I need advice! How do you restore trust in a relationship?

I need advice! How do you restore trust in a relationship?

My GF found a collection of photos of ex girlfriends. Some are casual memories, but there are explicit and emotional ones too. She was trying to look for old family photos on my PC while I was afk. She is generally a very honest and trustworthy person so there wasn't any snooping intended.
She is quite the jealous type so finding and looking through these photos hit her really hard.

We've been together for 5 months.At the moment the trust between us seems broken. How do you think I should try to restore it?

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Rape her and impregnate her

I do not intend to do that.

Few things.

Firstly please don't keep pics of your ex it just makes letting go harder.

Secondly if you do have them then you should of informed that you keep pictures that may contain ex partners because of the occassions at the start of the relationship.

Now she shouldnt of gone snooping and you can bust her for that all you like. If shes gonna snoop your PC shes gonna snoop your phone.

Finally at 5 months honestly you guys still have the rose tinted glasses on, take it on the chin for this one and move on. Chances are if the trust this early is gone you'll never get it back .

>Buy and encrypt flash drive
>Put n00ds on said drive
>Make emotional point of deleting all of them in front of her and make bullshit promise about not doing it again


As in delete the ones on PC, not the backed up ones.

Happy days.

From the 2nd month on, it has only been getting better and better. From the 4th month on we've been deep in love and getting better in our relationship: We communicate very well, have the same values and similar plans ahead. We share interests and generally get on very well even in the small things. I do not want to end this by intent. I love her and she loves me so I do not want to throw it away, I want to solve it, and only if I can't by any means - end it.

how about saying the truth if you want real trust and admitting youre asking faggots for advice on your realationship

alternativeley (spelling?) kill yourself

>I love her she loves me

Dude it's been a few months. Wait till the lust wears off in 3 years and see where ur at

We shared our feelings about it and I deleted them afterwards. She did not break up with me, we even slept in the same bed after it happened, it's just that it doesn't feel the same since.

double dubs checked.

right now your screwed. shes upset and doesnt wanna hear any bs right now.

put your shit on a flashdrive and tell her you deleted all the pics. you forgot they were hidden on your comp (assuming you did try to hide them) and tell her your so very sorry for hurting her feelings. you just forgot to "delete" them.

buy her flowers. works better than u think...

hide your porn better nxt time too

I need to see these pics before I can advise you.

J/K...you restore trust by extending it. Tell her that her snooping hurt you because you have a right to privacy. Let her know that if she has suspicions, she can ask and you will answer honestly. The golden rule for relationships is "Is this how one adult should treat another." She failed that test. Forgive her and ask her not to do it again. If she can't help herself, then end the relationship.

after trust is broken you have to build it back up..
trust is earned. keep showering her with gifts and take her on some dates. make her feel special. this is gonna cost you $$$ bro but she will trust u.

keep saying u love her and give affection

Be a man! Tell her you will store anything you want, including all your ex girlfriend photos, because this is your history and if she don't respect that, you will leave her because she isn't a real woman and is not mature enough.

I used to do this "be-a-man" thing. It helped me to get pussy back then when I was still a virgin. But since that I almost always regretted forcing masculinity. I found that if I am just generally trying to be a better persen, I would come out with much better communication and much less hussle. She loves me the way I am and we are trying to be as honest with each other as possible. I will not blame her for this, because I know she didn't mean it the way it had turned out

I know what your saying. But this is the hardest way. You can act as a jealous person, dramatically, to show her this isn't the right way to act as a person and then have a serious conversation about relationship an respect. Believe me... This works. But is time and energy consuming. Later she will do it again... There's no real equal respectful relationship. One must be the boss, period (you or she).

Just say you forgot you had them

This is very interesting information. Is this stuff based? (well recognized book, research, psychology knowledge, etc.)

This is really stupid advice. Relationships are not about control, but communication and cooperation.

Just talk to her about the situation. Explain what those photos meant to you and that they don't have any impact on your feelings for her

this guy :P

There is some e-books (only in Portuguese) of someone called Nessahan Alita. No one knows really who he or she is. Another great book is "The Manipulated Man" by Esther Vilar (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Manipulated_Man).

It will take a while, man. It happened to me once, something kinda different, but she was pretty hurt and pissed. Took almost a month for things to get a litte better. Then it was baby steps. We're fine today.

@ OP as a girl and a generally very jealous person, my advice: compliment her more than usual, make her feel appreciated and loved. It sounds like you've already talked this through with her so there's no need to really dwell on what happened, but now you should make an effort to be more affectionate and helpful than usual. If you live together, do the dishes or vacuum or cook dinner without being asked. Give her a shoulder rub and hug her more than you normally would. You don't need to like, buy her flowers or gifts or anything. Just be more attentive than you usually would be and things should resolve themselves. Good luck!

>5 months
Literally nothing of value was lost

Also please don't listen to any of these people telling you to be more assertive or masculine or complain about her invading your privacy. This would piss me the fuck off and I would probably shut down the conversation immediately.

This is a good advice.

You can't fix what was never there. If she can't get over you having memories you're probably better off without her.

Also don't keep dirty stuff without putting a password on it, you dumbass.

Yeah. Just be a mangina like The 40 Year-Old Virgin.