How does an upper middle class white homeowner, with no connections to any pot dealers or friends who smoke...

How does an upper middle class white homeowner, with no connections to any pot dealers or friends who smoke, get some weed?

Ask your kids.

By knowing me

if you have to ask the internet how to find weed i would get used to disappointment.

Get your fucking pool boy to do it for you.
Pay him well.

Dark web

Go to the store.

I'm the same except I know about 5 people who smoke and they hook me up once in a while. You seriously don't know one person that smokes? You got to casually mention pot to friends and co-workers and note their reaction.

Lol my kids are still toddlers.

Got a lot of money and relatively high socioeconmical status.
Can't get weed.

Really hope you are book smart, i really do.

You live close to north west TN?

Grow it.

Post your City/Neighborhood and someone on here will likely hook you up.

Maybe go out to some the same divey bar a few times a week till u get to know the regulars , don't go around asking for pot , eventually they'll get comfortable with u , and strike up a convo about u getting high with those regulars , then casual slip in "I need a new connect tho my guy has been dry lately, h know anybody", ull eventually strike gold

Go to the closest bodega and drop your pants and show your ass to the guy at the counter.

Don't, degenerate.

By knowing me

Well, I used to smoke a little in high school. I had a few buddies who were dealers but they've moved off or stopped doing the stuff completely like I did. I'd feel judged to ask them too because they're all professional blowhards.

I really just want some to take some stress off because work has been hectic lately.

Don't wana just wander into the ghetto and ask random people on the street corner because they'll slick think I'm a cop.

This for sure.

go to bars and ask people around there.

bought from there. over priced shit, lengthy process, easier to get caught and full of scammers. most of the time you'll be paying for the danger of the vendor getting caught and not for the weed. find someone irl, save yourself time and stress

Are you willing to use the internet to get it?

Not true

Grow your own buy seeds online

Not really, too many traces. I've looked at some DNM's before, and I have BTC. Still a little too sketchy for me.

You can literally order weed in the mail


Alright I'll ask them.

Go to a dive bar. People will be smoking outside. Then you just ask for some. Be cool and polite

A decent vpn i dont do it but ive heard the bud there will beat anything youll ever buy

Yeah, they don't know

Talk to any (WHITE) cool looking 25 year old where you're from at a bar after you see them get a few drinks or go to the mall. I see you say Tennessee but you'd be surprised just how many people smoke. Use your best judgement who you think smokes.

Specifically say if their skeptical "I'm not a narc". Even though thats the sketchiest thing to say its so obvious that no cop ever says it so it really does make it seem like you aren't.

Op no trees? Go find a seedbank herbies headshop go find a yard or spot that isnt intended and plant make sure to buy fem seeds

Trust me skip the dealer

If you are Canadian wait less than a year. So awesome.

>upper middle class

asks a colegue

Go to literally any bar where 21 - 30 y/o's frequent and ask a bartender after having a few beers.

Worst case scenario he or she laughs it off and says "Sorry dude, I can't help you".

Also, if you haven't noticed, there's a shitton of drugs going around at restaurants. Practically all waiters, cooks, busboys are on something. Maybe go "out for a smoke" next time you eat out and talk to one of the employees taking a smoke break out back.

Ask a younger pizza delivery guy. Almost sure you will get a connect that way.

>friends who smoke
find these

kitchens are huge on coke and weed man. its crazy

Order a pizza for delivery, ask the delivery boy.

Yeah, it's also pretty easy to spot waiters who are on pain killers too.

Black co-workers

Chef here , any good kitchen is fueled by coke

Go the pub, talk to slightly shifty looking people, not really shifty looking people

Thanks guys, this has been the best help. I'll go to the bar first, and if no luck I'll order a pizza.