Did they?

Did they?

did they?


I got no doubt in my mind

did they?

Of course not, you degenerate fuck.

Did they?


He wanted to, that's for sure. Maybe he has pics of her, but I doubt he really did it.

Probably. Not recently though. She's got a new sugar-daddy.

So... You're comparing a question of whether a man has been having incest with his daughter since a time when it would have been statutory even if she weren't his daughter, to a guy who has affairs with adult non-related women?

Is that the 'completely level comparison' you're trying for here? Hmm?

Who gives a fuck? Can we focus on the human feces that actually won?

I'd complain about Clinton shit too, if she had won, but she didn't. She's a non-issue, and the ass-hat in chief is what this thread was asking about.

Well he is a zionist shil, those fucks are all pedos, so maybe

did she?

who could blame him?

Dude, I'm not even OP and I'm looking at this thinking "Go start your own fucking thread. This isn't even tangentially related."

i hope so. family love is the purest.

Oh.... Ivanka, Melania, Ivana...... Certain legal entities...

Fucking seriously.



>Certain legal entities
government needs to stay out of family matters.

i mean you can brainwash your kids and inject them with hormones to make them grow tits, but you can't fuck them?

absolutely ridiculous.

Probably he even said if he could he we would marry her.

These two did for sure faggot

>even matched their purple, so sweet...


worst instagram DM ever

And a guy who was president like 20 years ago at that. Trumpfags, they can't even deflect to someone relevant