Yeah bump bitcjh

yeah bump bitcjh

You are a man.

Hello, Alice.

Hello Reimu and Alice! I love these threads!


Let's get started, shall we?

Hello Alice. How are you? Are signatures allowed here?



Mornin' All

Well, combined thread eh? What a pleasant surprise!

S-so how do we combine? Do you w-want to fusion dance or...

R8 my doggo, arent they confy asf?

Quiero una lectura!


Pretty much a given, although I would prefer he show his face... Better he look like a man in a dress, than with the added creep of the print out.

I am here to lewd the Alice!

Alcibiades here, I'll be hanging around a while.

mate, get a hobby


I'm going to lewd you as well!

sir that is a capybara

check out my cat tho

hey there, best 2hus

Hey everyone, what's up?

D-definitely not a man, b-but okay

How are you Al?


huh, voice is more passable than I expected

Not much. How are you rock?


T-that's wrong! Parsee is the best touhou!

Is Sonata here? I'm bored.

Always good to keep you on your toes!

Well sure, but the real question is... what do we call ourselves after it's done?!

Hey phi. I'm alright. I see you're still up to your old ways.


give me that fortune ech

I need an advice.

I was interested in someone , barely know the other person(let's say 15%), and we matched pretty well , good chemistry.

But she's recently being off and not showing interest at all, imo.

Should I move on or am I overreacting?


ew, go away

hey EMT!... i suppose it is my morning anyway even if I'm in the states...

weirdest doggos I've seen, but they do look comfy...

Hey Al!

It's happening again!

and Jill!

Oohh! I have this tea as well! time to go boil water!

I'm on pins & needles!

I've g-got several dear

I'm not sure as to how to react to this, but I'm drunk so I'll just behave for now.

I'm back in action now it seems. What's New?


Oh. It's a Phi.

Haven't seen you in a while.

Hey Al, even though we just spoke.

Stuff happened with FEMT today.

Ha. For some reason I always say Mornin' no matter the actual time

Isn't this a hobby in a way?
Flandre Scarlet best 2hu

crystal wings are cool

Reroll for the reading, too. Would like to have an forecast on my academic life.


I'd say get to know here more first.


Alice, will you marry me? I want to be your little slave boy.

Okay, goodbye user.

Good, that'll give me the advantage.
Yes it is! We're gonna lewd all day!

Yeah. I've been away for a bit. How have you been?


C-clearly Remlice.

*blinks* If you know h-her so little, how did you figure there was chemistry in the f-first place?

No one cares.

Trips for a reading ;_;?

I... think "cath" means something else than I'm reading it as. you wouldn't be very excited if it's the one I'm thinking of.
hey love

Maybe a bit over-reacting.... don't put so much into someone you don't know... pedestals are bad things!

You haven't been all night... don't start now!

When I call insurance at 3am it's always a weird dance to say good morning or good night ...

Hi, how are you today Sky?

Not much, I've just been working mostly

Hey EMT, what's happened?


Hiya Jill!


Move on, don't get too attached or you'll get stressed over it too much. Keep looking for someone else and make sure to make it clear that you are looking for a relationship and not just friendship from the beggining.

hey what's up

Remember the Alimu!

They even w-were too rough and now I'm peeing blood

>I got cath'd
Sounds less than fun.
High five.
Alimu doesn't sound good?
Hey Mantis!


That filename isn't long enough. If you are not Reimu I do not care either.

T-that's it, I'm not merging with you, y-you can merge with shanghai instead.

Shangmu, t-the hit sequel to Shenmu!

How many threads have you originally posted, baby?

Also, i still don't believe anything you say because you have never (that i have seen) verified your femininity.

Lots of stuff for me, but I'm doing good!

Looks like he is! I don't think I've properly introduced myself, I'm Rock!

Nice to meet you :)


Now, if I pay you 1,000,000 dollars. Will I get the ability to get you naked an entire thread?!

One in one hundred. Come on, I've had worse odds.

Also, we got a team assignment and the qt girl i like decided to join up on my team instead of the one with her friend. What would that mean besides the apparently evident?

how come whenever i go outside and look up in the sky i see flying tea pots travelling at the speed of diamonds, this wouldn't be so bad but it also happens when my eyes are closed. Are you going to show tits or do you need to be escorted back to redd it?

Alimu, perhaps?


*high-fives back*

Hey Alice, I like your thread its very nice and refreshing from all the shit thats usually on Sup Forums

...hon, why did you need a catheter? usually that's not a good thing.

Every thread! At least it's not the one with giant Nano....

Alimu! I vote this!

It's been a fun night of BS'in online with people so far.

Hello. How are You?


I've been well. Figured some stuff for the Girl/FEMT.

Seems a little more like she is infact interested, but shy

I would say Good Morning. It's technically correct

FEMT Replied, 18hrs after texting initially. We had a rapid conversation, and she was really into it. She actually ended up looking up something I mentioned, and restarted the conversation a few hours later


About the same here. Any adventures at work?



W-when did I ask you to believe anything I s-say, and w-when did my femininity (or lack there of) r-render anything I've said incorrect?

2 + 2 = 4, d-don't see any reference to my vagina....weird.

W-well hello there Rock, nice t-to meet you

Am I gonna get doll joints? Will people still like these if they're doll joints?

Hi Alice, any tip on how to gtfo Sup Forums? i can't stop coming back to this shithole of a place. welp

I see.

That's good. I knew you could do it.

Not many I'd feel comfortably freely telling in this thread.


D-dear, I've been here longer than you h-have.

B-because I couuuuuldn't peeeee

Thanks, b-but this is also Reimu's thread

I need advice but first I need to know how much does HRT cost?

Oh? Good things?


Same, let's all vote for the Alimu.
Yes. The answer is yes.

Is it bad that I'd still marry you even as a trap?



Reroll on that reading


Heyy, Bunny!!


Because she always messaged me first and we used to talk a lot and laugh all day

Hey, how are you all doing today?

so a merger is happening?

I don't know how to control myself .. I ALWAYS get attached really fast.

How do I prevent it ? Please help

I will not push if that is the case. My work is coming to a close myself but I'm alright with that.


Hey, that's wonderful to hear!

there was no Jill last night after a bit in game/anime stream...

Hello best bunny... I played a 15m song in osu! today... my hand cramped..

It's nice to see you again Alice and Reimu. 〠_〠

Y-yes, of course. Doll joints are OP f-fetish don't you know?

I r-recommend just setting up a block on your router by setting your DNS t-to resolve Sup Forums to goatse or something!

I'll p-pass that question to my semi-bestie Louise!

Louise, answer t-the man.




Oh my b, I dont even know who Reimu is but nice job making Sup Forums less shitty Reimu. What made you guys start doing this anyways?

We were inseparable from the start.

D'aww! You're welcome Anonymous!

trips get

Rdzzxddfg deus vult