Too manly for you /b?

too manly for you /b?


Who might this be? Cutest face.

More like too cute for me

B-but user! I'm confused.

Any more? So help me god if there's a cock I'm gonna cry

she is cute

If there's a cock, I'm sucking it. That face is too cute to not pleasure.

Hell with a face like that I wouldn't care if there's a cock involved. Post more!

lets see its tits and I will decide


it's obviously a girl guys ;)

There's a space where you can write words about what the fuck your posting if you need it.

Dubs of truth, I still don't buy it.

I kind of don't want it to be.

yeah let me just type that in, comrade

Okay cool cause without it it's almost like I'm staring at a screenshot of a google search in Russian and have no idea what the fuck it's supposed to be.

me too, Dalton

it's a google search of an image, user.

You're welcome


Wow that's so cute