

Prison just gets you a new set of cancerous friends



>stop drugs
>find any job
>rent a cheap place
>find a cheap hobby
>save every penny you can
>use money to pay for courses you are interested in
>find better friends

there you go a quite easy path to follow

This. You're going to have to hit rock bottom before any major changes happen. Consider stealing or giving head to other junkies then after many years you can be born again.

BTW, an heroing is a meme solution, nobody seriously recommends that. Are you adicted to any substances?

>take more drugs
>sell your ass 4 more drugs
>take as many as you can

Congrats, you've just died and are free from these terrenal bounds


You now have a taste of rock bottom in a 1st world country. So here are 2 choices you can make:

1) Stay with your hopeless friends, live day to day and slowly degenerate into lower depths of living hell you've chosen. You'll understand what it's like first hand, not just from movies. You will die young.

2) You can make the decision to crawl through shit for a while and get back to a normal life knowing how bad things can get. It will be painful and extremely uncomfortable but it will change you drastically for the better. What's more, you'll have an edge in life if you choose to take this path. The strength of character you'll develop will be only beneficial and you'll be able to contrast your day to day life of the future with the state you're in now and think "this isn't bad at all" - you'll be thankful for everything you do have.

The other options aren't really worth mentioning. You can take a moment, make your plans and then set them in motion or you can sit there and keep doing the same thing. What will it be?

Join the military. You'll not have to worry about drugs because you can't do any, won't have to worry about cancerous friends, won't have to worry about money because you get everything supplied to you, and when you get out of the military, you'll have a boatload of money in your account waiting for you because you don't spend any but still earn it, so you can get a decent job and a decent place to live. I'm actually not sure how it works in Australia compared to the US, but if it's the same school-wise, you could get a GED and a degree in something while you're enlisted, since It's free schooling if you're in the military.

go to church- trust me.

Get ged
go to local community college
Get it degree or some nursing shit
Parent figures you're trying
May give you a place to crash for free
Otherwise get part time job and find roomies
You should still get part time job for vidya and shit
In 3 years or less you'll be starting a rewarding career
And you won't even be 25


Not that guy, but that guy has a very good point.
Sure, he'll have the religious crap to deal with but they'll take him in without judgement and the structure may help him

Find your local bdsm groups. Get a mentor and a master who will take care of you. Mentor should be someone recommended to you by the group at large. They will help you find a trustworthy master who.would fit your needs as a slave.

OK with math?
No criminal record, or at least nothing to do with money?
Do you have the drive to take matters into your own hands and learn on your own?
People person? (If not, can you act?)

>Try Insurance.
Life & Health or Property & Casualty.

>Try Financial Management
Can pay better than insurance. Make your resume glow and throw in a cover letter. Merrill Lynch has the longest training program in the industry.

In either industry, avoid companies that make you pay for your own licences and tests. Mostly scams and pyramid schemes.

>Does law fascinate you?
Five states, including California, allow you to take an apprenticeship under a lawyer, if you can't afford law school. The catch is, you have to convince a lawyer to take you on, and you still have to pay for the exams.

>Like putting shit together?
Welder or Carpenter. Plumber if you don't mind the shit. Elevator repair later on.

>Like nature?
Park ranger. Mostly cushy gov. Job. High school diploma or ged required in most states.

>no criminal record and can you get to California or Nevada?
Get clean, stay clean and apply for California Highway Patrol, or Nevada Highway Patrol. They're always looking for people.

>Do you like trains?
Dispatcher, or engineer. You've got a decent chance, unless you live in Texas. Their major rail company requires a few years of college. The other major rail companies dont.

> Just need to GTFO by any means necessary?
Can you pass a psych eval and physical? Enlist in the military. A last ditch effort, but will get you some respect back from the family. Just don't be a cunt about it. Deployment sucks, field exercises suck, muster sucks, fuck-fuck games suck, but your ass is getting paid, plus a few months detox.

Student loans (federal AID, fasfa), community college, and a job all at once if you are smart enough and capable enough for all of that. Or just a job for the time being.

>Do you have the drive to take matters into your own hands and learn on your own?
Obviously not.

Join the army.