The Earth is flat. Prove me wrong

The Earth is flat. Prove me wrong.

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The northern and southern lights

Wow that was easy

I've never seen either so therefore this is not valid evidence.


You also never seen your brain or heart before either...

>light particles are magnetic

the government has no reason to hide the "fact" that earth is flat

Burden of proof lies with those presenting the argument. Therfore you prove the world is flat

You don't know that.

Eratosthenes can prove you wrong

Every other planet is a sphere, why would earth be any different?

>how does a sextant work
>how do cell network and towers work
haha get fucked faggot

Stop trolling, coon. Im sorry Dad wasn't around to get you through 3rd grade, but the Earth is round.

Ever wonder why England doesn't just fly over North Pole to reach Canada? If the earth was round that would be quickest route. The government want you to think the earth is round so they can charge more on flights.

Earth is actually flat AND hollow.

holy shit the average person is retarded

yes, but people have been saying the earth is round hundreds of years before the first airplanes

Because the govt owns all the airlines

Shut up bitch

your right
it's flat
let's jump off

Of course the Earth is flat. Otherwise, how would everyone see Jesus when he returns for the second coming?

Anyone who says otherwise is either a shill or a shapeshifting reptilian Jew.


Jesus was just a man


Your head is flat, prove me wrong

If it was really flat snowden and assange would have told us by now.

when you fly in an airplane, you can see the earth kinda curving

Look at a globe you tard. What does the artic have anything to do with the fastest route.

I think you should re-read the argument made by He isn't trolling.

Look out, here comes the "window curvature" explanation...

I've had to study the technical stuff behind satellites

If the earth were flat, none of that stuff would actually make sense and all satellites we have atm are just a figment of our imagination

There are even military stations in the USA who's only job it is to correctly navigate the satellite into the right orbit in order to ensure the positional error is not too great

watch vsauce's video "is the earth flat"

i dont believe the earth is flat, but in that video he shows this diagram and points out that the math works out the same using a flat earth, so technically this is no proof of anything.

fuck off the earth is actually a cube.

Aren't Flat Earthers the same people that don't believe in global warming for the most part?

If Global warming is real then shouldn't they be scared that the ice wall will melt and all the oceans will drain out?

If we drilled a hold down deep enough, would all the world's oceans drain out the bottom?

It was round the time Da Vinci first started making drafts for the first airplanes that people started saying the earth was round. The diamond company made people believe Diamonds were rare in a generation. What do you think the flight companies could do in a couple hundred?

The airlines bribe the government.

Sure thing bud, show me where it says jews are reptiles in the bible...I'll wait..

Shill, Shill for the Goyim!


Right next to where it says that dinosaur fossils were planted to test our faith.

it truly is

Except all of the photographic evidence that it's round...

Oh wait, fisheye lenses right?

if you can produce a theory that explains the gravitational force that is coherent with the genesis of the universe, I'm all ears.
I would really like to hear how "disk" earth came about to accelerate upward at 9.81 m/s.
The problem with the flat earth theory is that it lasks coherence with all given explanation for earth's flatness. It needs a general theory that explains more stuff than science.

Actually, Pythagoras, who lived between 570 and 495 BC, was the first person to say that the earth was round

dat horizon doe

I showed that to my friend the other day and he somehow thought Michael was making a case for the flat earth

If the earth is flat then how come when I piss the pee flows in an arc and not straight down?


David Duke is live RIGHT NOW'.

Orchestrate the largest cover up in history just to make a few extra shekels..

if the earth is flat, people would be able to see your mom from all over the planet /thread

Humans have been to the edge, there is no ice wall.

im 99% sure flat earthers are sly trolls. same way you are only an oldfag if you dont post. lurk moar. any reaction is a loss. trolls trolling trolls. dont react, let them do their thing

The only one being serious here is you and maybe OP.

the dubs don't lie

That, all that!