Is anyone else actually worried about what's going to happen with this country from all these ungrateful cunts?

Is anyone else actually worried about what's going to happen with this country from all these ungrateful cunts?

Other urls found in this thread: signalling

>this country
>implying everyone on Sup Forums is American

No. They are autistics who found a 'gang'. Just wait until the next MLP season or some shit.

Fucking kek. Bunch of commie clowns if you ask me. The fact that they take themselves seriously makes it even more hilarious.

>Is anyone else actually worried about what's going to happen with this country from all these ungrateful cunts?
not at all

Not particularly worried. As Berkeley proved, when they meet people who actually fight back they're a bunch of pussies.

They honestly think dressing in black and ganging up on people makes them tough.

Be careful, they're going to come at us hard and it's going to sting a little bit.

Antifa are anti fascists, right? So like... what's the big deal? Why is everyone pro fascist all of the sudden? Or perhaps, when did all these fascists get brave enough to be open about it?

good job using two words to describe what they do, they are clearly a non violent activist group trying to prevent fascism. they good boys

I'm just asking about the ant-antifa sentiment I keep seeing. I guess right wing blogosphere has been talking about these guys, but I don't really tune in to that bubble.

>Why is everyone pro fascist all of the sudden?
No one is pro fascist, but people who gather together to riot and block people from exercising their right to free speech, are doing so in the name of anti-fascism. You can't make that kind of mental illness up.

Oh, ok. I didn't realize they were overtly involved in that.

i would like to see these faggots go anywhere near a big city with a population thats more minority than white and see how much they succeed.

these retards only exist in small backwards towns that are mostly white. nothing to be afraid if you live in a big populated city. these pussies hide behind their white bubble created by backwards living and zero population. Apalachia is full of these queers

You are more likely to get killed by some mass shooter or some allahu snackbar like me cause i work for one of them

>Implying our countries aren't all secretly one global nation, run by a centralized cabal.

They can hold their own against mall cops and Berkley PD, but there are 300 million arms in the hands of loyal Americans. Shit, most of the country boys could just sit this out and send their bitches to clean up these turds and pick up a 12 pack on the way home.

Plenty of people are pro fascist. Anyone voting for stricter control at the cost of freedom is a fascist. They won't call themselves that or recognize that they are Nazi's. They require a little wakeup lest they continue down a path that leads to degradation for all.

This post ... this is what antifa is there to counter. Redneck fucks pretending they would kill ebery librul. Also, you're shit is weak.

Yes you're correct. I was generalizing in this once instance and should have been more clear.

I'm kind of on the fence tbh.
I mean, nobody should be able to disrupt your right to free speech, even if you're saying dumb shit (Coulter) or preaching hate (Milo), it's all protected.
However, that dude who punched Spencer in the mouth was awesome, and anyone who is an actual nazi should be punched in the face a little.

I guess in the end the constitution wins, but if a couple fucksticks get punched along the way I can live with it.

Nope because our side has most of the guns. Those pussies live in California. They can't even buy magazines with a 30 round capacity.

Wanting to crush the oppressive menace of fascism is necessary.

What's your damn problem?

We are basically getting closer to the same stage of Nazi germany after WW1.

> Hitler 2.0 (soon)

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>this is what antifa is there to counter.
Ok cool. So then we can start up a movement where we can go knock the shit out of antifa because we don't like their message. Excellent.


People should pay more attention to what is going on. These ANTIFA retards are now stockpiling weapons and ammo, as well as training with them. Here is the video, those evil bastards even use Pepe as targets...

>Wanting to crush the oppressive menace of fascism is necessary.
Exactly! We need to fucking destroy antifa now!

antifa are violent communist cunts who hate free speech.



Damn, learn to spell you autistic fucktard. antifa is a wad of basement dwelling pussies, and hardly could be considered liberals. Just autistic anarchists. They want to throw down, so be it. I for one have raised five daughters. Every one can knock the eye out of a gnat at a thousand yards, but more important they can deliver a double tap at 50 feet and drop a clip to reload faster than these sand fleas can fart.

You are one profound little faggot . Now run along Nancy

"Being violent to Trump supporters during rallys"=/= to being "anti facist." I'm against facism and I'm a trump supporter.


couldn't have said it better myself

i had no idea this was going on. definitely very interesting to say the least

Wew. Why does everyone think Antifa suppresses fascists be a use fascists don't believe in freedom of speech? It could be for um I don't know, the ultra-nationalism, them being enemies of the working class (both if which are reasons that communists are involved with antifa) . I'm definitely an authoritarian socialist/communist (I'd want to utilize authoritarianism to get to communism) so the fascists being against political freedom isn't a reason I'd be part of antifa. I'd be part of antifa so that fascists can't gain ground to put in place ultra nationalism, systematic racism and sexism, their fetish for tradition, or their anti working class stance.

Main reason these protests happen is when they do it in libtard states.

Meaning, that the Mayor during the Berkley protests literally told the police to stand down. If they did this in another state, they'd be fucked over by riot cops. And if that John Brown club comes out and starts firing, they would be considered on levels nearig terrorism that reach a national level.

We know of Trump's aggressive nature. He's just ignoring it as Bamn and Antifa can't really move out of California and protest without getting fucked

Either way, Law wins. They don't.

Nobody has a clue what the fuck you just said.


OP is pic related.



Nothing. They're a bunch of idiot kids that disrupt republican events.

What you should be more concerned with is the cultural marxism that causes elements in our society to attack us like an immunodeficiency virus. Which happens to be what critical theory was invented for.

But it seems even with that, the newer generation is breaking the conditioning.

No, as soon as shit gets real the will run away and hide. Frankly I'm waiting for the civil war I was promised.

They're just making it harder for liberals. It doesn't help that the DNC platform is "fuck drumpf lmao" and that they're going to try to virtue signal their way to the presidency while taking in massive corporate donations again. You guys remember Clinton's ""charity"", you know, the one that disappeared as soon as the election was over? Strange, how those Saudi Princes and foreign governments really got excited about her charitable work starting in 2015 and then ending in 2017.


Got any pics of any of the fives dirty panties?



>the cultural marxism
A meme invented by Sup Forums


I'm not. If they start any massive shit, they'll get btfo. They're just whiny kids that didn't get what they want, meanwhile the rest of humanity is mocking them.

We're not talking about the US retard

>America 1945: Fighting Nazis
>America 2017: LARPing as Nazis
WTF happened?

Free speech is for americans tbh

Milos entire career is based on stirring up some fake drama

And Berkley already has enough drama without him they should cancel that visa

>and hardly could be considered liberals
They only target conservatives. They're liberal my dude.

>virtue signal
No one uses that phrase outside of Sup Forums. Good luck with that.

>Berkley isn't in the U.S.
Try harder

The funny thing is that Milo was already on a self-destructive course. If they had just left him alone to speak his mind he would have crashed and burned much sooner.

This is "Based Stickan";s facebook post about having protests because "antifa" is blocking Ann Cutures free speach rights

I cant belive you tumblrina facists gave this middle aged cosplayer loser 60,000$ for "legal fees"

Not at all. This is typical manufactured controversy from Sup Forums and various other forums full of basement dwelling do-nothings.

I live in a major metropolitan area and have a fairly active social life, and I've never encountered a single one of these losers. signalling
>muh Sup Forums
I've never even been there. But if that's what you need to do to feel smugly superior about an accurate term encapsulating modern liberalism than so be it. Pic related. Virtue signalling in newspaper cartoons.

>an accurate term encapsulating modern liberalism
thanks for the laughs faggot.

>newspaper cartoons
pretty sure this is a web comic.

>admitted by ex KGB

yes sure

>Every single crazy youtube video is now an excellent source of information.
Fuck me the next generations are doomed.

>newspaper cartoons.
fairly certain that cartoon was never printed in a news paper

fuck me. ben garrison is the fucking worst political cartoonist alive. so subtle! so thought-provoking!

if there's a singular way to identify yourself as a fucking retard, then it's to post one of his cartoons in earnest.


I felt bad for a minute with all the WSJ hubaloo where advertisers are pulling their ads

but maybe its for the best..all these click bait youtubers who make fake news videos will have to get jobs at mcdonalds now instead



>crazy youtube video

That's Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector who fled to Canada, admitting that the goal was psychological warfare to attack the pillars of a society relentlessly.

I mean granted, it's one thing to have a healthy skepticism of new information you take in, and it's another to say some ignorant retard shit like you just did.

I feel like the really sad thing is that with the slow death of newspapers people will look back at the history of political cartoons and his will surely be there for this time period

>stockpiling weapons and ammo, as well as training with them

why do you hate the 2nd amendment libtard?

They only chimp out in safe spaces. Hope the police stand down if I catch them out of there safe space

Fuck off.
In the muslim world, Jews are blamed for pretty much everything from pornography to rock music to the exorcist movie.
Then you look at Sup Forums and they do the exact same thing. Sup Forums is muslim-tier at this point.

Youre gonna end up like that Sup Forumstard who is now doing 15 years for shooting at 5 people.

I don't believe Youtube would allow clearly false stuff to stay up

Now you're telling me Jews do not run hollywood?

OK thank you and goodbye.

kek no

>run hollywood
lmao he believes every garbage he reads on Sup Forums

How old are you that you think Sup Forums invented cultural marxism and virtue signalling?

Theres already is a new season.

I'm old enough to remember when those terms did not exist, faggot.

I don't live in the US but I'm still kinda worried

Oh, I'm not a liberal, fuckface, I was only pointing out that some of you faggots are underestimating the threat posed by ANTIFA.

wat in the world are you talking about not only does it stay up they enourage it

I go to sleep watching a history channel documentary and wake up to flat earth type shit all the time

wow I don't see many 60 year olds on Sup Forums

or it could just be that you are a younger person too unlearned and dumb to have known them

Lol no you're not.

>implying language and terms don't evolve
>mfw when one of the earliest uses of the term was in 2001
>being this stupid

cut Garrison some slack. He literally lives in a shack in Colorado or Montana and has no idea of the real world.
His only connection to the real world is the internet so obviously he will use terms like "sjw" and "soros" and "virtue signal" that no one in the real world has ever used.


I have seen enough protests and streetfights to be worried, this it's the classical situation when the escalation of the conflict only means that someone will get seriously hurt.

By watching the last fights I can tell that we are very close to someone dying in it.

And regardless of who it is, it will be really shitty and we as a site will end up involved.

I remember when people had to prove the outrageous claims they made.

Holy shit, look at all those spics.

Irons, W. (2001) Religion as a hard-to-fake sign of commitment, in The Evolution of Commitment, Randolph Nesse (ed.) New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 292–309.


>anyone who is an actual nazi should be punched in the face a little

>should be punched in the face a little


Lol what is this "cuck" shit that wacky Sup Forums is at it again, making shit up

>the Clinton campaign

"sjw" and "virtue signal" are less than 10 years old. "cultural marxism" is the only one that could be older but it doesnt mean it was in the mainstream, it was probably in some conspiracy theory newsletter out of Montana. The same ones Timothy McVeigh subscribed to.

virtue signaling as a term is almost 20 years old, faggot. It being used commonly is new, however.