Our minds are forever moved forward regardless of if we want it or not

Our minds are forever moved forward regardless of if we want it or not.

Other urls found in this thread:


yiff in hell

You can tell us to yiff in hell, but you'll regret that when you're there to watch.

Where ever but we yiff regardless.


Stop posting this abomination

if there is yiff in hell then its not hell

You stop talking about our waifu you heathen!

>not liking Puzzle

Yes, that's me.

My nigga!



Here, have a pic I accidentally convinced Kadath to draw for this year's St. Pat's Day.

I've already got it but thank you.

Would you eat an entire jar of mayonnaise at once to impress Puzzle?


If she was real and asked me to, then yes.

I'd eat 100 jars of the stuff.

And mind you, I really really dislike mayonnaise.

more waifu cuckhold wassup fags im back

then youd be fat just like her

Welcome back, we're glad you came.

Not if I puke a few times while eating the mayonnaise. Shit, just your repulsiveness as a person is enough to make me wanna blow chunks.

If you think Puz is fat then you'll probably never know true love.

oh no

youll upset them

Nah, haters gonna hate.

shes literally obese

the bitch is twice his size

"i dont know if itl fit"


Sigh, these plebs just don't understand.

You can't use that reaction pic anymore. He has a new tv show where he says there are more than 2 sexes/genders.

>bill nye


xcuse me@@@@@!!!!

Yeah, I've lost almost all respect for Bill now.

Yeah, I should probably get a new reaction image.

Guess I'll move back to regular s/fur



explain pls cuck puzzle friend


I sense Nightshade fans among us.

Nice trips. Puz has enough love for everyone. I don't mind sharing her with everyone.

Picture has been checked from down here in hell

Dude did you not see who's Channel that was on

While I do enjoy Nightshade, she's just not my taste.

I didn't and I really don't give two shits.

Yeah, I tend to be suspicious. Sometimes, a jealous Nightshade fan will come here and insult Puzzle.



We just have to accept the hate. We cannot convince them the error off their ways.



i did some research

bill said that sex is what you are

gender is what you identify as

i dont think hes wrong anymore

gender is now a word that lost all meaning but hes not turning into a full on leftist

Yeah, they're denser than neutron stars.

He's pandering to remain relevant.



its not his fault

i still love him

but eventually hes gonna say something the leftest dont like and theyll turn on him like rabid dogs

Just curious, do you have a FA account? And are you willing to share the username of it?

Nice trips.

I agree. He knows what he's doing.


Share it on here?


Yeah, if you don't mind. I'll throw you a follow.

I have an account but I don't have any art on there.

Y'know, I hope y'all actually start fucking animals instead of people so you don't reproduce and spread your faggotry


Well I've got good news and bad news just for you.

Good news: I do fuck animals.
Bad news: I already have kids.

Are you at least active on there?

m8 the last2 threads have been about that

it stupid


Not really. I spend most of my time on e621.




What's your username there, if you don't mind me asking?




I'm not comfortable sharing it tbh.






Understood. Well, if you see an avatar with Rikki saying "Fuck me" in comments on a Puzzle pic, that's me.

Gotcha fam.



dont do this to me

pls no more guys

its me

im begging no war hammer

Ok, I promise no more 40k

Wait people actually want to have kids in modern society?

Life is so much better without an annoying little fuck trophy ruining it.






Does this count as fur? Sorry, I'm a /d/egenerate.



It's only because you asked nicely.
No, this does not.

