Everyone get your tickets now!!

everyone get your tickets now!!

It doesn't work that way dumbass.

>asking Sup Forums to do this after he's already been elected by them

thousands of people will turn up to cheer him on tickets or not, all they have to do is open the door

also a few dumb liberals will actually go and learn they are wrong lol

Remember - The Orange One finds it very embarrassing so don't circulate it!




We appreciate your participation.

How about instead you get a bunch of people to show up naked? Or go back to your viddagame.

Trump to his voters.....

It's not a sports game. Your orange nigger is ruining every aspect of the country and you're too retarded to know any better. Or care.

"M-muh libtears" is the most cucked expression of support for him, because the only positive you have to say about him is your pathetic vicarious thrill in him winning an election that had the lowest voter turnout in decades.

KYS pls ty


The left is like desert people, completely retarded.
Haha good luck with this. You don't even understand how fucking stupid you are. He's gonna win the next election too.
Trump makes me wish I lived in the US. You should be happy you have the best leader. You dummies have just been indoctrinated with Marxism for decades so you can't see it.

You're right, I'm open to changing my retarded lefty ways. I'm ready to undo the brainwashing that years of doing nothing but watching Recucklicans fuck up has done to me.

Can you please tell me how he's the best leader?

How have his policies infringed your life and how would have Hillary / Bernie could have made it better?

The fact that everyone was completely blindsided by him actually following through on campaign promises like the travel ban says it all. Everyone who was inconvenience by it acted as if it happened without warning and basically echoed the same "Well we knew he talked about it during the campaign but we didn't think he'd actually DO it."

The fact that we are SO used to being reliably lied to, the fact that someone actually doing what they said they would do completely blindsided so many people, speaks volumes about the mental health of our society.

good work comrades

>The left is now legally retarded
The entire world could sign up for a ticket and they wouldn't run out. You get a ticket and go, the ticket is used for the folks that get there first and make it to the front more secure part of the crowd.

Did republicans fuck up when obama pulled troops out of iraq, bombed Libya and armed rebels in syria so that ISIS formed? Cool story bro.

Trump is the best because first of all he's different. He's not received donations from the exact same sources both republicans and Democrats receive.

Second he's a great persuader. All the technique he uses you can read in the art of the deal. He's pretty genius in how operates. He gives extreme first offers that people might think seem crazy, but he never expects it to work in the first place, and then he negotiates from there and reaches deals others couldn't (once again, this is all in art of the deal).

His persuasion also forces people to talk more about issues sich as radical Islam, and discussion even in Europe is getting easier to have because of it.

If Trump hadn't won we'd be fucked. You people don't seem to realize how close the world was to a catastrophic scenario for years already, and Clinton would have continued on the same path.

I could say more things about why Trump will be good, but you just have to wait and see the results.

Come on, I'm waiting

And this is exactly why Trump events have unlimited tickets.

Your plan doesn't work because Trump is always two steps ahead of you.

penn state best state.

You know, I voted for him but I an't say he's a genius, sory.

He is still a religious man, and that bullshit will make our great country into the next Israel and Saudi Arabia, where religious elite dictates how legislature is written.


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Trump is not really religious, lol.
That gets obvious when you study his persuasion. However he claims to be for persuasive power. You "have to be" religious if you wanna become president in the US, since such a large part of the country still is. Had he not claimed to be ha had never won. And he will continue to say some religious things for cultural purposes and how he's perceived.
Remember, he was the first president not to thank God on election night after his victory.
Your vice president is (very) religious however. He creeps me out slightly.

he is a liberal atheist who is purposefully doing a bad job to help the filthy democrats



palabra de dios

That wouldn't even work. First of all, they don't even bother checking for tickets anymore because hundreds to thousands of people show up and can't get in because they're full capacity. And I seriously doubt there is a cap to how many tickets they give out anyway. Seeing how its in PA there will be no issues with thousands of people showing up, especially on a Saturday. Whoever made this is a grade a moron


ISIS didn't form in Syria you repubcuck.

>Trump not taking donations
>Trump settling in court over fraud (as potus)
>Trump doesn't release taxes

>Art of the deal
>Art of politics

>lowest approval of any modern potus
>Couldn't change health care

>hasn't done anything of note for the first 100 days besides striking an air base with missiles.
>America first.

I could say more things, but I've proven my point.

>Trump is not really religious, lol.
Took his Oath of Office on a stack of two fucking count 'em two Bibles. And yet he claimed to be atheist.

MuriKKKans are the stupidest, most gullible people on earth!

They kinda did you dumb fuckhead. Bit if you just TRIED using your broken flouride infested excuse for a brain a little, you'd have seen I also wrote "pulled troops out of Iraq" where they formed.
However, ISIS would never have become what they are without the arming of syrian rebels. ISIS got both land and weapons because of this, weapons they used to combat Iraqi military as well amd seize more land and weapons.

The rest you said was just things you think mean something but they don't.
And I'm hardly a Republican since I'm not even American. Only supporting Trumo, fuck the rest of the party and you americunts in general. Good Trump is coming and starting to improve the world a bit again.

Please Google isis origin you inbred.
Or do you know how to Google?

>Sup Forums politcal threads
Making Sup Forums sound smart since 2011.

You're both right and wrong.

>"On 29 June 2014, Sunni Islamist jihadists declared an Islamic State, a self-proclaimed caliphate straddling the Middle Eastern countries of Iraq and Syria with dominion over 10m people.

Yeah, when you don't know what to say, say "use google" and hope you sound credible.
I know you learnt that arguing technique with your leftie faggot friends but doesn't work here pussy.

What the fuck I clicked on the image and got a text confirmation for this?
How the fuck did you do this?


>And I'm hardly a Republican since I'm not even American
>giving this much of a shit about another countries politics
I'm so glad I can't relate to this. Sad.

>Trump is starting to improve the world
Americans, in general (yes, that includes Trump), could not give a fuck less about your country.

Eat shit and die you sick little antifas bitch. Fuck you and the rest of your dickhead friends.

>mfw Hillary could get crowds to not show up at her rallies without this much effort by her opponents.

How am I wrong? I said just that, they formed in iraq (they were former al qaeda) as an organisation, in syria they ised the civil war as an opportunity to seize land, and weapons they gained allowed them to defeat Iraqi forces and seize land even in iraq.
It's after this they formed their caliphate.

But of course no one here would even know those simple facts because "muh google and quick wikipedia knowledge" so it gets confusing for people when they see the actual story and not just the factoids.

Fact also remains, ISIS could mever have declared their caliphate without US pulling out troops from Iraq, and neither is IS hadn't destabilized Syria by arming rebel groups (that are also islamist).
Not to mention the clusterfuck that is Libya.

But "muh druumpf, druumpf so bad". Idiot marxists.

Everything that happens in the US affects us, so of course we're interested.
Especially after you have fucked the world for decades, but NOW you get upset because a president comes along that says some mean words?
Seriously go fuck yourself, you ignorant cunts.
And Trump is of course interested in world stability, since he knows this affects the US as well. But you're too much of an idiot to understand.
This is also part of his persuasion, get both sides to be happy with a deal, since the rule for reciprocity within the psychology of persuasion then guarantees long term gains.
Trump os literally the first president that is good at this.

Kreator are defiantly anarchists that do not support Trump and support rioting.

yes, trump is very very right-wing, but thats the way the country is headed.

yes, trump seems not incredibly smart or eloquent. so were harry truman, dwight eisenhower, ronald reagan, etc.

yes, trump accomplished nothing but embarrassing gaffes in his first 100 days. he is struggling against low approval ratings JUST LIKE OBAMA DID.

yes, trump technically lost the election. so did rutherford b hayes. so did george w bush. its called the constitution. look into it.

yes, trump has been caught lying. so has every politician who ever lived in the history of mankind.

yes, trump has flip flopped on most of his campaign promises. see: every politican in the history of mankind.

yes, trump has alienated many of our historic allies with his erratic behavior. he is subscribing to nixon's policy of international diplomacy, colloquially called the "madman theory." it kept america safe during the cold war.

yes, trump seems totally ignorant of how to manage the federal government. that's why he was so popular with middle and lower class americans. they wanted to make some kind of significant change.

Trump is also vain, immature, gullible, grossly inexperienced, vulgar, petty, paranoid and barely articulate.

Holy shit lel this retard is what we're up against . I don't think I'll ever get tired of winning.

>everything that happens in the US affects us
So, what can you do? Get. A. Fucking. Life. Jesus fucking Christ.

>And Trump is of course interested in world stability, since he knows this affects the US as well
He cares about making things easier for wealthy business owners -- that's it. As far as "world stability", if he can manage to swindle other countries to benefit himself and his cronies, you can bet your ass he'll do it. He's also flirted with the idea of pulling out of NATO; I don't really see how that's "caring about world stability".

you were up against him in the election and lost.

trump is a shit president and an all-around bad person.

so what?

america has had at least a dozen or more very dumb, unstable presidents who were only interested in lining their pockets just like trump.

it doesn't matter. focus on the actual issues, like your city and state. worry about your local elections. that is quite literally all that matters, and all that is within your power.

That nigger there ran for President???

>technically lost
All the electoral votes went to him.

Is this the only line Trump lovers can muster? He barely won the election, and on a technicality. OK. Correct. He won. But now he has to actually lead. So far is is shitting the bed in an unprecedented fashion.

Excuse me, I meant all the necessary votes went to him.

Reminds me of The Rum Diary.

>you want a 5% take hike
>tell public you are making a 10% hike
>public goes nuts
>"negotiate" down to 5%
>public is appeased

He didnt win ALL the electoral votes. He just won most of them. Retard.

it would be even more hilarious if we all got free tickets and actually went

you are very correct that trump won. you must be very up-to-date on current events to make that connection.

but the issue is that now that he has won, he is doing a terrible job.


NONE OF THIS IS TRUE! you are believing everything you read in the newspaper. this is all lies. trump is doing an amazing job. he has a 100% success rate so far. and that is a fact!

he will LEGALLY resign when he is brought up on charges for trying to cover up the fact that he hired russian spies to work in the white house. dumb ass.

>8 more years faggots

Somebody get this cuck a job at the White House

Someone said he lost, I was addressing that. Also what has done that's bad except reconsider his isolationist stance?


/b is not your personal army faggot. Go back to jewditt

assuming he doesnt resign in disgrace or get removed from office. he did try to cover up the fact that he appointed russian operatives to high office.... so we shall see nigger!!!

SeeBefore you knee-jerk post ok?

Seriously? Now you pussies want to "no show" his events? You think this this is clever or activist, you think this makes a difference at all? Fucking kill yourselves, you lazy, dumb faggots.

Kek, what next, you gonna tell us Marxism is feasible?

Reverse psychology doesn't work here OP you filthy heeb faggot

he tried to push an executive order banning muslim travel that was never even vetted by any legal professionals, guaranteeing it would be immediately overturned.

he tried to force congress' hand in passing his obamacare repeal, resulting in the tea party abandoning him.

he embarrassed america twice on the international stage, publicly shunning angela merkel and hanging up on a phone call with the australian president.

he refused to censure kellyanne conway's on-air ethics violations.

he used his platform as president to advance his personal celebrity rivalries with rosie odonnel and arnold schwarzeneggar.

he publicly endorsed an unfounded theory that the former president installed wire taps in a building he owned.

he publicly doubted the necessity of a judicial branch to the US government after a circuit court overturned his 1st muslim travel ban.

Kill yourself too, while you're at it, you stupid redneck ignorant motherfucker. Put your boyfriend's balls back in your mouth and shut the fuck up.

The dirtiest heeb faggot in the world is worth more to society than your stupid, filthy ass.


Dont forget that he refused to release his tax returns, hired Russian operatives, attempted to provoke North Korea into a nuclear war, endorsed a white power candidate for the French presidency, and used the stage at the GOP convention to publicly boast about his penis size.

>muslim travel ban
Stopped reading, you don't know shit.

What's it like, being an ineffectual, powerless faggot?

Don't forget that you've never accomplished a anything of note in your worthless, pathetic life.

You're a complete idiot and waste of life, that's all you need to know.
And Trump is gonna be re-elected. Hope that make syou miserable you scum.

And "So what can you do? Get a life" back at you, you fuckng dummie. You're the one crying about your president as if he's the evil planet destroyer. Fucking hilarious. Suck a filthy dick.

This is why Trump will get reelected. These Repub fags are so easily "triggered"


Wait. So Trump is a qualified leader because I'm an asshole? How does that work????

now I'm getting tickets to actually go!
Thanks op!

No he's not. You idiots are so damn brainwashed by media it's sad. Really really sad. You're basically machines, just being programmed with patterns of language and then you speak as expected of you.

In a normal world you'd be seen as mentally insane.

"Triggered" is a left-wing, faggot construct, you stupid cocksucker. Get the fuck off Sup Forums and go figure out what gender you are.


Learn reading comprehension, you dumb faggot. My comment was entirely about you and said nothing about whether Trump is a qualified leader. Kill yourself, you shit-eating pussy.

It is true that Trump represents white supremacy in America.

But he is so totally ineffectual and inexperienced that he is impotent to actually affect white power.

You backed the wrong horse, man. Yes, he won. Yes, he will get reelected because America is full of white trash weirdos. But that won't advance your cause any.

I love it when libfags desperately try to use the same language against them.
Turns out desperation can stink over the internet too

trust me, faggot. you just got triggered.

Who can you name that is better, shitbird? Your faggot party backed the least electable cunt in the entire world. My bar napkin could have beat Trump in the presidential election yet Hillary found it beyond her. Of course, it's not her fault; it's never her fault.


I don't think you realize you're on the alt right's home site, Sup Forums. Go the fuck back to tumblr you libtard normie peice of shit.

Hillary lost because she was a twat.

That doesn't make Trump a good president.

Yeah, I'm completely triggered whilst spending my six-figure salary on Amazon, watching Hockey highlights, drinking some Pappy Van Winkle and conversing with your stupid ass. Try accomplishing something in life, fucktard.

Libtard is very 2000s. We call them lib-cucks now.

Then get. Someone. Better. Protip: you can't.

OK. So you're rich. You still got triggered, nigger!

Isn't that redundant?

>>doesn't answer the question
>>genuinely believes he has a valid point

And you're so trashy you have to resort to racial slurs. Don't you have a dick to suck?