Food porn!

Food porn!

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Will dump my few

Raw as fuck. Get rid of that pink.

Fucking Hungry op




cant start a thread without contributing


*cracksl knuckles*


British black pudding is the worst thing I have tasted in my life


Fried slice and a minging tomato and that would be proper Kushti!

Oh my GOD! What is that??



Arctic Roll.
Food from the Gods themselves.



gotta be chef john

Is it cake wrapped ice cream?




I want this to be my last meal! Even tho I don't what that is.

O oui, zat eez le Royale avec fromage!
Invented en France!

Thinking about making his beef goulash this weekend...getting hard thinking about it.


yes sir,it is


This is stoner food from my youth. Used to be under a quid at Iceland, would buy three of the cunts and that would be a boss evening.





Arctic Roll!
mate this would be the best breakfast



No, it's ice cream wrapped in cake.


that is a horrible picture




There it is!

Welcome to England!



you got the recipe for this??


You and your well done bullshit are not worthy of those digits! Welldonefags get off my board!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Cool sandwich bro!

snap uk user :D
god damn, back in the day when a teenth was a tenner and actually weighed 1.7 ) mate would do me 2g)

Man those were the days, a few arctic rolls, a few litre bottles of san miguel and a nice bag of weed


all ive ever heard about it is how its good for hangovers


Tbf, I am absolute scum of the Earth.






I have a family now, but I look back on those days with fond memories. May actually try and source an arctic roll for the kids, just for the memories.

Might want to check this out



You don't like a sausage whose principal ingredient is blood?

What are you user a fucking poof?

same man, in my 30's now wit a fiance, no lil shite yet lol, but still a total n utter stoner, might have to pay a visit there myself!

Looks like someones had bad diarrhea in that burger

..... Holy shit. Can you imagine that kids face when they bite into it.

Me too!

I like blood and tongue sausage.




Basically Galumpki with a cake mold.

Enjoy them, mate! There are days I wish I was just a fat cunt 20-something with three arctic rolls and no cares in the world.

i think i should do a new cooking thread, maybe on saturday

any requests what to cook?

>best pizza topping

You like eating at your girlfriend's, while the painters are in?


>best pizza topping is jizz


At last, someone who agrees!

out of the way




>21st century
>Eating raw meat
what kind of barbaric shit is this?

man was just thinking there how good life was in 2002-2008 those 6 years were awesome for me, life was so much better, social media was near enough non existent (well in 2002 anyway) magic mushrooms were sold legally, weed was cheap n plentiful, mdma was actually magical, girls didn't seem as such whores as they do now, oh how i wish i could return :(

n thanks mate, i will send a shoutout to ya on ere when i get one hahaha

Gefülltes Kraut?
Bitte mehr.

are u fucking kidding me? is this the level Sup Forums is at right now? fucking food porn thread? fucking faggots

>food of the gods

Tongue sausage, jummy!

Thats because it's the unwanted left overs of pork fat and blood. Literal garbage.

that's what he fucking said

Most of us never get any pussy. Food is one of the few things worth living for.

If your pizza isn't from New York or Long Island, it's shit.

I like crunchy food too

I really really really like to eat some of these every now and again

i am a fan of little caesars
i do not know why