Why is it that Conservatives on average score 20pts higher on IQ tests compared to Liberals...

Why is it that Conservatives on average score 20pts higher on IQ tests compared to Liberals? Is it because there are so many Leftist blacks and muslims dragging the score down or are Liberals really just that stupid?

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A constitutional originalist? So you support Prohibition?

The true equalizer is death --- you will die someday.

Do you not see that your life is pointless and existance devoid of any true meaning.

> socialist suck

Enjoy those roads, cops, military among so many others?


Classic Leftist, you want America to be overrun by rapefugees.


Source on that
Everything is showing in the exact opposite direction

Hillary voter! lol

Because smart people don't give a fuck about IQ tests.

We're just smarter


That's not what that means. It means you follow the Constitution as it was written, not how some judge or congressman feels it should be applied


That's not socialism that's legitimate government function


This. We are all just waiting in line to die.

So the judgment of a collection of traitors and slaveowners holds up 250 years later, in a world with automatic weapons, worldwide communication, and social equality? It doesn't need to be updated at the all?


Socialist programs numb nuts --- paid for by tax payers

Against what?

>I support state's rights and a limited fed government
>I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman
>I support states rights
>conservifag wants small government, but wants big government so as to enforce hetero marriage, doesn't want to let states decide
>conservifag is a hypocrite as always

Liberals are just as cucked.

Personally I find abortion to be the one issue where both sides are equally merited. It's a deeply complicated issue that ultimately doesn't affect me. So I really don't have a strong opinion about it.


" the IQs of young adults who described themselves as "very liberal" averaged 106.42, whereas the mean of those who identified as "very conservative" was 94.82"

"In 2012, a paper reported that people endorse more conservative views when drunk or under cognitive pressure; it concluded that "political conservatism may be a process consequence of low-effort thought."

slaves are sick tho, if i could get into slavers, fuck yeah i would, i'd get slaves to slave the slaves. i'd never need a job, i'd just be shitposting Sup Forums all day while the slaves bring home the bread.

shut up libcuck. I would rather have a snow leopard $1200 AR-15 to shoot fags than decent healthcare and infrastructure and jobs.


he released his taxes as a troll, "leaked" them to some journalist and they got rekt when they were legit.

You will if you knock someone up.

how the hell do you know what some crusty old fag in the 1700s was thinking? you don't. I mean, i'm more or less center-right, but originalism is just fucking stupid.


It's awesome when conservaturds can't get this point across their head. That guy doesn't even realize he's just called a form of socialism "Legitimate government functioning"

>implies someone would have op's child

>made up statistic

>thinks iq is a legitimate measure of intelligence

>thinks liberals are leftists

so government taking care of its citizens is socialist?

Slaves would be retardedly expensive. You gotta feed them, clothe them, house them, take care of them, pay someone to watch them. It would cost as much as raising a child their entire adult life.

Just give a Mexican $50 to pick your cotton.


you know what sucks about americans? they all have opinions. most americans are stupid and don't know about anything they have opinions about anyway. pro-life fags don't fucking know shit about fetuses or abortion, but they oppose it. redneck pro-gunners can't spell gun anyway, but they love them. climate change deniers think they're climate experts, but can't separate weather and climate.

you all suck

Trips of truth


check em


Shit tier b8

Everyone knows the average Trump voter has the IQ of a nigger

That's a lot of words to say "I'm an asshole".

Zogby analysis of economic knowledge
>Conservatives had a better understanding of both basic and advanced economic concepts
Pew Research analysis, repeated every other year for 15 years
>Conservatives are better informed and more knowledgeable about: geography; history; world leaders; public policy; current events; international events; science (yes, really); cybersecurity; crime statistics; terrorism statistics; health care information; and pricing.
That isn't in isolation: survey after study after review finds Conservatives much more knowledgeable about the world than Liberals.

>"Socialism (...) may refer to forms of public, collective, or cooperative ownership"
Almost by definition, yeah

lol, guess id rather be socialist then. sorry.

I don't have time to cherry pick studies against your claims, but I can say, in promptu, that red states are poorer and less educated. And I remember a study finding that conservatives were more likely to believe in conspiracy theories and other things that weren't factual

What's really important is to differentiate being Socialist (with a capital "C") (Which is, at it's worst, just one step removed from communism) from believing in socialist programs (Like cops, firemen, and, in the rest of the first world countries, public healthcare)

A capital "S", my bad

>study conducted in the us about education

winning the special olympics doesn't mean much user. us liberals (both democrats and republicans) are extremely uneducated.

Truth and facts are ''extreme'' for Libtards. They prefer world of illusion

just doesn't have the same ring as "libtards"

>climate change denier
>evolution denier
>thinks facts are with him


It flows more naturally, you don't have to stop between the "b" and the "t"

>I don't have time to cherry pick studies
At least you admit to cherry picking
> red states are poorer and less educated
The overwhelming majority of High School dropouts vote Democratic Party. This is so well-documented it isn't even commented on anymore.
The majority of people with 4 year college degrees vote Republican Party. Also well-documented.
The 'edge' on education comes from the fact that many teachers and social workers
A) get master's
B) are in unions and vote Liberal
C) live in urban areas
So urban areas, packed with HS dropouts and Liberal social workers and teachers, drag some states Blue.
Big deal. It doesn't mean that Libs *know more* that Cons, does it?
>Please note - I am not even an American!

As a non-American looking in from the outside. I am pleased to see someone acknowledging that the Republicans and Democrats of America are just different flavors of Liberal

Leftists, Muslims, Jews, Niggers, stop letting them walk all over our rights! ARM YOURSELF!


You mean traitors to a tyrannical government in England?

that's because most Conservatives are highly religious, the trends on highly religious groups tend to have lower IQs

>IQ tests



i'm not an american kek

dumb ass americans don't even realize republicans and liberals are cms away on the political spectrum

Yeah, they're both different flavours of right wing.

>At least you admit to cherry picking
I see you are not familiar with debating, I was stating that you were cherry picking and I had no intention to do that
>Education differences are due to teachers and social workers
That's so deep into right-wing talking points, I'm impressed. I doubt teachers and social workers are such a huge percent of the educated population that they bias the data.
Big cities (Which are very liberal) tend to accumulate higher IQ, higher levels of education and a better understanding of the world.
>Please note that I am, also, not american.

[citation needed]

All I've seen when researching correlations of IQ and political affiliation is studies that suggest that left-wingers on average score higher than right-wingers, although there are many of them and some suggest that right-libertarians are actually the smartest. Either way, I've never seen anything which implies that establishmentarian social conservatives are more intelligent, and definitely not by 20 points. If you would provide a link to the study from which you're drawing that information that'd be great.


The vanguard of the American Revolution were the Sons of Liberty
>They beat up, tarred and feather (which was sometimes fatal) or lynched crown officers for enforcing laws like paying fines for convictions
Americans drank a lot of tea and paid very high prices for very low quality tea brought in by smugglers. The guy called King of Smugglers was made fabulously wealthy by this. When the UK figured out how to combine all taxes into a tea tax and still deliver high quality tea to the colonies at prices LOWER than the smuggling rate John Hancock called it tyranny. The King of Smugglers paid a bunch of the Sons of Liberty to throw the tea into the sea to protect his illegal profits.
The name of the King of Smugglers?
John Hancock.
The man he paid to protect his criminal enterprise?
Sam Adams.
Crooks, thieves, and traitors

Classic Republicans, keeping us at war since 2002.

Democrats and Republicans are both Liberal by definition

Trump's program includes 5000 billion dollars of spendings in infrastructure
> mfw "limited federal government"
> mfw "Obama's unwarranted spending"

Nah they're not. They're centre right and far centre right by definition

The cold hard reality is that there have been numerous university studies that have all concluded that those who identify as "liberal" tend to have a 20 to 30 percent higher IQ than those who identify as conservative. The National IQ map would also indicate that this is true, because the BLUE states all have higher IQ averages than the RED states.

Also conservative media is being exposed for what they really are. Fox has lost Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes, and Megyn Kelly. Sean Hannity is now under fire as well as Tucker Carlson.

Conservatives are mostly white trash.

Nope, literally no replies. I guess we just don't care about truth anymore.

there's no such thing as center. they're both neoliberal, one is social liberal and the other conservative liberal, but still liberal

> 3 parentheticals in one sentence

>20-30 points higher
I find that very hard to believe.

You seem to be under the impression that you can have an intellectual debate in Sup Forums, I'm so sorry

Both sides have a lot of dummies, but the left actively targets the urban poor and the young barely educated.

They're only economically liberal. The consveratives are socially conservative.

Why is it that classically liberal score higher than both conservatives and progressive liberals? The question is rhetorical, I'm classically liberal so I already know

nice bait, everyone knows that conservatism is a mental disability, stop trying to pretend you are handicapped, its fucked up

Which of the 20 definitions of alt right are you using today?

>whos the liar

The March issue of the peer-reviewed Social Psychology Quarterly, a journal of the American Sociological Association, contained an article entitled "Why Liberals and Atheists are More Intelligent." Though it certainly caused some outrage, the investigator collected some statistically significant IQ evidence that supported his theory.

This sounds fake af, OP. Jews are all leftists and they have the highest IQ scores so try this theory out again

>I see you are not familiar with debating
Familiar enough that I named sources, right?
What gave you done?
Stamped your little feet.
>That's so deep into right-wing talking points
It is simply a fact borne out by statistics. The US Census and the CNN exit polls confirm all this over and over independently using different methodologies.
>I doubt teachers and social workers are such a huge percent of the educated population that they bias the data.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics about 26% of ALL master's degrees are in education and social work.
>Big cities (Which are very liberal) tend to [unsupported opinion follows]
Well, you were wrong about the percentage of Master's degrees, haven't bothered to look up a single thing, and think "just sayin's stuff is debatin'"
So I am going out on a limb and guessing you're a typical ignorant Liberal

-I am pro life
-I am pro gun

I like giving examples but keeping the sentences tidy, so I sweep the ugly additions to the message into a little space between curved lines

Asians have higher IQ averages than Jews. They are also higher than whites.

>Democrats control the White House and Congress for years
>Liberals blame the ongoing war on Republicans


>Why is it that Conservatives on average score 20pts higher on IQ tests compared to Liberals?
They don't. They actually on average score 30-40 points below liberals.
> Is it because there are so many Leftist blacks and muslims dragging the score down or are Liberals really just that stupid?
Niggers are socially liberal and mentally conservative. Muslims are the most conservative group on the planet.

"All life is precious unless it steps on my lawn!" -common conservative retard

u r that proud of your 30 IQ?


Protip: Less than 1% of those who identify as conservative have an IQ greater than 99.

Please. Anything to the left of Hitler is 'Liberal' according to Americans. They're so used to being fed different flavours of right wing politics that they won't accept anything else, for fear of being branded a 'Commie'.

This has changed. It has to do eith whos einning. Liberals believe the putin puppet conspiracy and other nonsense now

>pulls statistic out of his ass
>use it to reinforce his racism
>actually trying to look smart

Seems like your pathethic attempt to not look like Barron have backfired you.
A little reference to help your tears roll out: dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2095549/Right-wingers-intelligent-left-wingers-says-controversial-study--conservative-politics-lead-people-racist.html