Is Death in June nazi? Does it matter? Can you enjoy music from political ideologies that offend you...

Is Death in June nazi? Does it matter? Can you enjoy music from political ideologies that offend you, like NSBM and RABM? Is a lot of nationalistic/pagan/medieval music misbranded as nazi shit? Discuss. Pic related

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about that last no, I was looking at this album ( and while i think it is by the strictest terms fascist, i wouldn't say that it is nazi in the 3rd reich sense

>Is Death in June nazi?
fascism and nazism are different concepts
>Does it matter?
>Can you enjoy music from political ideologies that offend you, like NSBM and RABM?
>Is a lot of nationalistic/pagan/medieval music misbranded as nazi shit?



but is he a white supremacist dabbling in fascism, or a nazi, or just a weirdo?

so all you guys have no problem listening to music with content that offends your tastes? can you give examples?

i don't get offended by most stuff. it'd have to be exploiting children or something. i can, and do, enjoy musicians that make music whose themes go against my personal beliefs. i'm not a leftist but i enjoy godspeed.

I dont get offend easily cause i grew up shitposting on Sup Forums.
I grew up before tumblr and sjw faggots ruined the world.
paganism and medival music isnt racist, there are a lot of Christians that are racist too.
Paganism is just another form of religion.
medival music is just a historical form of music.

You know the funny thing about varg and burzum is that he doesnt inject his politics into the music

I think when it comes to right wing music subtly is the key, a song called "what ends when the symbols shatter" is more poetic than, man i miss hitler.

And anyways i think right wing musicians are the only actual indie musician left, by the true origin of the word because the music industry is dominated by libtards who keep them out.

And im talking about actual right wingers, not basic bitch fox news center right

but Many Enemies Bring Much Honour

but he has nazbol and fascist sympathies for sure
but I can see why some people may argue against that
but nazi punk sucks dick on almost all fronts, nsbm, neofolk, industrial is good
a lot of people associate anything traditional with nationalism nowadays
I like Burzum among other NSBM bands because they write competent black metal songs and live up to the expectations of the genre, as well as usually being decently tame compared to much of "rock against communism," lyrics usually have more to due with tradition and norse gods or some shit, not "gas le kikes XDDDD." I like Mayhem too, and Euro was an avowed communist.
Most industrial artists used nazi imagery to piss of older Europeans (since that was where Industrial was based, in Europe) and it stuck when it worked.

Is that Anthony Fantano's wife?

>I grew up before tumblr and sjw faggots ruined the world.

paganism is an umbrella term for the folk religions of people who had it destroyed by the abarhamic religions, it could be Norse, or Greek, but it could also refer to the traditional religions of Africa or the middle east. It isnt inherently racist or right wing.

not an argument

>Can you enjoy music from political ideologies that offend you, like NSBM and RABM?
Yes, I listen to sounds, not ideologies. Music interests me mostly from formal and emotional sides.

the thing about metal is that its more about extremism, so if you are right wing you heil hitler, and if you are a left wing metal head you say pol pot did nothing wrong

Also if you listen to some musical piece it doesn't necessarily mean that you identify yourself with its content or author. If you read about serial killers and it fascinates you, it doesn't mean that you are one or approve anything they do.

I'm a communist but my favorite musician is Frank Zappa, a right-wing libertarian with some progressive social ideas

He's a weirdo. He likes the aesthetic apparently. I don't think a gay guy would fit in with white supremacists

that's the thing about labeling, if you make an album about the old gods and going to war with a sword, it isn't nazi. fascist?almost undoubtedly
I feel like slapping the NS tag on it for being fascist is both reductive and harmful
however i don't want to be giving my money and support to literal nazis/copkillers/rapists/child molesters and that's why i find it hard to listen to bands like that
i don't think going against personal beliefs necessarily means offending ones tastes
>Point by point
true and true
He doesn't which is smart IMO
bands make songs by both names, unabashed nazis arent worried about being poetic
i disagree, there are many DiY and small bands which are by definition despite being more left, and in fact a lot of bands are more left than the mainstream political landscape, which is undeniably centrist AND you lose points for using "libtard" seriously
but yes, fox news "right" is right of center and fascists/ authoritarian traditionalists are underrepresented
song is fine

he's not a nazi. he's gay and he has anti-religious sensibilities.

you autistic fags don't even understand satire

when you dig really deep into the right wing there is a mad romantic aristocrat there singing poetic songs of pain

for example, this song bangs:

And make no mistake, Douglas Pearce is VERY gay. But honestly, what's NOT to like about Nazi aesthetic?

the alt-right is full of gay nazis

before 1934 the nazis were full of gay nazis

why would anyone care if you grew up thick skinned? are you a minority? because you never clairfied if you are. of course you don't get offended easily because you're probably a straight white male

1: They're emulating Fascists probably as edgelords given their genre origins come from Industrial.
2: No, people who think it does are butt-mad about contrasting ideas.
3: Yes, as a Right-Libertarian I hate contemporary Marxism with a burning passion but Gang of Four makes great music.
4: Yes, some of that stuff isn't "Nationalistic" and generally leans more peaceful and esoteric.

I agree with you
a reaction, clearly,
this is funny and pretty true honestly
with a lot of stuff like Plutocracy's "Sniping Pigs" and Aryan Kampf 88's "Sieg Heil !" the political intention is so in my face that it informs my opinion to a certain extent. Reading about a serial killer is different from giving him your money and support, which you do with bands
not really the same thing at all
to say DiJ is satire is fucking stupid in my opinion, and to say their aren't gay nazis is pretty ridiculous, even if it is an inherent contradiction. I will use the term anti Semitic white supremacist in lieu of nazi if you want, though
Anti religious =/= nazi

Another thing about the right wing is that its very deep into the occult.
The left wing are materlists.
they even call Marxism a science

>i don't think going against personal beliefs necessarily means offending ones tastes
well i already said that the only thing musically you could really do to offend my tastes would be to exploit children or something. everything else i'll give a chance. but let's just say DiJ were nonviolent Nazis, would that offend your tastes?

the right wing isn't poetic by nature but there are poetic right wing aligned musicians
not nsbm i don't think, if it is pro-war/satan
most BM is, it's a genre built on the back of shock value
this is pretty good, btw
does people talking about splitting the money up really make your stomach turn? I'm a pretty hard communist but listening to people sing about laissez faire market economies isn't what bothers me, it's music about starting a race war to eliminate blacks (hyperbole)
fake news
nazism and fascism are inherently violent but so as to not argue semantics: im cool with music about traditionalism and nationalism, but if an album about those things has a swastika slapped on the cover then it brings the nazi thing back to the front of my mind
IDK if its that the politics revolt me or the knowledge that by supporting the music im help give reach to people who shouldn't have a platform for their discourse, good musicians or not

lol read the lyrics

would you listen to buyer's market? it isn't necessarily a record of child exploitation, but it's child molester sympahetic
that's how i feel listening to nazi bands but not necessarily hardcore nazi themology in the music

i actually laughed out loud

I'm more so talking about people trying to take down both state and economy and replace it with a labor community centering around necessity and lacking in social hierarchy, effectively trying to apply Marxist ideals to the world in this day and age. However, splitting money fairly sounds more like generic Socialism given money shouldn't exist according to Marxism.

>why would anyone care
He posted in a thread about a topic that had to do with the perception of music that has viewpoints that are contrary to yours, and he said that he is thick skinned (i.e. not offended by such music), he's just answering OP's question, so I guess OP cares

Depends on how serious they are about it.
Death metal/grindcore lyrics often include using babies as condom to fuck freshly dug out corpses or something.
"nazi shit" is often not done for the memes though.

ah so it feels to you the way ancap memes feel to me
idk i'm rich and white so a labour community would be bad but also capitalism's secondary effect of killing the earth is bad too

do you actually think all fascism is inherently violent? how is communism not also inherently violent then?

right wing art is very romantic, it is based on Romanticism, the spiritual, heroism, poetry.tradition.

You just dont like the idea of people you despise having worth because you dont like the idea of them being human

i think that in practice communism has been brought forward and maintained through violence but nothing in the ideology itself necessitates violence, whereas (correct me if im wrong) fascism uses violence as a means to maintain itself, makes use of imperialism and thereby necessitates war, and operates within capitalism which is exploitative and also legitimizes violence towards the ends of "progress"

More or less, and I think ancaps are equally moronic than commies if not more so given it'd probably ensure our destruction even sooner. On Communism's side you risk the initial leaders of the movement giving you death camps, purges, and poverty over a free society and equal society. But on the other side, it's exactly
But with money and markets added. Sellers are gonna do anything necessary to appeal to the demand of buyers, which means they're going to make developments faster, get them to people faster, and use them to control people faster, and give us a chaotic dystopia of constant buying and selling for destruction while corporate elites rise and fall in the blink of an eye.

but that's just like, my opinion man

Can someone explain to me why people call DiJ nazis? I can't find any other reasons than that they use swastikas and shit but Rammstein does that too and they doesn't get called nazis.

i didn't say right wing art isn't romantic, I don't despise the "right wing" or wish to dehumanize them, and I'm interested where you pulled that from based on what I did say
i think using swastikas and wearing ss uniforms on stage, as well as literally naming your band after hitler's rise to power is reason enough

fascism doesn't necessitate violence any more than communism does. they both don't allow for actual political opposition. fascism maintains itself through appointing a dictator or at least relatively authoritarian leader. it is traditionally isolationist and has a strong emphasis on nationalism. it allows for a regulated form of capitalism and can be described as right of center

ancaps are better because the memes about them are funnier. they need to be around to sustain the memes. when ancoms get more popular on the internet, i believe that the memes pointing out the flaws in their ideology might be better

right wing art is based on beauty, romance, heroism


Actually the whole nazi chic thing started in punk music, something people consider left wing

>i think using swastikas and wearing ss uniforms on stage, as well as literally naming your band after hitler's rise to power is reason enough
But that doesn't mean he's a nazi though. He even said himself that he's just really interested in WW2 and nazi stuff.

i've never heard it described as isolationist or right of center, but i'm totally cool with isolationist nationalism bar any major issues about race or religious freedom
state capitalism a la stalin with an authoritarian leader does necessitate violence, but a true commune of people acting in eachothers best interest wouldnt, which is the core end goal of communism - not to say that could ever exist, but if it did there wouldn't be any sort of political opposition

It's because they go farther with the aesthetic. What doesn't make sense is how they conflate Fascism with Nazism, DiJ emulates Fascism over Nazism, so even if they were sympathsizers to center right philosophies like those two, people would still be wrong given the differing fundamental principles.

yeah those two things would each suck pretty bad
I agree they're funnier, and they don't really exist in a capacity other than like, pepsi and their commerical
AnComs are real, on the ground, attacking people to show that being violent is bad but getting upset when people are violent toward them
yeah I know, it's kinda funny
it was really just anti establishment and nazi symbolism is pretty congruous with that
I agree that it doesn't make him a nazi, but it's enough to question if he is
Nazism is an offshoot of Fascism, and DiJ is questionably nazi while being definitely fascist

Well, definitely Fascist assuming they are actually Fascists.

>I'm a communist

I like ragga even though its often massively homophobic

my thing with the whole "everyone's in a commune working together" communism is that people will want to break away from that. the hardest working will not want to share with people who do not want to work as hard. the only way to solve that is to either force the lazier workers to work more or force the harder working people to not abandon it. also deciding leadership involves either pure anarcho communism with no leaders which is impossible in any substantial numbers, a selected council appointed by the people which would just be creating different classes again, or a singular leader which would just lead to Stalinism. I know i'm simplifying complex thought and it's more nuanced than that, but i find Marxism impossible for the most part without some sort of violence to control people.

>I grew up before tumblr and sjw faggots ruined the world.

I know this is probably pointless to explain, but you know how a lot of people think all of Sup Forums is Sup Forums and take all the shit about Sup Forums being a "hive of scum and villainy" completely 100% seriously? Obviously if you visit Sup Forums for a few even a few minutes you can see that's not what it is. Tumblr is exactly the same.

Tumblr is host to a lot of stuff that's way more offensive and extreme than what you typically see on Sup Forums. Most people don't follow it, but it's there, and you don't have to dig very far. For every sjw on tumblr there's a guro blog


> Is a lot of nationalistic/pagan/medieval music misbranded as nazi shit?


not him but i understand what he means by calling it "tumblr". it's how you refer to Sup Forums as if it is alt-right. it's that it's the dominating culture of the website and the vocal people that use it. i would't have used the retarded phrasing he decided to, but i agree with most of the sentiment. just not as hyperbolically.

How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?

>Is Death in June nazi
Douglas P has collaborated with jewish artists, played in Israel and he is pretty openly gay. He's just fascinated with fascist imagery (puns hue)

>Is Death in June nazi?
not nazi but def at least conservative
>Does it matter?
>Can you enjoy music from political ideologies that offend you, like NSBM and RABM?
only if they're good, compare fanisk with skrewdriver for example. however the same applies to music from left-wing ideologies.
>Is a lot of nationalistic/pagan/medieval music misbranded as nazi shit?