Loli thread

loli thread

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5/5 will post more once the thread starts going



I can post more of that type of picture if you contribute some good ones as well

Omg fucking love it l, moar like this





I seach a comic with girls on a bech and sex with her dad



just fuckt a 14y got vid anyone want it

just 2 for now 1/2


Is it safe to masturbate with a zip lock bag with lubrication inside?








Should be, but seeing as you're autistic enough to actually do it, I'd reccomend rolling the "zip" part back so it doesn't directly touch you.

Wouldn't want to hurt yourself.






yep, whats yours?





you guys are fucked up for wanting real child porn

its all bait retard. both the guy implying and the people responding.

Brb making one


kik talviskaa

any gif's

modss plz




lol is this shit legal?

Get the fuck out of here you cunt. Lolis arent illegal.



Well it's legal for free people. Not for slaves like brits.


Laundry Sauce

Somebody needs to learn that Loli is supposed to be a girl alone, not with a guy, and not with other girls.


Are you worried about safety and health of digital children?

Loli is legal where the servers are. It is up to the viewer to know if loli is against the law in their viewing area which is what matters.


Daily reminder that consumers of 'lolicon' are pedophiles

>b-but enjoying artistic, etrotic depictions of children doesn't make me a pedophile!

Yeah? How much you want to bet if I turned your harddrive over to data forensics of any three letter agency, you'd be charged with at least a dozen felonies? That's right, so don't deny it

Pedophiles are less intelligent on average according to a new study:

"Pedophiles show a string of neuropsychological characteristics," said Ponseti. "For example, their intelligence quotient is about 8 percentage points lower than the average."

Worse news for consumers of 'toddlercon':
"It's also interesting that the age of the victim is related to the IQ of the abuser," he added. "So the dumber the criminal, the younger the child."


Shit's also becoming illegal in a number of Western countries for a reason. It's flatout illegal in Australia, France, and even Canada. In the US, it can be used against you if you're caught in an act related to children or CP.

According to the popular R34 sites, they are enforcing new rules that ban the publishing of "artistic, sexualized depictions of underage individuals" because of the legal 'gray-area' surrounding it.

I report all the Discords you idiots advertise and guess what, all of them are closed and everyone is banned now. Good.

Face it pedos, you're running out of safespaces and soon the only part of the world where you'll be accepted, are third-world countries.

whoa what the fuck MODSSSSSSS

lol, so that means there are a bunch of FBI dudes in the same office pretending to send cheese pizza to each other?




fate kaleid



I fucking hate you


>Yeah? How much you want to bet if I turned your harddrive over to data forensics of any three letter agency bla bla

It's not illegal where I am, faggot.

>"Pedophiles show a string of neuropsychological characteristics," said Ponseti. "For example, their intelligence quotient is about 8 percentage points lower than the average."

My IQ is 131

Also, toddlercon is fucked up.

It's CG, and legal you cock smyth!


Man that lolicon google translation screencap really convinced me of your erudition.


This study shows drug users have higher IQs on average

It must be true, they said so.



I don't know what's with the daytime crowd, but everyone in the night/morning acknowledges they're pedophiles. It's probably newfound pedophiles/normies getting off school, or something.

Also, that's purely on average; I personally have an IQ of ~135, though I am a hebe.

I don't abuse children or access CP.

People dumb enough to use Discord deserve to be banned from it anyway.

I feel like it's more likely we'll undergo an acceptance movement in the foreseeable future.

>mfw they said similar things about homos not too long ago

>toddlercon is fucked up
Hypocrite. It's no more fucked up than any other fetish/sexual preference, as disgusting as many of them are.

>links to a liberal news site based in a country that is currently spreading it's ass for Muslims

Good job there fag.

>mfw humanity is built on ~13 year olds who reproduced
>hurr durr


>My IQ is 131
I highly, highly doubt this.

this would mean you're superior to 98% of the population on earth in terms of IQ. I do not buy it for a second.

Unless you had an in-person MENSA approved test, I call total bullshit.

too many people only this board claim 120 or more. most people on here are likely 95-110

I didn't say that. There's just nothing inherently wrong with it.


>IQ of ~135
>My IQ is 131
lol so much bullshit. two people claiming 130+ IQs. do you know how incredibly rare that is? and they just so happen to be in the same thread.

if you're going to lie at least try to be a little realistic about it.

>most people on here are likely 95-110
>Africans average an IQ of about 70-80
>All Africans must be pedophiles

You fucking racist. Racists have lower IQs on average too.


any of you weebs know any good loli eroge games


If you say so. I'm not exactly going to prove my identity and accomplishments in a loli thread, though.




Who is this artist?




thats what you sound like