8:30 AM here. before going to work, i'd like to share with you fellow Sup Forumstards

8:30 AM here. before going to work, i'd like to share with you fellow Sup Forumstards
what is going on in my country.

frenchfag here.

The next french president election is holding.
Two ballots, every citizen votes directly, first round selects two finalists.
It held last sunday, and I'm disappointed with what came out of it:

Emmanuel Macron: former banker for Rothschild, kind of a newcomer in politics,
young, looks megalomaniac and cast-the-net-wide "I'll make my mind after you express yours" type

Marine Le Pen: extreme right wing, populist, xenophobic party history, dangerous

Any choice seems like a starting signal for at least 5 years of a gigantic turd-eating festival.

Godspeed Sup Forums

Fuck dude that does sound god awful.

thanks, I appreciate

disregarded. a regular banker should be bad enough, you don't have to make up ZoG lies.

if "dangerous" then go the opposite direction

le pen. never trust a banker

Look it up faggot it's true I promise

Never trust a lawyer either

le jour où elle fera gagner un procès à un client ça se saura

This is Newspeak for "doesn't want Muslims in the country because Muslim refugees inevitably fuck things up".

So.... She's not even a good lawyer.

What does she got then?

j'ai voté Mélanchon perso.
Pour le second tour sois je vote blanc ou je m'abstient, sinon je vote le pen juste parceque je déteste la manière qu'ils ont de me forcer la main en me disant de faire " barrage au fn"

sex appeals

Not at all, she want to remove the double nationality.

Basically sent back to USA my sister's husband.

And to Peru my wife.

kind of agree with your definition

We're talking about Marine Le Pen. You're talking about Marion Maréchal, Marine's niece.

100% d'accord

Comment peux-tu voter Melenchon et envisager de voter Le Pen?

J'ai du mal a comprendre cet argument, on se croirait en cours de recrée.

Vote blanc / abstient toi, pas voter MLP parce qu'un guignols parle a la télé. Dafuq?

well i am not
btw, it's just a joke

almost every "regular" banker can be called rothschild banker because rothschild owns them all.
he owns you too. if you know it or not but you have debts to rothschild. the only people rothschild don't own are north korea, iran and cuba. they don't have a central bank. that's why they want to destroy these nations.

look it up if you don't believe me.

>populist, xenophobic party history,
Care to explain how this is inherently dangerous? Xenophobia is based on avoiding danger and populism on paper sounds like how democracy is meant to function

car j'estime que les résultat du second tour ne me conviennent pas.
vu toute la merde qu'il y a eu au niveau des cartes électorales, des milliers de gens privé de leurs voix, sa me donne l'impréssion que les elections sont "truqué".
puis entre marine et macron je préfére marine, macron me fait sincérement flippé

So... You don't know shit about banks yourself, basically

She think controlling people's face or papers will reduce terrorism. With the EU's laws and the no-border-control free-trade Schengen shit, none of this will actually work. Like the state of emergency we're in for almost two years that never stopped any attack but allowed the police to kill 500 people in the street in 2016.

Le programme de Marine a quelques micro avantages, et je dis ça en ayant préféré MélEnchon (bordel) au premier tour. De toute façon, Macron aura une majorité aux législative alors que Marine devra cohabiter. C'est donc facile de choisir. Voter pour Marine est plus que compréhensible, tant que tu ne votes pas FN aux législatives.

Faudrait savoir, tu did que tu veux voter blanc mais que tu te laisserai influencer par les médias a voter Le Pen

Puis après tu dis que tu veux voter Le Pen car c'est celle que tu préféres au choix Blanc / LePen / Abstention / Macron.

Faut savoir.

Enfin bref, fait comme tu veux. J'ai voté Mélenchon et je sais ce que je fais au 2nd tour.

Décide donc par toi même

Fuck you, faggot. These guys don't owe the Rothschilds shit.

You fags have been choosing the "safe" (((bankers))) forever, look where it has you. Take a chance on something different. You literally have nothing to lose, unless you actually want to be beheaded publicly by some mudslime.

"Le Vel d'Hive n'est qu'un detail de l'histoire."

-Jean-Marine Le Pen.

We saw what the "Trump" choice lead too.

Better be beheaded, mate

Just read an article where it quotes her as saying that they won't be forced out. You wouldn't be assuming, would you user?

Tu t tromper dans ta réf3rence
C'est Durafour qui a dit ça

>You literally have nothing to lose,

"Carefour Crematoire"
-Louis de Funes.

It lead to the biggest tantrum ever thrown. That's part of the fun.

Hi GREAT, they will be illegal but NOT FoRCED OUT, what a relief.

Hopefully, I trust their word for the rest of my life and the life of my (and their) children.

Thanks for the epiphany!

Fucking moron

>We saw what the "Trump" choice lead too.
Trump is a disaster, but he was STILL preferable to the SJW's and Saudi's choice.

She says that publicly but her sole support while president, her party, are bunch of extreme racists who will certainly force her to get them out.

No. Sanders was the least horrible choice.

je ne cherche pas ton conseil tu sais

A jew is the worst possible choice, actually.


0/10 mate

you actually suck

Judges 3 - Trump 0


And then he said "see you in court" to a Court...

To be fair, Americans are practically mud people. They are a toxic crossbreed of all the failures of three continents, with an emphasis on incompetent grifters and inbred zealots. Your sister would be better off marrying a Moroccan.

Supreme Court is full now, and leans right.

He decided to leave the USA to live in France, he's not THAT bad

I watched a bit of "Zapping Tele" and they literally had a clip of a show called "Redneck Mud Trucks". And the French presenter mentioned Trump on top of images of redneck women mud wrestling. This is how the French view Americans.

By the time this goes to the Supreme Court, Bannon will be out and Trump will have transitioned into a full neo-con warmonger.

relax goyim

And I forgot to mention Ivanka will have welcomed 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country.

As a leftist, no way I would vote for Macron. Not because of some anti-semitic conspiracies but because he represents the neoliberal politics that made FN faggots big in the first place.