Hey Sup Forums!

Hey Sup Forums!

What kind of feminazi are you?

(Sorry I know the test can seem offensive and is way to binary...)

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Forgot the test!
Here it is!

>There are only two genders
golden question


Women should have never been given the right to vote. They are man's burden, to be treated with kindness and never to be taken seriously.

Im not sure what to think.

These tests are never really that accurate, but if I had to lean towards anything it would be the traditional. Modern feminism is a disease.

jesus, what's wrong with people?


I wish I knew what all those things meant.

We're not cucks.

The horrible truth is that almost everyone is a liberal.

With the biggest exception being those that calls themselves liberals or some variant of it like feminists.
Those are 100% authoritarian fucks.

My boyfriend raped me last night, with his eyes when he made me dinner

On a scale of 1 - 10 i am 6 indoctrinated.

You are liberal because you grow up hearing American/Euro propaganda. It is normal. If you were Iranian, eskimo or post-ww1 european you'd answer very differently from white boys on Sup Forums.

Ffs it explains them literally underneath your results.

The number of authoritarian fucks that calls themselves liberals is quite big on certain specific social networks because they have nothing better than do, other than getting punched in the face.

That was dumb

These percents don't even add up to 100%

wtf do these numbers even mean?

I don't know what any of those means.
>Egalitarian chiming in.

question 39 boys. they scared

yeah I get ya, didn't read your post properly the first time. it's total fucking bullshit, almost no one is authoritarian left, right or center irl, asides from the nutcases

Very, very loud nutcases.

>mfw I'm not retarded


Can someone explain this shit? I am not a feminist or a liberal, I am politically far-right and somehow it thinks I'm a libtard.

go back to your dune, Muhammed.

kys faggots

Took the test and got this shit.

Legalize rape!

Liberal feminism is about equality between genders. You fucking shit lord, can't even hang on to your own beliefs.

>Liberal Feminism refers to feminist philosophy rooted in enlightenment principles. Its classical works were penned by thinkers such as Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill. This type of feminism holds that men and women are each other’s equals and as such deserve equal rights. It is this type of feminism that people allude to when they say “feminism just means equal rights.”

Read the wikipedia article for classical liberalism, which is closer to what this test is talking about than today's liberalism.

Sorry, but you are a liberal, the real deal, not some Marxist authoritarian fuck using "power words" to grudge more power.


Wait so it's just a fancy way of saying Egalitarian? fuck.

So I can be a euroskeptic, anti-multicultural, traditionalist reactionary odalist wanting to bring back pre-christian pagan values and still be a liberal? I'm mindfucked.

A classical liberal, to be more precise.


The first two definitively, as well, you don't want your country to be part of an non-democratic empire, and don't want sharia law zones on your country.
Now on the pagan values is a bit hard.
A true liberal want freedom of choice and expression.

Very suprised I came up with any radical %

I've almost the same as OP

This test is fucking retarded especially when I want to give an answer but embedded in that same question it says something else,
It calls me a liberal feminist second yet I'm completely against the commies with their equality of outcome

why don't males need a masculinism

what's with male sex robots?
some yaoi styled robots would be nice

wait wut?
it have as much sense as this sentence
''i slipped off on a soft rock''

i hate the word feminism, equalism is much better
there are also right males don't have

>doesn't know what binary means
This is what happens when you provide stupid people access to memes.

I am triggered, 34% radical feminist

R8 fgtss

Imagine irl robo-traps that look like 2d traps. What else could a man need amirite.

that's why we all are living her, just to hope for a future like that
now i've got horny for the future

>lots of liberal feminists also getting traditionalism

That's pretty much the Sup Forums profile.
Actual liberals with some (lot) of traditionalism in.

i'm not rly traditionalistic, i just hate made up things that have no needs if there weren't culture and religion, there are to many humans in the world, and the elites fuck off

Actual feminist here

I don't think you can actually have those four bars up, given the fact the liberal one is basically the opposite of the other three.


Why not