Anyone have the video?

Anyone have the video?

Other urls found in this thread:

what is this?

Thai man kills baby and then self on video(s)...

Sounds like potential to be the most fucked up thing ive seen....then again its probably shit quality and not filmed well

DD still holds 1st place

At least he didn't orphan the child

you implying getting killed is better that being an orphan?

The video is on

Pretty fucking sad and sickening tbh

It is shit quality
Not bad at all


watching the video right now
lemme finish it

Tell me, be honest, how fucked up is it?
I can tolerate a lot, but I have my doubts when it comes to a baby being a part of it.



shame there isn't a Hell for him to go to.

what do i search for on that site

Just don't watch it. It is very disturbing.

Sociopath detected

Disturbing. You have been warned.

I came so hard

What makes you say that?

I say that because It is a shame that this imaginary place doesn't actually exist. He should have terrible things done to him for that but he got the easy way out.

Looks like he pissies out on the video so what he stopped pulls himself and the kid up then drops then again? Something doesn't seem to add up right with the 2 videos on the best gore page

just use best gore it has every rekt/gore vid/photo

meh. I've seen worse. Just another day on the internet fam

Dude not to be edgy or anything I don't even like gore shit but this is the less disturbing thing i'v ever seen on /b .

maybe he was mentally ill though and was not fully in control of his actions

He was getting back at his cheating wife who left him.

Really? You feel nothing at the sight of seeing an 11 month old child playing on her father's lap moments before being hanged by him? You feel nothing at her cries of pain after he lowers her down the wall?

What's wrong with you people?

The face of that Asian scares me

Aint nobody got time fo dat. If I felt anything for this or much of anything else. Life would be one big feel trip. Real life events are the only thing that are even capable of touching my soul.

the reverse edge on this


>maybe he was mentally ill though and was not fully in control of his actions

yeah and what he did seems a bit extreme don't you think, maybe because he had a mental illness

Why do people even make posts like this? Go get some professional help.. Really!

Mental illness doesn't make you blind, my man. Maybe they're the main cause for these actions but I still wouldn't say that he died of a mental illness. He did a murder suicide that was mainly induced by mental illness.

Because we need new fap material

lol. Not in control of his actions? BAHAHAHAHAHA! do you have autism?

when did i say he didn't die from a murder suicide?

im saying we shouldn't crucify him like he's evil just yet because yes his actions might have been largely induced by a mental illness

I felt nothing

fully in control, obviously he can control his body if that's where you're getting at

anyways have you never heard of pychosis-induced actions?

Learned a new word here at Sup Forums aww how cute.

(Not original, but cute.)

Oh and folks can become passionately angry and lose control, use drink or drug, or just be bloody fucking insane.

Now go hell.

Yeah! Go hell! Go hell right now!!!


haha go hell

and the fucking link?

why don't you read the thread before demanding shit like a retard?



as a sad old man, i really wish i had been aborted rather than left to live my shit life


so tame, can we get the reverse angle?

Tame, I expected much worse really. I sound like a prick, but there it is.

I expected worse but I still think this killed the last bit of faith I had in humanity, since I'm raising my three year old brother on my own at 20.
Those cries will haunt me.


>has clearly never seen severe mental illness
>case in point Twitter PTSD
>you will never know their pain