If there is no God, then why does Dakota Fanning have a tight butt hole????

If there is no God, then why does Dakota Fanning have a tight butt hole????

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otherwise shit would be everywhere

But it's extra tight son, why???

Because I haven't shoved my penis in it yet


Dakota Fanning's butthole and God are very similar in concept. You've never seen it and you can't prove its real, so for all intents and purposes it doesn't exist.

She isn't sexy anymore.

Was really hot in Charlie and the chocolate factory.

But can you prove that I can't prove it?How do you KNOW I haven't seen it before?


Can't tell if you're being funny or actually dumb

Refer to the navi seal copypasta for my response as i can't be bothered to Google it.

I also meant Charlotte's Web, how dumb of me.

I would still fuck her, she's still hot

she's never looked more beautiful than she did here, and i get so mad when I think of how she lived in LA, and probably had her asshole and pussy licked and pounded by blacks and hispanics.

Rumor has it that she's been fucking this guy

The guy from men in black 3?

Whatever floats her boat.

idc how fat or ugly he is. just don't be indian, black hispanic, or filipino.

Pshh. Little sister likes to have fun

that doesn't tear at the edges of my soul, I never liked Elle. I mean its disgusting that a white woman does that, but you are going to have to do a lot better than that. I actually dislike hispanics more. black guys are only bad if they are blatantly criminals.

any girl that fucks a beaner is basically dead to me.

He looks like a mix of all those you listed, KEK

So sandnigger is OK in your book? And how are beaners any worse?

don't really care if a girl fucks an arab. never really hated muslims that much.

and beaners are the absolute worst. blacks can be noble if given a chance

ie 1950s era blacks. its only the environment of africa and welfare that makes blacks bad.

i can't even really explain why I hate them so much. maybe because they all have that smug look on their faces while they invade our country while not contributing anything worthwhile to it aside from manual labor, if even.

u must be some new kind of stupid are you?

There's a good chance he's beaner

Right, and what are the Mexicans coming in here doing? What percentage of them are doctors, engineers, or scientists? I can at least justify Indian-Americans, even if I find them fucking white girls gross.

she might as well be dead to me if he is btw. I am going to pretend he's just a swarthy Irishman. He was definitely fucking her in her best days.


>What percentage of them are doctors, engineers, or scientists?

When he was younger

He's got some beamer in him, you know it HAHAHA!

right and considering only 13 percent of them have a bachelors or higher that are over 25, I'm going to assume that number is very low compared to whites.

never wrote mexicans were better, like asians are better than whites, just saying if you are going to trash an entire country at least educate yourself before writing things you don't know, cunt.

"Hey Dakota, ready for more Filipino dik?