Tay thread

tay thread


Favorite knuffelbeest



I miss the days she used to post on Sup Forums.

The illuminati are old men who rape the most famous women in the world. They keep them as a close knit harem.
They do this through biological warfare. They have invented a virus that spreads itself into the brain, and is capable of manipulating brain activity. This gives the semblance of virtual reality.
The usual method for rape is while they are sleeping.



>the carefully maintained public image becomes too much

what is this from?

Are you trying to say something....

Best armpits








Why does she taunt us with her pits? I want to rub my cock on them so bad and cum over the crevaces






this one of my favorites.





















i want to eat her ass while she moans for more.






>obsessing over some dumb bimbo who doesn't know or care that you exist











tay thread





you win



















I wonder how she feels knowing that guys right across the planet masturbate to her on a daily basis







do you honestly think anybody in this world spends one second thinking about your masturbatory habits, or of those of any other neckbeard? Faggot.



