Gonna take 3 tabs of LSD on Friday, any suggestions on stuff to do /b?

Gonna take 3 tabs of LSD on Friday, any suggestions on stuff to do /b?

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Movies, tv, music, games, food, etc.

What time?

Hallucinate as you burn of your last brain cells.

Go outside walking with no shoes on. Seriously, you wont regret it.

Suck some nigger cock

Unless you get unlucky and step on glass

go star gazing, drink beer or any fluid really, put on some 60's pysch rock and maybe a nice cuban cigar to ease the anxiousness. Don't fight it, ride the tide


Drop with some friends and just chill. Don't plan everything out. It's more fun to decide what to do while tripping

Go in youtube and watch Cyriak and other highly stimulant visual artists. Animations on Lsd are always fun.

Jus do whAtever u were going to do anyways the acids is going to b bunk

I'll probably take it like noon
I'll definitely give it a shot, I love walking barefoot already
That's gonna be a hard pass
This sounds like a pretty solid plan, I've got some psych rock and classic rock lined up already.
Of course

Unfortunately most of friends have moved to other cities and the ones still around are basically teetotalers

When you reach an epithany moment. Say to yourself "bro this acids dope" It reminds you that you are on drugs.

Yeah, I've tripped before and had to remind my that's it's just the lsd

Saffer fag from Cape Town.
Having one hell of a bad trip here.....

No one here?
Fuck this bad.

I understand the 'panic attack' symptoms more clearly after this round. God dammit.

I feel trapped. Speak to me......

check this out


I'm here, bud. If you're having a bad trip try throwing on a tv show you love, that should distract you long enough that you stop thinking about that one thing that led to the downward spiral.

Thank god.....

Jesus.... i don't know whatbton do.

Tele is out. Crashing at a friend's

cut your balls off as soon as you peak and chew a piece of them off and then feed them to your family

All I can say is around 5am (after taking lsd around 9pm?) I watched a lot of nature documentary stuff on youtube

Watch super jail lol

Thank you user......
Really really......

watch porn and rub one out in the bathroom

swallow your dads semen and or you're uncle/grandpa

Cape Town lights

If you don't mind burning through some data, I'd watch some movie/tv clips on youtube or netflix or watchcartoonsonline. If you like Adventure Time, the creator has another show called the Bravest Warriors (it's set in space) and it's on youtube.
watchcartoononline.io/ is good for anime
watchcartoonsonline.eu/ is good for cartoons

See the colors and lights around yourself, do you see the beauty? Everything you see is new, but it's always been beautiful. Look only for the colors. Concentrate on them.

watch any disney movie from the 90's or earlier.... particularly alice in wonderland.
list to ambient/chillwave music while peaking.
smoke weed.
chill and talk with friends they will be your best source of entertainment.


Hey man, you'll get through it. Try meditating. Usually helps me steer trips back into good time feels

Thank you guys.....
You are all helping me a lot here.

I feel so powerful and powerless at the same time. It is both wonderful and terrifying.

Oh man, go afk for like 10 minutes and miss this. I know what you're going through user. Try to relax, take a shower, lay down, whatever. Imagine that the shitty feelings inside you are a muck, and you're letting it slip out of your body. Acid can bring you to heaven or hell, and if you try, you can climb out of the muck and feel angelic. Whenever you feel bad, imagine that it is just crap that you're flushing out of yourself. You'll feel better after awhile, trust me.

It's all good man, don't fight it

Regardless of Reddit's politics and shit, they got some solid subreddits:
^ Entertaining shit for those stoned or tripping
^ Adorable puppies and kittens, etc that might help curb the bad trip
^ Wholesome stuff to make you feel better

Okay. I will try with this user.

you're gonna be fine, friend

Anyone who is even thinking about tripping should use this. It's literally a life saver.

They should give it out in schools chat.tripsit.me/chat/

how where did you get it? how do you go about getting ahold of this type of stuff?

>asking for a friend

I'm too suburb to experience this side of life, but it interests me deeply

> Mac Demarco -Chamber of Reflections
> trip sitter/someone you trust that will be sober
> make sure you've already eaten, incase you have, wait 3-5 hours before trip
> favorite cold drink/milk to remind you of you're humanity and the body you reside in
> priorities-plan ahead because it will have some lasting effects after 12 hours
> make sure the tabs are tested and keep a one week tolerance break if any intended use after first trip
> stay in a positive mood-and beware of bad trips
> have entertainment ready-any colorful/vibrant movies or animation and avoid horror and suspense
> you will sleep for a long ass after the trip, so plan ahead op
> going outside is fun, but make sure it's somewhere secluded and set a certain time to be outside. condensed or heavily populated areas may ruin trip
have fun user, say hi to your soul and tune into your third eye and spiritual channel

This is the beauty of it. You must realise that at the end of the day you are the one in control of your mental situation. You have it in you to make your current moment heaven or hell.

Once you realise it you can apply this to your sober life

Wait until it gets dark and take a long walk.

DNMs is the easiest if you don't have any IRL hookups. LSD is hella easy to mail because it's literally just paper. If you decide to buy, go domestic over international, and avoid the Netherlands if that isn't considered domestic for you.

More advice: USE TAILS. PGP your address and ALL coms between you and the vendor. Never tell anyone IRL you order.

I asked my pot dealer if he had any/knew anyone who could sell me some. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell you how to randomly find a pot or lsd dealer, aside from asking friends/co-workers that seem chill enough to have smoked

Kill yourself

Nice dubs, fag

Not OP but when I did acid I got it from silk road. Gotta love them dark net black market drugs. Otherwise I've just gotten it from friends and fuck knows where they got it from.

Yoooooo, i did 5, kanye and chance the rapper have great trip music, the sand on the beach feels incredible and swimming is next level, all that stuff is super fun, also i liked trying to follow a movoe like star wars or just bwing outside

Cape town here..... this light wont shut up. ......

/r/darknetmarketsnoobs for more info

Prog Rock

just don't be online

Can confirm that cigars are awesome when tripping

I keep hearing about the DNMs, but I just can't believe it's that easy. I guess I could see LSD being easy, but I just can't see how you could buy weed and stuff from there. But the more I've looked into it, I dunno, maybe it's legit. I've seen the DNMs and have NO CLUE which ones are cool and which ones are scams. The prices seem very high to be having NO FUCKING CLUE if you're actually going to get what you order.

Also, what are tails and pgp?

hmmm, I think I have a way in using that route.

(oilfield roughnecks are some sketchy dudes)

eat a cake. obviously.

Where did you find real acid? If it's as strong as it was in the 90's then it's way stronger than it was in the 70's and you should start with one. You should go to the park to take it and bring music and top shelf indica with you. It will help if shit gets too real. I recommend Blue Oyster Cult. Don't use beats headphones. Bring fostex or another ultra comfortable light weight brand. Also at least one sober friend. No beer. Alcohol and acid don't mix well.

eat some shrooms to go with it, or atleast smoke weed

dubs check'd.

also, if I were to do LSD, it would be my first time. And the single thing I would do would be to play "Everything" on my PS4.

Florence + The Machine Odysey on YouTube.


That would be a massive waste of acid. You need fresh air, good music, good weed and friends. If you have access to a convertible and a driver I'd recommend you have someone take you to a beach or a park and blast some good tunes.

This is some solid advice. When I first tried lsd, I did it with a friend, we had someone checking in on us, we smoked (which took it to a whole new level) and we had a little adventure into the woods (which were still covered in snow, it was pretty magical).

This, only make it hash. Bubblehash not dabs. No tabacco.

interesting. well, you guys know better than I do. I just figured that game is a trip already, so it might be crazy to be on LSD while playing it.

The subreddit I linked to has the answers you're looking for. read it all, read it again, wait a few weeks, read it again and then take the plunge (if you're so inclined)

TAILS is a live OS you run from a USB stick. It's amnesiac (nothing is remembered once shut down) and uses TOR for all internet connections.

PGP (or GPG, same thing dif license) are encryption standards used for communication. You have the vendor's public PGP key and you use it to encrypt a message. The vendor is now the only person capable of decrypting it. They use your public PGP key to encrypt a message for you. Now only you can read it.

look at yourself in the mirror

That sounds awesome. My first time was on a bus to Denver with youth group. I fell asleep before it set in and woke up from it. Was not a good environment for acid. Crowded bus playing Rocky Horror on the TV's. Not good. Being outdoors with a couple friends is definitely the way to go. Not inside with a tv

I've never played Everything, but it looks like it'd probably be pretty fun to do, just try to take some time to enjoy nature while you're tripping.

Can confirm. LSD pupils are fucking massive and cool to look at, more so when on LSD

ahh, thanks

No problem.

read this

Also you need to share that acid with a friend. You should take two and your friend one. Then another friend needs to be the sober babysitter. Don't do acid alone. It's an experience to be shared. Also one tab at a time.

Which reminds me, wear sunglasses if it's bright out or you'll regret it later. Also drink water. LSD can leave you feeling hungover. Then a lot of weed before bed. Indica

MUSIC and turn the lights the fuck off. youtu.be/n-uiG_DQcy8

Also weed or Xanax. Preferably weed.

Thanks user.
I have calmed down.

Ever try to read an entire book while high on acid? You can't focus your eyes right. You need music. In fact I'm surprised anyone in this thread is actually on acid.

No. Not reading. Watching the "7"'s spin.

Ok, that's a new one. youtu.be/fWL3Jr17B3w watch this then immediately look at this

This messes with you even when sober.

More lsd

Either REALLY introspective shit or just something light you'll enjoy and won't need to understand, like, a Chaplin movie or something

I disagree. Toxic shit

Yes. Specially if you can play an instrument, otherwise just listen to (and this is important):
Music that you liked years ago and for one reason or another it's been some time since you've heard it. It'll be quite an experience to listen to it again


good shit. Specially stuff that's overly complicated and fun, like a MOBA, or just something interactive like a racing game or shit


NEVER. Eating makes you digest, wich slows you down. It's a high kill. Only eat if you're really hungry AND coming down already

DNMs advise guy here: I'm in the middle of a 200ug trip right now. Reading is easy, it's the typing that sucks. (The only time autocorrect is ever my bae)

Chillin on my lawn, enjoying the sounds of the night and talking to the cesspool of the internet. Tonight is a good night

Go get in a fight

where can i get LSD?

Funny. I always had trouble reading while on decent acid. Maybe I just took way too much back then. Anyway plet tell me you have decent headphones and some good tunes ready.

That's stupid. Fighting is almost always stupid. I'm a martial artist and it's only good for sport. I hope to never again have to use my fists outside of the ring. Also what kind of faggot takes acid and goes around hitting people? Alt right or antifa?
Just stop it

Go into room cut open glow sticks splatter that shit every where turn off lights enjoy

Read the subreddit I posted above for more info (add Reddit. com before the /r/ part)

Yes to both. I have several trip playlists that I like. Might put of some Boston, actually. God the opening to more than a feeling is fucking good

Any thing that triggers a bad trip has amazing memerable results

Just take 1 1/2. 3 is unnecessary and then you can trip again next week.

are you retarded ? you get like 2 weeks low serotonin anyways after

That's not why you take less. Although taking too much will leave you feeling like shit.

You can afford good headphones in Africa? Openback or closed? Open are definitely the way to go on a budget. Akg are pretty comfortable and being open is only a problem when in public, or a loud place