Science is a matter of politics

Science is a matter of politics.

Earth warms up, ocean waters rise
Warmer earth, warmer oceans means more turbulent weather, less area for habitation, more caustic oceans means less fish

You may not like liberals, but science doesn't care about politics.

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that, and no one can stand Bill Nye's self-important liberal bullshit

Even hosts who are paid to be nice to guests can't stand him

Who cares about the presenter if the information is accurate?

Are you saying the earth isn't warming? Its been the hottest decade on record EVER.

Yeah but this is normal and not caused by humans.

Oh boy.

It's funny that the GOP went from men like Theodore Roosevelt to being the official party of stupid.

97% of climate scientists disagree with you.

About the same amount also have written reports stating such.

If the earth is warming, shouldn't we stop using CO2 as it is a proven greenhouse gas? Shouldn't humans do everything they can to prevent disaster?

See this is where liberals break down and can't debate.

They say stuff like "oh boy" instead of debating lol


Not true. the 97% number is inaccurate. Please do more research on how they got that 97 number.

>They keep attacking the president!

Well he's doing a lot of objectionable bullshit that pisses people off, even conservatives. And let's not pretend he didn't attack obama for 8 years.

You're in fucking denial thinking its natural. There's no debate when you can't consider the facts.

Only people Trump pisses off are crazy millennial liberals lol

Im sorry 97.1


Trumptards are a special breed lmao

distrust a source if the DATA is flawed

In my opinion the liberal SJW college snowflake lgbt crazy people are special breed.


NASA surely isn't faking data in order to get funding from the government XD

You're not wrong. They both are special breeds.

Gud bait 10/10

Because it's not about the science, it's about people like Tyson and Nye pretending to be this ultra-upstanding, rational intelligent people to become relevant again and it's all bullshit. Bill Nye's 'science' show literally features some fucking tranny reading a poem about it's feelings and people praise it. This isn't science, this is people using 'science' to achieve their own personal political goals. Nye commonly says that people who disagree with him have mental problems to discredit them without reallybeing able to debunk them.

Besides, being a published geologist I'm more of a scientist than Bill Nye. Saying that the last x number of years were the hottest is meaning less when we have ~50 years of good temp data at best, more like ~25 for many places, which is WAY too short a window to be basing these multi-decade future temp predictions.

Truth is we have so little understanding about how individual atmospheric and climate processes work (let alone how they interact with one another) that every prediction is inaccurate enough to be meaningless

Skeptical science is not a reliable source. It's funded by oil companies as are the petition signers the article references

Link to your published article or it didn't happen

not sure if trolling, russian shill or just retarded

NASA isnt the only source!!!
Universities, Science departments, the WEATHER CHANNEL

You just have to see how much particulate matter constitutes our atmosphere now from back before the Industrial Revolution.

NEWS FLASH - Its hotter now that heat cannot escape the earth's atmosphere as easily due to greenhouse emissions like CO2 and methane

we don't "use" CO2 dipshit. Unless your fucking Fanta is causing global warming. You don't even understand what you are accusing others of not understanding

>Making claims about credibility on an anonymous website

How about you stop trying to vilify anyone with opinions that are different than yours?

Now there's an idea!

We create carbon which binds to oxygen which creates co2

If they are funded by the oil company then why do they agree that experts agree between 90 and 100 % on man-made climate change

We're still not letting you drill in Russia, Tillerson. No matter how much you sperg out about it.

Climate change isn't really a matter of opinion, user.

you have to be fucking retarded if you think I'm going to post my name, address, and organizations that support me on here

>LIberals are cancer.

are you retarded? did you read the op?

What about the use of or production of things that cause the emission of CO2 was hard to understand?

Opinions arent facts
My personal opinion is that a plane shouldnt be able to fly. Doesn't stop planes from flying though



Trying to use logic against conservatives and tinfoil hat wearing nutjobs is pointless dude.

If you dont have facts or papers that have gone under peer review, how can we analyze your assertions?

So...Youre a 15 year old child who claims to be a geologist. Got it

I can't understand science so therefore it is cancer.

Well you cant let them spout bullshit either. Who are young kids going to listen to if you don't combat these people with logic and evidence?

Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

WTF, that dude shaved everything but the beard on his neck. Please tell me this isn't some new style.


More common among the rural trash than you'd think.

no you dumbass. we burn long-chain hydrocarbons which results in the oxidation (burning) of nitrogen and carbon compounds/molecules and make oxides of nitrogen and carbon (and sulfer, but this is more regulated because of the potential of acidity). We then often catalyze the exhaust of cars and factories to remove the 'poisionous' gasses like carbon monoxide. We don't just sling raw carbon in the air that is turned to CO2 by magic

I think you are misled as to my socioeconomic standing

There is no debate. It's proven. Even if it wasn't manmade (which it is), we know what's causing it, and that's a buildup of carbon oxides, methane, and other greenhouse gasses, and therefore there is literally no reason not to be doing something about it. Period.

The reason they say "Oh boy" is because they are about to have to try and reason with someone who is, at a basic level, unreasonable.

Oil lobbies are bumping so much money into making this a partisan issue and a 'debate' to keep money pouring in and in an effort to deregulate business environmental standards so that they can increase profits at your (and everyone else's) expense.

How can anybody listen to this tucker retard and take him seriously. He is so autistically trying to poke holes in nye's story with the BUT WHAT IS THE EXACT PERCENTAGE WHY CANT YOU TELL ME IF ITS SETTLED REEEEEEE.

Jesus fucking christ its saddening how people cant recognize this for what it is.

why did i just watch hannity act like a crybaby for over 6min?

Reposting a previous comment because lazy. Here is the science and why it works.

Humans burn carbon. This carbon during combustion reacts with oxygen in the air, creating carbon dioxide/monoxide. Carbon dioxide molecules are larger and heavier than plain oxygen. This means that the molecules more easily reflect waves and particles because of their increased size. This means they more easily reflect solar radiation back at the planet for a 2nd round or more which results in less of that energy being lost to space and more of it being imparted to Earth in the form of heat.

Another good example of this is nuclear reactors. Generally water or H2 O is used as a medium to reflect neutrons back into the reaction to keep the reaction sustainable among other reasons. But if you swap the hydrogen atoms in water with deuterium, which is a heavier variant of hydrogen, the water molecules become heavier and much more effective at reflecting neutrons because of their increased size, making the reaction more efficient by keeping more neutrons inside. Thus heavy water.

Additionally the carbon oxides get absorbed readily into the ocean, making the pH of the water more acidic, which affects life there.

Climate changes naturally on the Earth due to various factors, but it does not change this severely over this short of a time sans huge disasters like bolide impacts or volcanic activity, and such quick climate change is always accompanied by mass extinctions because most life forms cannot adapt that quickly.

We have severely exacerbated a warming trend due to our fossil fuel consumption.

The breaking point for this is 1.5 Celsius uptick in global average temperature.

We would have to stop all CO2 emissions at this point not to cross that.

After 1.5, you are looking at around 20-30% drop in coastal landmass. That will destabilize the WORLD.

there's a difference between "using CO2" and "producing" CO2.

Is that so hard to understand?

Anyone denying climate change is a fucking moron.
Anyone claiming climate change is not caused by humans is also a fucking moron.

Listen fuck stick. When speaking to idiots you have to bring your self down to their level. I am well aware of the chemistry but when someone doesn't even believe something that's as proven as man made climate change you think they are going to understand how carbon dioxide gets in the air beyond drinking soda

I think I am not.

I was writing fast. You point was about as useful arguing over punctuation and grammar in typed responses with limited time to proofread. You understood what I meant.

I know climate change is real, I just find it so incredibly fucking hard to care about.

I'd prefer deregs now for potential damages later that won't affect me.

because they have already undergone peer review, your assertions are meaningless to me. I've already been cited a few times


Also if there's a 15yo out there who writes papers about inferring paleoclimate using weathering indicators from sediment input and microfossil assemblages then I'd like to see them

Do you want your kids to care more about when their next source of water will come from than what they will be when they grow up?

That is the level of shit we are talking about

Considering I am educated and don't vote for Trump you are. Maybe you meant to comment on someone else. I believe in science and I have money and I'm from the east coast

Also other greenhouse gases like CFCs didnt help our atmosphere very much.
>chemistryfag here

Then show the papers. We dont care WHO you are we just want INFO. Not citing anything allows us to not care what you say.

But it will affect you. It already is. You think it's some problem 100 years from now when you're dead. We are already suffering the opening effects and within a decade you will really wish you cared about it now.

Not the same person a) and b) I didn't say there was. I said you didn't write a peer reviewed paper. Anyone can look up a paper topic.

Typical tinfoil hatter, argues over grammar and not content.

If I choose not to have kids why am I responsible for any decision I make that effects other people's kids?

I literally want humanity to end with my generation. Therefor I'm going to live it up and not care about any generation after me.

If you decide to have kids then it's YOUR responsibility. Not mine.

an educated person from the east coast of the United States would not say:

>I am educated and don't vote for Trump

so nice try Yuri.

You just saved me a word salad, user. Bravo.

Yeah Vets depending on Meals On Wheels are fucking extatic about not having food fuck yeah!

you were right until your last two paragraphs/sentences. We don't have the resolution in ice or especially rock records to say how long ancient climate change events took to manifest. It could be super rapid (and even seems to be in some cases). We just don't know enough to make these assumptions

That being said, we should do our best to re-use shit and keep the nasty stuff out of the air and water, just not at the millitant SJW levels that people/other governments are calling for

You don't have to be. You are just a monster for caring about yourself over the future generation of potential billions upon billions.

If the Earth can no longer sustain human life before we have the technology to fix it, we will perish as a species.

>I literally want humanity to end with my generation.
Then you don't have any basis for other people to take you seriously. Just because you're self-destructive doesn't mean that others have to respect that.

Before you call me an edgy fuck
this guyisn't me.

Though like him I don't plan to have kids, I don't want humanity to die out after I'm gone. Just apathetic enough to not care if work is put forward into making sure it doesn't happen.

I'm not really seeing any visible effects right now, at least none that I'd consider an issue to me personally.

>we will perish as a species.

This is a good thing. Humans are a cancer.

Unless you're going to die within the next decade, you WILL be personally affected by climate change.

That's the problem now, we are dumbing science down to levels where it ceases to be accurate and more worryingly listening to the people that we are dumbing it down for. This goes for liberal 'science' marchers with no clue what they are marching for as much as dumb redneck science haters. Wrong is wrong, dumb is dumb

You got me. I'm a Russian spy who is trying arguing for believing in science and hating trump because he rejects the idea of man made climate change and has said vaccines cause autism. Trump hates science because it makes him realize he is dumb. But I'm a Russian hacker known as Sup Forums so what would I know.

Then you are a fool. I hope we fix this problem before you wake up to the refugees of millions invading your area because they all lived near the ocean.

you sound like an angsty 15 year old

Isn't this the guy who thought Obama was a mental lightweight because he used a teleprompter, and praised Trump because he did the same thing?

just underscores how nearly all liberals are assholes

ask me a question about geology/palentology and I'll explain it, far beyond a google search

>put up or shut up

Fox news anchors are pervs.

O'Reilly - fired
Hannity - 2 women have come forward accusing him of sexual misconduct.
Carlson - 1 woman has come forward accusing him of sexual misconduct.

Conservatives are garbage and treat women like objects.

Fools are a cancer who would live for a few extra million dollars in their pocket over the longevity of their race.


Who cares?

Shows that you know jack shit about the field of science

Like any academic field it's extremely political, often subject to academic culture and zeitgeist. Go back to /leddit/

this 97% is complete bullshit

it does seem we're on the same side

I have nothing to prove. I didn't claim to be something I am not. You aren't proving your claim so therefore you can be considered a liar

Nah we are based as fuck. Love how easily Bill Nye triggers conservative snowflakes


CO2 is more deadly than Cerin gas

Facts aren't political you dumb cunt.

If you watch the video you can see that Tucker is not denying that climate change is real or not but about how much we contribute to it to which Billy couldn't give a straight answer for.

Also yes we do need to protect our environment but we can find ways to do it without taxing the shit out of everyone to cause them to go into poverty