Have a date with a 10/10 and not sure what to think. She works out and takes karate, I'm super thin...

Have a date with a 10/10 and not sure what to think. She works out and takes karate, I'm super thin, rarely getting more exercise then moving the mouse. Even in shape, I'd be at best a 6/10. She says I'm smart and funny. (Don't know about funny, but recent IQ pegs me over 150.) Could this be real? How can I know if I'm just being punked?
Found this pic online, not her but close enough


Quit being a pussy, maybe you're getting punked, maybe not, gotta go for that ass tho....

Self doubt will cripple you. Go out with her and exude confidence without overdoing it, ask her all about herself (girls love talking about themselves), and fight to keep the internal awkwardness/ autism at bay.

Also, don't ever share your IQ score. That's considered poor taste. But this is Sup Forums so you get a pass.

>Recent IQ puts me over 150

Low quality b8.


GO FOR THE ASS and don't be autistic!

I fucked a female competitive bodybuilder years ago. The sex was great - she was so horny from some supplements her pussy juice was literally dripping out of her. I just laid there while she did all of the work.

The only thing I didn't like was that she smelled like a man. I don't mean b.o., but instead more like a pheromone thing at the back of my throat.

Maybe it just depends how she sees you. You might be her type even if you're not conventionally handsome.

Maybe she's not as hot as you think she is. I wouldn't call the girl you posted a 10 but if you think she is that's all that matters.

You got lucky which is what would entail u to get his far not some fantasy setting of getting all women u want. You lucky man appreciate your luck. She likes you.

Forgot to mention, but she said she prefers normal looking guys. Guys that are a little overweight and not muscled.

If you have a 150+ IQ why not figure out if it's real by yourself, obviously you have more information than any of us and are probably more intelligent so what are you doing here?

Nice demon trips, but she didn't say that, and why are you pretending to be me?

But I am going for it. I'll post results on Sunday.

Is she works out and take karate there is absolutely no way she likes 'normal' looking guys over toned/athletic

You're being catfished you fucking dunce

take it at face value and ride it where it goes.

if its real, you've got a tight ass to play with.
if its fake, then try and get your end in anyway.

life it too short to worry about what others think of you. just do it!

Unfortunately, intelligence by score is meaningless when it comes to life. I'm great at math and reading, not so much with life.

I'm talking about the bodybuilder I fucked. She prefers normal guys.

My apologies, I thought that was directed at original post.

What does she look like? Post a pic

Also, stop worrying about how you look in comparison to her. If she meant what she said to you then just go on a date with her and enjoy the night out. You're not marrying her, just getting to know her

>claims to have iq over 150
>claims to be great at reading
>fails at simple reading comprehension

Yes, saw the irony as I posted a response.
Wish I had not mentioned IQ in original post, as all it really means is that I'm 'school' smart. In all honesty it is pretty meaningless anywhere else.

ay my best friend started dating a 10/10 karate girl.
now he's fucking her.
go for it. the fact that she agreed to date you should be enough to boost your selfesteem on cocaine level, be yourself and smash that puss Sup Forumsro

forgot to mention he's also thin, not very handsome hand smart.

You've never taken a real, formal IQ test before. I doubt you're a 150

Don't test her karate skills. Otherwise what could possibly go wrong?

Dude, this kinda stuff is silly. As long as you can fuck good and eat good, that's all that matters. Literally.

> but freeiqtest.com

fuck off faggot

This was a formal test, given at uni for a nominal fee. It included a bunch of small tests one after the other, but did not include the one on one sessions with a psychologist.
So it may not have been the most accurate, but certainly better then an online test.

recent iq pegs you over 150. you can do shit with 150 i's and q's. and mr i wanna be smart so im gonna tell the internet, u obviously havent picked up shit regarding social interaction or ud know what to do with this slut. theres probably 3 of us on here that can give u legit advice but ur a beta and u shoulda stay a beta, it's safe op. cuck.

call it off. you will embarrass yourself to the point of never leaving the house again

Unless you are rich.

you aren't being punked. you are probably just a funny, nice guy and she picked up on that immediately.

I've been in a similar situation and my best advice to you is to make sure you don't let her figure out you know she's out of your league. Never act more into her than she is into you. that's what fucked up my last relationship that fits this description

you sound like you have no self confidence so you're fucked, OP.
please be sure to start a thread tomorrow where you greentext how you spilled your spaghetti during the date.

I don't think that should be the case, IQ tests pattern spotting and problem solving which is essentially the basis of social interaction. You should be great at talking to this chick and understanding what she's thinking, unless your freaky IQ comes with autism side effects like it often does