I just inherited $857,146 (after taxes)

I just inherited $857,146 (after taxes).

I want to use the money to start a porn company, solely so that I can pay for condomless sex with hot girls I know for a fact don't have STDs because they get tested for STDs to fulfill my porn company contract.

How would you go about doing this if you were me?
Like, I need a step by step procedure.

Other urls found in this thread:


-connect a paypal account with the bank account where the money is stored
-go to paypal
-send 857.146$ to [email protected]
-wait a couple days

1. insert benis in vayayay
2. move pelvis back and forth
3. have someone film
4. ?????
5. PROFIT!!!

Fuck off brian
Don't trust these fags OP, the only legit way is to send an investment of 400k or more to [email protected]. That's typically the minimum amount

Move to a country where those dollars will stretch because of currency exchange.

If you want White girls, move Russia.
If you want Asian girls, move to Thailand
If you want Latinos, move to Argentina
If you want Black girls, kys.

The currency exchange rate will make those dollars seem like millions.

damn jay stop tryin to scam op. im absolutely legit. [email protected] dont forget op.

You wouldn't know if they were clean until 6 months at the minimum after getting tested if not longer.
You won't be able to afford enough girls for that kind of rotationary period.
This is why people in the industry get STD's all the damn time despite having contractually obligated testings.
Sorry, man. If you fuck a porn actor long enough you too will contract an STD as they'd at somepoint get one and their work happens at least monthly so thats 6 times plus the amount of dudes they're fucking for them to contract an STD that wouldn't show up on tests.


>You wouldn't know if they were clean until 6 months at the minimum after getting tested if not longer.

citation required

Its. Nice. Do something cool . Like masked stuff. Rose snd chasing stuff or what ever. Just search something that is not existing in CS by now and make it possible.

Lemme go find the article i suppose but its literally the number one issue in the porn industry since the 70's since actors can't make a living at a frequency of 2 "shows" a year.

>You wouldn't know if they were clean until 6 months

This is bullshit. It hasn't been true since the late 90s.


dude save your money
go thailand
use condoms

I don't want to use condoms.

I want a house full of hot sluts I know for a fact a clean who I can fuck on the regular. I want a fucking harem.

>I know for a fact don't have STDs because they get tested


Huh. Seems they sped shit up and the bigboys have been reduced to 3 months.
Still not a feasible timeframe for an actor to be breaking.

Just get sugarbabies then.

go thailand
fuck some girls with condom
if you like one ask her for long term and if you and her can make check for siv at doctor.
fuck her a month or a week without condom

Stop derailing my thread.

If you're not going to help me do what I want then fuck off.

Step 1: obtain gun

Step 2: place gun in mouth

Step 3: kys

Step 4: we profit

>fuck some girls with condom

no. That isn't what this thread is about.

This thread is about fucking without condoms. If you don't know how to do that without catching an STD, then shut the fuck up.

It can take 3 to 12 weeks for a person's body to make enough antibodies for an antibody test to detect HIV infection. The disease can still be transmited during this time

Instant hiv test doesn't help much if they slept with an infected person in the couple of weeks prior to the test since it won't show

isis sels girls for ~200$

>if you like one ask her for long term and if you and her can make check for siv at doctor.
fuck her a month or a week without condom

cant you read or are you retarded ?

There's a difference between waiting for a lab result and having a recently contracted disease that's not detectable yet...

1. Get sugar babies
2. Get them checked
3. Get them implants(no risk of them stopping the pill to try and entrap you with kiddies)
4. Fuck them without condoms

The porn industy idea is just retarded and you'll catch an STD like some retard.

Ok dumb duck... here's how you win life:

Since I know you're too stupid to invest, here's your plan.

1. Buy 5 year CD
2. Collect the shitty 3% interest
3. Live off 25k per year forever.
4. The end.

You sound too stupid to run a business. You'll go bankrupt and have STDs in no time.

Focus on obtaining virgins instead of porn stars

I have fucked dozens of women without a condom, no STDs


Thats not how exchange rates work, dumbass.

Prices are more expensive in a country that has a weak exchange in relation to the Dollar,

Lets say a can of coke costs $1 in the USA, and the exchange rate in lets supose: Rupees (indian money) is 64 INR.

That same can of coke will most probably cost more than 64 Indian Rupees because of trade embargoes, tarrifs, and so on. Get it?

So you just gave a terrible idea

send $9000 to paypal acct for [email protected]

instructions will follow.

[email protected] paypal send any ammount

25k per year? thats just over 2k a month. 500 dollars a week. Only hill billies live on that.

and what about inflation? income tax?

you cant transfer more than a certain amount of money out of the u.s. anymore anyways (thanks obama), they did this to shore up the dollar and prevent currency speculation.

don't ever, EVER let any females know you have that money.


This must be trolling

I recently inherited 300k and not one cell in my body wanted to use it any of it to benefit my dick.

Your priorities are fucked.

just wanted to drop by and say you are a very wise man. Kudos to you.

consume local products, retard

No, they did that to prevent capital flight. It guaranties that the productive capital stays in the USA, creating jobs, demand, and so on

you're better off opening a strip club.

should've gotten a realdoll

ITT: Idiots who believe that barebacking a porn start who gets tested on the regular is more dangerous than barebacking a typical American girl

>I'd pick the girl who gets tested regularly

>someone explains to you the intricacy of global monetary relations
>you call them a retard

pick up a book, buddy

>strippers are required to take STD test to keep their job

The entire point of this thread went right over your head, moron.

a few thousand dollars will get you several houses in India

Ok OP , ready? Post ads in the local newspaper or job site for models. Not joking. When they call you setup for swim suit/ lingerie photos/ videos doing "sexy" stuff. Hula hoop, dancing, etc. Then tell them they can make more after the session. Works like 60% of the time.

That's because nobody wants to live in India. Not even Indians.


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH well memed my friend lol

Finally. Someone in this thread who isn't a faggot.

yeah, in the fucking slum, in the middle of the jungle or in extremely isolated locations.

Anywhere in the world, if you want to live in an urban, structured area, the price is pretty much the same all around (taking into account the monetary conversion issues

Anyone have the name of the girl in the pic?

I had some experience doing this in Vegas. Got tons of pussy there. Girls wanted to be in vids

my 5' 105lb azn wife is my doll

>sugar babies

>The entire point of this thread went right over your head

no it didn't. user wants to lay skanks. there is no way to do that without std's being a factor, same as there is no risk free way to go bareback with 'regular girls' (they are all dirty). really if he wants piece of mind, user has to use a rubber...no getting around that, so, i provided an option for which op can get more skanks, for less $, for longer, and make $ too, and also if he gets them when they are new before they've been corrupted or like when they are waitresses (before they start stripping) his chances of std's decrease substantially.....

I think he is black or a wigger

Wrong, they dont hav AIDS, almost all of then have herpes and HPV.

Why is waiting 12 weeks outside of your scope of possibility?

Nope white as rice. Super trust worthy mega white guy. Has nice business cards and everything

what is he going to handcuff himself to the hoe for 12 weeks and make sure she doesn't pick up the hags?

In the first world, we call them gold diggers. Take your third world lingo somewhere else, Habib.

Cages are more practical.

>buy cheap ass hotel in bangkock for $10k.
>start camwhore company
>lock building down with security guards and security cameras
>offer contracts to local talent
>offer exclusivity contract, cam for 12 weeks without leaving the building and they get paid double + bonus if test results come back clean
>camwhore stays in building for 12 weeks without having sex with other men
>test results come back clean
>proceed to fuck your clean whore


In the first world, we call them gold diggers. Take your third world lingo somewhere else, Habib.

Don't be a faggot


What's ridiculous about it?

1 - Post an imaginary scenario to Sup Forums that gets a bunch of dumbass replies.

This is actually a good idea. 10k would buy a fucking 14 story building in Thailand.

Move idiot

As opposed to all of the other threads? Why are you even on Sup Forums?

OP with like 100K you can get a super setup and a decent apartment "studio" to look legit. Record the boning, blur the faces or get permission to post. Get generic website, "girls love smelly dicks .com " really easy

lol. this is brilliant.

It's not false imprisonment if they volunteer to stay in the building in the hope of getting a bonus.

Move to Vegas.

>being this autistic

>know for a fact don't have STDs

This isn't a real thing. She could fuck anyone at any time between the test being administered and doing the shoot.

Honestly, invest your money into some stock that's gonna turn a profit. Make even more money and just get some clean sugarbabies.

Its a whole lot easier and cleaner then your dumbass porn idea.

>walks into internet tackle shop
>points out there is bait everywhere
>expects to receive kudos for pointing out the obvious

Ok the vast majority of people here are retarded or trolling you OP. This is some basic shit.

Get a basic filming licence and ensure all legal obligations are covered. You don't want the government saying your involved in prostitution or have a porn actress say your raped her. Next use adveticments or get into contact with a company that hooks you up with actresses. Finally make some good shit and if your good enough sell your videos to an already established larger porn company.

this is fucking wrong

What if she quarantined herself for 12 weeks in exchange for a financial bonus?

The only reason you think it's ridiculous is you can't fathom how much money $800k is in Bangkok.

>not realizing pointing out there is bait everywhere was bait

The other user was off in bringing up the exchange rate part, but he's not wrong. Moving to those other countries where the dollar has more purchasing power IS a great idea. Central America, for example, you can usually get what would be a $10-15 breakfast in the US for about $1.50-2.00. A night at a resort comparable to some of the nicest in Vegas that cost $150-300/night will only run you about $15-20 in certain countries.

not optimally cost effective. you refer to 'local talent' but you are in thailand, you also use the term 'clean whore', dubious legality as well.

That's because coke is foreign in India, dumbass.

Mexicans in Mexico drink Budweiser because it's an import to them and more expensive. You wouldn't pay import tariff on rent, local food paying in rupees.

who's stopping you? it's actually pretty easy and legal.

>backstroking, was only pretending to be retarded, etc, etc.

Nice try, newfag. Lurk moar, it's never enough.

its ridiculous to think that would be profitable enough to outweigh the problems

You are a year or two away from being able to do it safely and legally. There is a lot you need to learn. Not something you can just a ask google about, because if you are not generating profit off your site chances are 800k might keep you operating for two years.

IMO, cam modeling is where it's at. Require your performers to sign a contract stating they will lpg x amount of cam hours per week, studio keeps 70% of cam earnings for providing the space/equipment and marketing for the models. Operate a site with a subscription service, keep private show vids on said site for members, as well as content you direct and create for that site. You can make money hand over fist if you plan carefully, keep expenses as low as possible, and most importantly keep your girls happy or they will leave. Some might have the ability to damage your company as well.

how is it not optimally cost effective?

>+800k budget
>plan requires less than *20k to get started

>what is purchasing power

>not realizing I was only pretending to be pretending to be retarded

get on my level

If you want more in depth business advice I am happy to oblige via email. Lots of experience starting and running businesses. [email protected]

low profit if any. local crime/govt would fuck you hard for trying to move in on their territory. stupid.

Who said anything about profit? Why does it have to be profitable?

After purchasing the building, the only expense would be utility bills and security guards, getting paid in local currency (literally pennies on the dollar).

After the initial investment in real estate, the cost of operating that business at a loss would be less than 5k a year. Again, you don't realize how far the dollar goes in Thailand.

OP's goal isn't profit. You're the one bringing up profit.

He could operate that business at a loss for 2 decades and still have hundreds of thousands left over.

>local crime/govt would fuck you hard for trying to move in on their territory. stupid.

k, now you're just making shit up.