Anyone got the vid?

Anyone got the vid?

>US veteran charged with killing PTSD 'therapy dog' as boyfriend filmed her

>Rollins, dressed in camouflage trousers and a pink bra, stalks the dog, shooting the canine in the head whilst laughing and giggling at the dying animal, it is alleged.

>Footage of the brutal killing emerged on Facebook showing the white pit bull tied to a tree in a wooded area.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good, now let's stalk and kill "her".

Type F to pay respects.

RIP little doggo

>pit bull
doing the world a favor tbqh

>pit bull

So, she did nothing wrong basically.

that laugh at the end...

i want to stick my dick between her tits

Are you sure you guys aren't retarded? A pitbull is a dog just like any other dog.



Here's the shocking video

pitbulls are the niggers of the dog world
>Pit bull attack: Vicious dog kills 7-year-old boy in North Carolina

I'd settle with harassing the shit out of her until she an heros


F, pibble

Lizard brain pitbull lmfao.

They killed a doggo? I'll slit their throat myself. They killed a pitbull? Good riddance. Pitbulls are bred to kill. Pitbulls are the Niggers of doggos. Pitbulls shouldn't be sold & domesticated just as you can't domesticate a pet crocodile. Do your research. Pitbulls are the cancer to the amazing doggo species.

pitbulls are totally niggers of the dog world
any white boi that owns one secretly wish they were niggers

I saw the vid. Wasn't nearly as bad as people are making it out to be. Getting it euthanized at the vet would have been just as fucked up.

Pit bulls shouldn't be bred anymore.

lmfao soldiers r nothing but a bunch of pussies with emotional problems

And it was a therapy dog for PTSD to top it off

surely youre trisomy 21

white people doing white people shit

> anyone got the vid?
Could you please do humanity a favor and drink a litre of bleach? Actually, don't stop there, take a razor to your throat and go digging for any sense of morality you have left.

Die in a car crash.

eh, it was shot in the head, multiple times, and it didnt seem to show any signs of previous abuse, so it got a quick merciful death



100% this chick has some slutty photos on social media somewhere. she looks solid af

any dog can be any state of mind, it all depends on the OWNER.

>""Therapy dog""
these people are heroes for killing that dog

People do breed them to fight, but they are actually bred as farm dogs you fucking walnut

I don't get it. Why do humans need to be such assholes toward dogs? They just want to live their doggo life but humans have to ruin everything with their mental/emotional issues. Man's best friend? We don't deserve them.

Get out nigger

>Suffers PTSD

How the fuck is she suffering from PTSD? Where was she stationed to suffer such stuff? Do they even allow females on the front line? AND WE WANT TO TRUST WOMEN TO BE ON THE FRONT LINE AND COME HOME?! All you active female military bitches need to fuck off and let men do the're all too fucking emotional to do your job. Get back in the fucking slop tent where you belong.

I literally went to basic with this bitch

If you didn't know, even intelligence professionals and linguist can get PTSD.

There's more than one form other than the BOOMBINGBLAM EXPLOSIONS HAUNT MY MEMORIES.

does she like to fuck? i bet she likes to fuck.

she wouldve been a POG who sat on a truck all day

Her home town is Windham Maine. Went to basic at Ft Jackson in E 1-34 Feb-April 2013

Yep, retarded. There's literally no difference in disposition to violence between pitbulls and other breeds of dogs. They get this stigma because dog fighters seek out that specific breed because of the jaw locking mechanism that makes them so deadly, among other qualities. I bet the pitbull that bit that little belonged to a piece of shit who raised it to bite and attack.



Seems like the story here with her estranged husband who owned the dog named Huey, she failed Airborne and was sent to Korea, only to have something happen to her there that fucked her up mentally and make her have a discharge with an 80% handicap. So...any bets as to what happened to her? I'm guessing she was raped.

She was a 25M, stationed in South Korea and then Fort Bragg. Saw no combat. Sat at a desk. She doesn't have PTSD

Are you Matt or a friend of hers? Was she always fucked up?

I have a pit bull and she's better then any dog I ever met. loves kids, loves other dogs, but fucking hates birds and cats. She can walk perfectly fine without a leash, won't wander or leave my side. Anyone who talks shit about pits are just jealous that they have an inferior breed.


i dont know friend had one its whole life and it just flipped one day kids were running around playing and it ran across the yard and took down his 7yr old daughter. soon as he got back from the hospital with her he shot it

personal opinion theyre overbred, doesnt matter for what, to many "legitimate" breeders are using shady tactics and every nig on the block is breeding them to close they just aren't mentally stable anymore

Went to basic with her back in 2014. She was normal then, don't know what happened in Korea she was only there a few months. The dog was her ex husbands, he got orders to Korea and she's had him for the last 6ish months. I'd post her FB but she deleted. Marinna Andee Rollins from Windham Maine.

>was she always fucked up
Look at her. that'll answer your question

Thing is I'm lazy and will only settle for good memes and cyber bullying.
Can't find her fb page

Incorrect. Do YOUR research.

Pit bulls get a bad rap BECAUSE of the niggers.

Well I'm sorry for that little girl. But that it was a pitbull had nothing to do with the attack. Dogs snap, I've been bit on the head by a dog as a kid, I can show you the scar.

She deleted it, I'm looking for the BFs FB

Good I hate little snot bag kids

mfw. killing the dog was therapy. therapy dog.


It's not exactly uncommon if a woman is fucking up and getting demerits to turn around and claim rape so she can get out.

So he shot his dog for knocking down his daughter while they were playing? If it wanted to hurt the kid she woulda been going to the coroner instead of the hospital.


Here is some of her family on FB. Pics of Marinna on there

These are what i like to call "white niggers" doing nigger level shit.
They will get theirs don't worry.

You answered your own question.

Life isn't fair for anything, guy. Just gotta do your best at keeping your little jurisdictions balanced.

This guy gets it.

This is something niggers will typically do.

Now drive on out of here D'Squarious

Could be actually.

yep took her to the hospital cause the dog knocked her down...fucking idiot

Who cares it's just a fucking dog not like it was a nigger baby

I do have her cell number and snapchat, if you'd like that ill post.

it was a therapy dog, it was trained to help people, not get shot by sadists, and psychologically, if they're willing to do this for shits and giggles they're are either already doing worse or they're going to do worse unless they are arrested


(910) 729-9618
marinna_anndee on snapchat

Anyone who knows pit bulls knows that they play rough. Don't leave your 7 year old around a dog that could accidentally hurt her. Those "it just snapped" stories are all bullshit dogs don't just snap. They just have shitty owners who never paid attention to them until they did something really wrong

Sorry, isn't that just the same guy using FaceApp?

So you got a hot chick that is clearly willing to do anything you want... on film! and you suggest killing a puppy?


read the story. it was not a real therapy dog. her ex gave it to her because it would try and fight other dogs. typical pitbul

Found the fags who never owned a dog, kill your selves, pit bulls get there rep from the niggers who fight them

>therapy dog
>females in the military
Not. Even. Once.


i think that the dog was used to help a guy with actual ptsd

The owner of the dog had no choice but to leave the dog with her before he went to korea, several people tried to but fell through. shes his ex wife.

All these pitbull apologists can fuck right off.
I love my dog, and almost lost her when some dumb bitch brought a pit to the dog park and let it loose.
It immediately mauled three dogs, (including mine) and was put down by another owner with a CCW permit.
Pitbulls are bred for savagery, and have no place in a civil society.

you're misinformed.

sorry it's just how i had interpreted what i read

Go on then

the BFs mom on FB


Yep, same

White people are disgusting.

>Dogs snap

*pitbulls snap

I've owned dogs, and I've had a pitbull before. They shouldn't breed anymore.

Preach . . . I was bitten by a white neighbor's pitbull. A middle class family who did not breed their dog to fight, indeed it had never fought, or supposedly bitten anyone ever. What happened is their 10 year old was given the job of feeding the dog and locking the gate outside their house, which she forgot to do. The dog ran out and bit the fuck out of me while I was jogging on the other side of the street. I kicked it away and jumped on top of a car.

The wife of the family said "if you had called her by her name, I feel she would not have bitten you." Apparently it's my fault for not knowing or calling out the name of her goddamn dog.

Fuck pitbulls.

Yeah, because niggers are the only type of morons who think pitbulls are good dogs. Pitbulls get their rep from the same place niggers get their rep, they're a menace to civilized society and need to be put down.

quints get link

I would love to see both of them shot in each kneecap with a .45

it was a pitbull, she did public service. get this vet another medal

not a dam thing wrong with pit's you stupid assholes
my baby

I hope you get castrated

tiny tiny baby dally

haven't found it yet, but I did get the 2 canadian indian girls beating the other to death

>any dog can be any state of mind, it all depends on the OWNER.
then why do dog professionals always say pitbull is a difficult breed, not recommended for families with small children?

in bed dally

> faggits whose sole means of education about dogs is from TV spotted.

bad dogs usually come from shitty owners, you fucking artards. I know this is Sup Forums but you cant seriously be that fucking stupid can you?