ITT : Things only British people understand

ITT : Things only British people understand

was mint




Do you have a rubber?
> Britbong response:Sure gov'ner, made a mistake?
> Ameritard response: Get an abortion instead, baby girl.


I guess it was never exported outside these shores




Welsh accents





Look up the stats, Americans have shit teeth as well as being fat fuckers!




Leave it out you slag

Sir......That is fucking genius






Bad teeth

nopes. it was aired (at least) on Spain

Chill the fuck out Wallace, at least we that shit out when it gets all nasy rather than slathering each other's tooth gaps

Kek, nice! This is %100 accurate. This will trigger the rock biters as well. Truth hurts

Look at

Our country isnt majority obese you putrid faggots

Yes, and this site is reliable. (If you can't tell I am being sarcastic)


Can you defend yourself from "Hazeez the well respected Muslim man?"
Shut your gangly, fucked up mouth

Let me guess, this site is British? You or are gullible. Anyways, us Canadians are perfect in every way. Americans are fags, but the British win by far. Now go drink tea like a bitch.


Oh yeah!


>Canadians are perfect in every way

chinks aren't perfect.

You all are faggots



Want that one

I actually think a lot of brits struggle with wtf is happening here.
As someone who use's it near daily, it's really not hard and it seldom ever stops


Milk first

How to avoid a dentist.

Arrgghhh, they're the wrong way round.....!!!!!!



Canada is England's bitch.
Your queen will hopefully die soon.

No wonder y'all are always eating curry


classic mark

He's not fucking funny at all.

In Tubbs voice

The future came too soon

I always found him a bit hit or miss

I me the chuckle brothers in a bar in Aberdeen! Got steaming with them, that was a fun night

I....i had forgotten all about them


Poofter eh?

How old was you?


You heard the man Tubbs!...Take your clothes off

Nah, blokes always been a cunt.

It was about 5years ago now so I was 20

I changed the order. I'm done sharing rice with you

I was in a war, you know?

For all you old bastard s

Gone are the days of page 3....



please explain wat this

basically how europe is right now. So glad we're getting out let's just hope the EU doesn't manage to fuck us over.

If Le Pen wins then I think we'll be pretty golden.

To me. To you

Yeah mate, happens all the time down the road

>hello dave

as a foreigner, explain to me, was this popular in all of britain or was it just with a certain sect of people?


If you need to ask then fuck off

there is nothing for Sup Forums here.

Satan trips.

>You're my wife now Dave


my favourite show ever. fucking love it. "In this house we do not use the f' word!".


That's something everyone understands. Here's one only Brits understand: the terry cloth onesy. Cheers faggots

>I COULDN'T care less

Fucking yanks and their shit grammar.

Who doesn't love a nice faggot

pie and liquor

Britfag here that thought it was complete shite.

that'll dink dank do for paddy



I can see the pie and the fish and the mash, but what the hell is the green stuff? i dont care if you call it liquor just tell me what it actually is made out of

Let's not forget other fashionable British men's selections. Only for serious gentlemen.

You must be mistaken. Are you are you aren't from the middle east?
